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diacope 2

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Posts posted by diacope 2

  1. The Riga rookies have had a rather disappointing season to this point. At the beginning there were even hopes that one of them would win the rookie of the year award. That did not even come remotely close to happening. Leading the charge was Alexandre Leduc with 26 goals and 30 assists. Despite leading Riga, he is still 14 points out of even 10th place on the rookie points leaderboard. 10 points behind Leduc was Biggie Cheese with 14 goals and 33 assists. Cheese has at least been responsible defensively as he is 2nd in blocked shots, 2nd in +/- and third in hits on Riga. Yun Chiang currently has 15 goals and 19 assists. His season is arguably the most disappointing, since he tore the VHLE to shreds last season, and he did the same thing the previous season in the VHLM. Hopefully next season has something better in store for the trio.

  2. Game 535: Helsinki Titans vs. Chicago Phoenix 

    A backup game for both teams that went about as poorly as it could have for Helsinki. At just 18:37 of the first period Xavier Booberry entered the game as Helsinki’s bot backup was pulled. He allowed 3 goals on 15 shots. Helsinki scored a single goal in the first and it ended 3-1. In the second Chicago once again opened the scoring, but Booberry stopping the bleeding there and allowed nothing past him the rest of the game. Helsinki responded with a goal in the late second and one early in the third, but Chicago held on to take it 4-3 in just their sixth win of the season.


    Game 542: London United vs. Malmo Nighthawks 

    London and Malmo faced off in a game that didn’t mean much for playoff implications on London’s end, as they look like a lock for first. However, Malmo is still fighting for a wildcard spot. They are currently in 4th but Moscow and Warsaw remain within 2 points of them. To open the scoring London scored 5 straight goals, with Malmo unable to respond until a little over halfway through the second period. Heading into the third period with a 5-1 lead, the United pulled a Toronto Maple Leafs and Malmo came roaring back with 4 straight goals to tie it. It was all for nothing however as Juice Box scored for London in the late third and the London United took it 6-5 in regulation.

  3. 1. Looks like playoffs are in the horizon for us - how are you getting yourself ready for the first round? I'm trying to figure out how the new attributes work.

    2. The season is almost over - how would you rate your players year out of 10 and why? 4/10, it's been pretty forgettable.

    3.  What has been your favorite moment of the season? Any big games for your plater? I think I got third star in one game. Don't remember which one.

    4.  If Riga wins, should we retire Alex Johnston's number? We just acquired him, I think a number retirement warrants a longer career than 18 games.

    5.  Do you miss Cabe McJake? Nah, redsus was not a very good person.

    6. How are you dealing with winter - are you over it yet? I don't mind it. I wish it would either stay cold or warm up instead of going back and forth though.

  4. This was a game that Mississauga did not expect to have much chance due to facing the third place Houston Bulls, but they did not expect to lose so embarrassingly. After the first period ended, Houston had scored seven goals already. Scotty Sundin had a natural hat trick in the period. From there Houston was able to coast to victory. They added a pair of goals in the second period, as well as another two in the third period. The final score: 11-0. Hammar Voss had a collection of points on the night with a hat trick and an additional five assists to go along with it. Luca Accardi had a goal and four assists. As mentioned before, Sundin had a hat trick and two assists. A total of seven Bull’s players had two or more points in the game. For Houston this game was further verification of their dominance this season. For Mississauga, this season could not end quicker.

  5. Game 402: Moscow Menace vs. Prague Phantoms 

    This was a game with pretty big playoff implications as both teams are hovering around that final playoff spot to avoid the wildcard round. Prague started out strong with two goals in the first period, and added another pair of goals in the second to make it 4-0. After a scoreless third period that’s how the score would stand and Prague took this contest. If Moscow were to win they would currently be in Prague’s second place spot instead. As it stands right now the Menace would face the wildcard. A big factor in this match was Prague’s goaltender David Davis who stopped 41 of 41 shots to record the shutout.


    Game 413: Vancouver Wolves vs. Seattle Bears 

    Another big game for playoff implications. Seattle is currently battling for that third and final spot to avoid the wildcard round and Vancouver is battling for first place in North America. Seattle opened the scoring with 3 goals in the 1ss. The 2nd period was effectively a draw, with the two teams splitting the scoring at 2 goals apiece. Vancouver battled back in the 3rd to send the game to overtime, however. Sigard Petrenko scored the game winner for Seattle in overtime and had a big night overall, with 2 goals and an assist. Seattle took this one 6-5 in overtime.

  6. 3 hours ago, kelvi said:

    1. I missed last weeks presser and I'm catching up myself - how is everyone feeling about this season?

    2. We just made a big acquisition in getting Alex Johnston from Helsinki, what's your thoughts on that?

    3.  We have less than 20 games less - what's the main thing we need to focus with the playoff race so close?

    4.  If Riga wins, should we retire Battre Sandstrom's number?

    5.  Who is having the most surprising season in the NHL 

    6. Do you play any video games? If so, what are you typically playing now?

    1. My player sucks but the team seems to be doing well. That's good.

    2. Actually didn't notice we got him until I saw he played 4 games on our team scoring page. Seems like a hefty price, hope it was worth it.

    3. Playing better defensively. Our goalie has struggled a bit this season and it would be good to help him out.
    4. I don't think he's played enough with Riga to warrant a jersey retirement; this is his first season with the team. I'm not sure he's retiring this season either.

    5. Probably the Canadiens. I don't think anyone expected them to be this bad.

    6. I do, and I'd say I have been too much lately. I've played a lot of project zomboid lately.

  7. Game 296: Chicago Phoenix vs. Los Angeles Stars


    This game was about as one sided as it can get. Vick Fairchild opened the scoring for Los Angeles in the first, followed by 4 straight goals by A.J. Williams. Chicago was able to put two goals on the board in the third period, but goals by Florida Man in the second and third made the final score of the game 7-2. The Star’s goaltender Trent Gibson saved 35 out of 37 shots for a 0.946 save percentage. Despite allowing 7 goals Chiago’s bot goaltender had a save percentage of .900, due to having 70 shots on net.


    Game 297: Helsinki Titans vs. London United 

    Another matchup that was not a very close affair from start to finish. London and Helsinki got most of their goals out of the way in the first period. It was 4-2 after the first 20 minutes of play. At 4:45 in the 2nd London’s Matt Avens instigated a fight with Magnus Verlander and they fought to a draw. Avens was ejected from the game for his actions. It is not something seen often from him, as he is a promising rookie and favorite for the Stolzschweiger Trophy. In the final 40 minutes London would outscore Helsinki 2-1, and the final score was 6-3.


  8. 1. Riga is in a bit of a slump after a strong start, are you concerned? A little bit. We've had a lack of offense lately.

    2. Did you do trivia last week, if so, did you have much trouble finding the answers? I tried it but got both of the questions wrong.

    3.  Anze Miklavz is having a disappointing start for the team captain, what do you think he needs to work on? His offense. He's 6th on the team in scoring and many expected him to be among the top.

    4.  Who is your early Brett Slobodzian trophy candidate so far? I'd put Dan Dan at this point. Insane amount of points.

    5.  Who do you think will win the Hart trophy this year in the NHL? Connor McDavid most likely. Who else would it be.

    6. Were you satisfied with the result of the Superbowl? I was satisfied. It was great to see Stafford finally make it there and win.

  9. Riga is still holding onto second place in the very competitive European conference with 33 points, only trailing behind the London United who have found great chemistry with their very young squad. Isau DaMoose and Battre Sandstrom are still leading the way, but Nils Tallinder has also been a key factor towards Riga’s success. Tallinder and DaMoose lead the Reign with 39 points, while Sandstrom has 38. While Tobias Reinhart’s save percentage has been less than ideal so far (outside the top 10), his goals against average is about league average. This points to the Reign defense performing quite well so far to this point. Of the Riga rookies Alexandre Leduc is leading the way with 24 points. He is trailed by Biggie Cheese with 21 points, and Yun Chiang with 19. The newcomer and free agent signing Mikey Markov has been unexpectedly good for the Reign. Despite being on the 2nd pair he is 4th in points, trailing only the big three of tallinder, Sandstrom and DaMoose.

  10. Game 194 Moscow vs D.C.

    This was a game that D.C. was never really in, with Moscow opening up the scoring with 3 unanswered goals in the first. By the end of the 2nd period the score was 5-1 for Moscow. D.C. managed to add two goals in the third, but ultimately failed to give Moscow much of a challenge. Duncan Idaho had a field day for Moscow, registering 1 goal and 3 assists. D.C. 's Barry Taffe was pulled from the game halfway through the 2nd and was responsible for all 5 of their goals against.


    Game 208 Chicago vs Prague

    Chicago is on a mission to win the draft lottery this season and this game was another step in the right direction. Prague opened up the first with 4 goals and coasted from there for a 6-1 win. Asher Reinhart was dominant, with 4 goals and an assist for 5 points on the night. The shots were a staggering 83 to 23 in favor of Prague. Chicago's bot goalie performed well in that sense. He had a 0.928 save percentage despite allowing 6 goals.


  11. 1 hour ago, Shindigs said:

    I mean fair, but it's not really "good" that you have something that people could get quite a boost from. But either don't realize they exist, or just don't want to do them. Sure pure clickers not doing it is a no-brainer. But when you have people who do a solid 10+ TPE a week not do it, or only bothering doing one of them. Then maybe it's a sign that they could use a bit of polish?


    That's not my main worry though, it's how little is happening in the MS and .com sections of late.

    I don't even want to do them haha. I have a junior review I haven't done yet and it's my third season in the league

  12. On 2/5/2022 at 12:50 PM, Ledge said:

    How about we ban this stupid fucking yam gif


    Every time it is posted in genchat one subspecies of yam goes extinct

    Before I begin my actual comment, I would like to apologize in advance for my inadequate level of English proficiency. I am not a native speaker of the world's current lingua franca which unfortunately leads to me making numerous embarrassing mistakes being made whenever I attempt to communicate using this language. Whenever I am reminded of how I lack the ability to convey my thoughts in an eloquent manner, I feel as though I have committed a cardinal sin, as though every English teacher in the world is simultaneously shaking their head and sighing due to how utterly disappointed they are at me.


    Although I know that saying sorry to those of you who are reading my comment will not change the fact that I fail miserably to write and speak perfect English, I am writing this as a way to deter a certain type of people who cannot stand poor English (Also known informally as Grammar Nazis) from mocking me by posting unwanted and unnecessary comments detailing my every blunder. In my humble opinion, making grammatical errors should be perfectly acceptable as native speakers should not expect non-native speakers to be able to communicate in their second or third languages eloquently. If you are able to completely understand what the other person wrote, is there really a problem with what they've written? No, because the entire concept of communication is the exchange of information between other intelligent beings, which means that no matter how the exchange of information is made, as long as the information is accurately shared there is not a fundamental issue with their ability to communicate. To see it in another way, remember that someone who isn't fluent in English is fluent in another language. When you think about it this way, isn't it impressive for someone to speak a second language in any capacity? Having empathy and respect are qualities that are sorely missing for far too many people these days, especially on the internet.


    That being said, I am aware that not all netizens who correct others are doing it to ridicule and shame. There are some who do so with the intent to help others improve and grow. However, displaying the failures of other people publicly will cause the person who is criticized to feel negative emotions such as shame and sadness due to the fact that their mistake has been made obvious which severely undermines the point they were trying to make in spite of their unfamiliarity with the English language. In most circumstances people are not looking for language help when they post anything online. Most people just want to enjoy themselves and have a good time on the internet which is why I would not encourage correcting other people regardless of your intentions. If you really do want to help others with their spelling or grammar, I would highly recommend you to help via messaging privately because not only will you not embarrass anyone, you can also go more in-depth with your explanation which I'm sure the other person will greatly appreciate if they want help, but I digress. I know that I've written a bit of an essay, but I hope I've made my points clear.


    Anyways, here is the comment I wanted to make:


    no u

  13. 1. How is your player doing 12 games in? Pretty average in my opinion. 

    2. This is the hottest start we've had in a few seasons, what do you think is the main difference so far? Sandstrom and DaMoose have been on fire, I think that's the difference maker.

    3. Vancouver are 10-1, do you think the meta dragon will be slain this year? I sure hope so.

    4.  What's your favorite Olympic sport that isn't Ice Hockey - and if you don't watch at all, which one would you choose if you were forced to watch? I don't know to be honest. I don't mind the odd soccer game. I watched Canada win gold in the women's soccer last Olympics.

    5.  Who is your Mount Rushmore of sports athletes? (I.e. mine is Brady, Tiger, Lebron, Wayne) Brady, Jordan, Gretzky, Ruth

    6. Is Discord over moderated? Yeah, I am trying to spend less time on there lately.

  14. Game 93: Chicago Phoenix vs. New York Americans

    This was the second match between these two bottom dwelling conference rivals. The goal of these games is not to win, as these 2 teams want to lose for better lotto picks. Chicago took home the first important match, with a convincing 5-1 loss. In this one they would once again reign supreme. Chicago's chances of a loss were jeopardized after Sunrise van de Schubbekuteveen scored in the first and Eeli Rantanen scored at 2:20 in the second. Halfway through the second the Americans responded and would go on to score 4 unanswered goals in that period. Neither team would score in the third and the game ended 4-2.


    Game 90: D.C. Dragons vs. Vancouver Wolves

    The Vancouver Wolves got off to a bit of a scare in the first. R, (that is not a typo) scored a 8:13 in the first period to lead it off for the Dragons. The Wolves responded in quick succession with goals from Tyler Reinhart, Omi Aberg and Henry Tucker before the end of the first period. Henry Tucker would add another tally in the second period to make the game 4-1. Halfway through the third period R would once again score, but it would not be enough and that's how the game ended, 4-2. The Dragons goalie Barry Taffe performed to the best of his ability, making 57 saves from 61 shots.

  15. The Riga Reign have been off to a very hot start so far this season. Right now they are 8-3-1, which puts them first in the EU conference with 17 points. So far the biggest pieces for the Reign have been Battre Sandstrom and Isau DaMoose. Sandstrom has 5 goals and 17 assists and DaMoose has 10 goals and 11 assists. They currently lead the Reign in points at 22 and 21, respectively. Riga’s goaltender Tobias Reinhart has had a rough go so far however. With a 0.914 SV% and 3.26 GAA, he is outside the top 10 in save percentage and tenth in goals against average. If the Reign want to continue to win his numbers will have to improve a bit. Riga rookies have been solid so far. Alexandre Leduc and Biggie Cheese currently have 10 points, and Yun Chiang trails not far behind with 9. It is unlikely any of them win rookie of the year at this pace however, there are rookies in the league that are far outperforming them currently.

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