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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. Per the original announcement: only players starting in the S80 draft will be given the 9 season career and new depreciation rules.
  2. A noble goal but you physically can’t play another season in the M as you are already 39 TPE over the M’s cap so you’ll have to play in the VHL this season. If you stay under 400 and choose to go to the VHLE in S80 that’s your choice.
  3. 2057!
  4. Once every 3 years seems a reasonable enough rate for you to agree with us. I mean more would be nice but I can hardly say we should expect that.
  5. Celine Dion, boy, that’s a choice for your range…. Can you call it a range actually? Still, was worth throwing those 4 games to hear this. I’m sure my ghouls @Zetterberg and @MexicanCow123 would agree.
  6. Welcome to the VHL, Stat718! We're happy to have you. You should have received a PM with some more detailed information, but to get started quickly you will want to head over to the "How to Create a Player" topic. That topic will offer you detailed information about how to use the VHL Portal to create your player and get you started. We also highly recommend joining the VHL Discord where there is a channel dedicated to helping new members with any questions that they may have about the league or improving their player. Once your player is made VHLM General Managers will be in touch with you about joining their teams. In the meantime, please feel free to ask any questions you have here or in your create-a-player thread. We're happy to have you in the community and we hope you stick around!
  7. It's a birthday miracle, Blade approval of the blues! We did it boys!
  8. What?
  9. Honourable mention for the best 1st overall pick ever? I’ll take that for my only mention on this list.
  10. I recognize the one on the right but who’s this scrub on the left? Satan recognizes only 1 top goalie in this draft!
  11. Welcome to the VHL, IceBostonGurke! We're happy to have you. You should have received a PM with some more detailed information, but to get started quickly you will want to head over to the "How to Create a Player" topic. That topic will offer you detailed information about how to use the VHL Portal to create your player and get you started. We also highly recommend joining the VHL Discord where there is a channel dedicated to helping new members with any questions that they may have about the league or improving their player. Once your player is made VHLM General Managers will be in touch with you about joining their teams. In the meantime, please feel free to ask any questions you have here or in your create-a-player thread. We're happy to have you in the community and we hope you stick around!
  12. As long as it’s before the trade deadline it’s fine. The only time limit is posting in here for it but you’ve done that so plenty of time to claim it.
  13. Doesn’t have to be this week. As the OP states the birthday bonus can be claimed any time before the trade deadline. Just can’t be combined with other doubles weeks and such. So for example you can’t use it at the same time as theme week to triple your double.
  14. Our last jersey was won by someone in Australia and we made it happen. If we need to pay extra shipping we’ll pay extra shipping. The game we can ship as well but usually our go to, if it’s possible, is to have the person buy it digitally themselves and the league reimburses them. Both ways are fine though.
  15. Well don’t I feel old.
  16. You don’t need to post the link in here. Link to your post already in here is enough, the updaters can see that you did a PT as well.
  17. The 2 uncapped is yours no matter what for posting. the triples week you just need to do a PT then link to your comment here and claim an uncapped 12 for it. This can be done any time before the trade deadline.
  18. Welcome to the VHL, ShaneLarose! We're happy to have you. You should have received a PM with some more detailed information, but to get started quickly you will want to head over to the "How to Create a Player" topic. That topic will offer you detailed information about how to use the VHL Portal to create your player and get you started. We also highly recommend joining the VHL Discord where there is a channel dedicated to helping new members with any questions that they may have about the league or improving their player. Once your player is made VHLM General Managers will be in touch with you about joining their teams. In the meantime, please feel free to ask any questions you have here or in your create-a-player thread. We're happy to have you in the community and we hope you stick around!
  19. Hey VHL @Members! Anyone who has been around the VHL for awhile will surely know, or at least be vaguely aware, that July 18th, specifically July 18th, 2007, is the VHL's birthday! That means today marks the day that our community turns an incredible 14 years old. As an old fart that has been around since that day I can say that is stuns me every year when this post goes up that we're still going when you consider that leagues back in 2007 rarely made it to 3 years, let alone 14. As always though, we aren't just putting some gifs up and calling it a day, we aren't stupid. We know you clicked on this for the TPE and intend on delivering. To commemorate the league's 14th birthday, we are giving all members a Triples Week, which adds 12 Uncapped TPE to any 6-TPE Point Task (Welfare/Pension/Affiliate PT are not included but as usual if your pay covers your PT that counts), as well as 2 Uncapped TPE. To claim these perks, which naturally add up to 14 Uncapped TPE, all you need to do is post in this thread and then link to that post in your update; that's it. We aren't even making you come up with a memory or anything this year, just a post. Not only are we giving TPE away this year but we're also giving away some bonus items as well because really, what's a birthday without presents? Anyone who comments on this thread, thus getting the bonus mentioned above, will be entered into a draw that contains three copies of NHL 21 (for your console of choice) and an NHL Jersey of your choice. We'll have a live draw for these prizes sometime after the post closes in a week so stay tuned for that. So, to summarize quickly, that's a max of 14 uncapped TPE just for commenting and 4 winners will receive some gifts curtesy of the VHL. All you have to do is post in here and you're good to go. Notes: • This thread will remain open until 11:59PM PST on Sunday, July 25th. • Birthday perks may only be claimed on one player per member. • Birthday perks must be claimed before the S79 Trade Deadline. • If you win a copy of NHL 21 and own it already you may swap it for a game of equal or lesser value. • No prizes can be exchanged for cash value or any form of digital currency (yes, that includes TPE).
  20. Funnily enough I’ve never seen one game for this craziness but I always hear it talked about. It’s not really an official thing.
  21. Welcome to the VHL, CV38! We're happy to have you. You should have received a PM with some more detailed information, but to get started quickly you will want to head over to the "How to Create a Player" topic. That topic will offer you detailed information about how to use the VHL Portal to create your player and get you started. We also highly recommend joining the VHL Discord where there is a channel dedicated to helping new members with any questions that they may have about the league or improving their player. Once your player is made VHLM General Managers will be in touch with you about joining their teams. In the meantime, please feel free to ask any questions you have here or in your create-a-player thread. We're happy to have you in the community and we hope you stick around!
  22. Slightly odd choice but I do applaud the creativity
  23. 1. 2. 3.
  24. @Zetterberg continues to be a fucking monster at predictions.
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