Need to change my signature too but I’m usually on mobile and don’t think to do it. I’ll get around to it eventually... or just keep living in the glory days.
In any case I find it interesting that people want to buy straight TPE. As I think flyers pointed out, the store was more or less set up that way years ago and people got annoyed that it was designed so simply, they wanted more to it than just “buy the most TPE you can”. It’s funny how cyclical things become. I agree with you though, I don’t like buying straight TPE. I don’t mind the uncapped packages because you at least need to put the work in for those.
That creates the exact same problem as above but on an even larger scale. Also, +3 is definitely not a minor buff in some instances. For stats above 95 that’s equivalent to 30 TPE. I also don’t like adding more randomness. The lotto is bad enough for this. People doing the same thing should get the same reward IMO.