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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. I’m bumping this because people need to realize that even graphics gods are human and we all started somewhere. Also I want to see @gorlab’s
  2. We're bringing Rayz back down to earth
  3. Get fucking Rifted Seattle! Seriously though we should have lost this...
  4. Fun fact: Hamilton was actually one of the original VHL teams before they were moved to NY and became the Americans.
  5. Battle of the goalies for sure. @Devise coming in clutch.
  6. It has a whole separate thing that @Banackock and @diamond_ace put together
  7. Applicants were scarce for awhile there. Funnily enough they aren’t now so I must be doing something right.
  8. Well if it isn’t the man who helped me get my first award.
  9. I mean if I was doing what you’re implying do you think I would have allowed this?
  10. Much better. @Devise coming in clutch and Lahtinen technically getting the GWG
  11. Oof, that is not what you like to see
  12. You’re seriously better off mentioning this in the off-season. The likelihood of it being remembered in 2 weeks or so when the playoffs are done is slim.
  13. INDEX Sorry about this being a bit later than I wanted. Power went out last night and my computer was still off today so I couldn't set this from work. @VHL GM Please send your lines, as usual, to rpower22@gmail.com and vhlsim@outlook.com If all goes well first sims should be tomorrow. I'll do sims live when I can but I can't make any promises given the craziness of my home life right now and my inability to live sim from the office. Thank you for understanding.
  14. Fixed that for you.
  15. Oh agreed, it’s the only way to fix it without pissing everyone off, I just hate that it has come to this. The kind of scales that have been discussed are insane and we’re at this point because of how easy earning is.
  16. The change to carryover was minor and it actually increased it slightly. Before max carryover was 75 but that counted the starting 30 so max was actually 45. Now the starting 30 doesn’t count and max is 50 so players can start as high as 80.
  17. This. I have always stood by VHL jobs paying capped TPE because I don’t like the idea that earning a job means you automatically get more than someone else. Everyone can earn the cap in the VHL, it’s just how you go about it. I commish and sim, that covers my 12 (13 actually but I toss the last one) but it doesn’t mean I get any more than someone doing a PT, Press Conference, trivia, and 590. Both are still 12, it’s just different ways to earn. The disparity is a combination of luck (lotto, fantasy, etc), timing (guys that join at the deadline get a few extra weeks of earning, joining around Christmas or July gives a nice giveaway, etc), former players (carryover isn’t a ton more than first gen stuff but it’s front loaded), monetary investment (donations are helpful), and ability to grab up uncapped opportunities when they arise.
  18. I don’t think so because most of the names at the top of that list did it without extra VHLM seasons.
  19. I’ve been trying for ages but once you hand the masses piles of TPE, as we had to do, it’s not so easy to take it away. Inflation is getting out of hand. @Enorama is likely gonna finish a career above 2000 TPE and we’ve got multiple people coming in per draft class at 350-400+. It’s a bit ridiculous. I stand firm that the issue isn’t directly the update scale, it’s the amount of TPE that’s readily available. People aren’t maxing our because it’s too easy to apply points, they are maxing our because it’s too easy to get them. I’m only a mid level whore and have 3 stats at 90, 1 at 85, and another 3 at 70 and I’m not done my rookie season yet.
  20. Unless you’re Holik in which case missing 300 wins by 8 and meeting the other two criteria AND 88 shutouts isn’t enough.
  21. Nope, anyone you think should be in.
  22. We aren’t cutting the pay from one source, that isn’t fair. If we were to do that we’d pick one of the many themes we’ve thought of before that are great but don’t work at all for GFX. Half the league earns their weekly PT from GFX, it can’t be viewed as lesser just because of what it is.
  23. I’m guessing no since this is from 2 years ago.
  24. Wow, what a shit way to go down.
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