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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. No need to DM, it’s quite public: All started here and then Very quickly escalated
  2. I won't quote the full message for privacy sake but the closest we received to a reason was: and
  3. Update on SBA Partnership Yesterday morning the VHL received notice from the heads of the SBA that stated, in no uncertain terms, that the affiliation partnership we once had will never be returning. While we here in the VHL tried our hardest to get the partnership back it is ultimately not a 1 way street and the decision could not be made solely by us. We regret having this happen of course but it is the decision that has been made and we must live with that. With that said, we have honoured SBA point tasks as welfare for months now and will continue to do so. Affiliation does not need to pass both ways for us to do this and we do not wish to punish those members that rely on it in order to enjoy multiple leagues. With that said, unfortunately, 1 change is necessary. Effective immediately the claiming of the full 12 cap for SBA staff is being removed. While we recognize this may affect a few it is ultimately something we were leaving in place in good faith hoping to have the partnership one day renewed. Since that will not be happening we do not think it fair to our members to be allowing staff of another league to claim pay when they do not wish to honour our previous agreement. Anyone who has claimed this pay from the SBA within the last 4 weeks will be authorized to have it be used as a Regular affiliate welfare claim (6 TPE) instead of the full cap in future weeks. We offer this as a show of good faith to those members that have been actively participating in both leagues recently and continue to do so. EFL affiliation claims of all varieties remain unchanged. Thank You, @Commissioner @BOG
  4. From best to worst IMO: 3, 2, 5, 1, 4
  5. A multi-point game with Lahtinen? What is this madness?
  6. Got that backwards for what it’s worth. Bek was 8, Vengeance was 88.
  7. Yeah, that’s gonna be a big old nope on the racist username. We’ll gladly change it to something else if you’d like but you will not be allowed to use this.
  8. Main issue is that playing on line 3 or 4 for 8 minutes a game is boring as hell and no one wants to do it. Full rosters, even if they create realism (which we don’t know they do and even if we did when have we ever drives for that?) don’t necessarily make for entertainment within the game that is the VHL.
  9. Robert Sharpe +10 SZ (50->60)
  10. Player Name: Robert Sharpe Claim Who will lead the league in goals scored by next Sunday? Nikita Kucherov
  11. I was drafted ahead of Scotty because I was clearly superior, duh.
  12. Always fun to get the shootout winner but sucks to do it with 0 points haha
  13. It had nothing to do with the logo. The ask was to move and re-brand a team after only like 2 seasons. From the league’s perspective after spending so much on the expansion logo and after Mexico was fought so hard for it doesn’t make sense. I’m not saying it can never happen but we’re gonna live with it a bit. In general we don’t do relocations or rebrands often so we weren’t about to do it for a team that was so new.
  14. The irony of Sharpe being drafted last is beautiful haha
  15. Claim: Robert Sharpe (G) 1. Connor McDavid 2. Martin Jones 3. Brian Elliot 4. Nikita Kucherov 5. Jamie Benn 6. Vladimir Tarasenko 7. Seth Jones 8. Alexander Edler
  16. Way to misspell the cup’s name. You shall be henceforth barred from winning it.
  17. That’s kinda why I prefer it as just highlighting the last update rather than saying inactive. Gives more information than just last post (also doesn’t need to update as often) but a GM can easily just look at the player and know if they are actually active or not.
  18. Beketov

    TOR/NYA: S71

    We can manually do it but wanted confirmation of acceptance from you.
  19. Personally I think knowing when someone’s last update was is kinda more crucial information but I’ll leave it up to the GM’s to decide.
  20. The concept is fine but the horse looks a tad derpy to say the least. Reminds me of the horse from family guy
  21. It’s definitely well made but I’m not really feeling it tbh, I’m not sure why. I think it’s mostly that Calgary is one if only two teams to never change names or city. I think in a way not drastically changing the logo respects that. I’d rather still see the logo be horse based. Maybe I’m just old fashioned but I don’t find this outlaw looking design respects the history of the team. Like it’s a badass secondary logo but as a primary idk, just feels wrong. Also you’re gonna kill all our logo change hype if you keep posting your designs in advance
  22. It’s lighting is messed up but honestly it’s effects still win me over.
  23. Glad I’m not the only one who noticed that very confusing detail.
  24. 2 is overly sharp and the text really bugs me but I’ll admit that the logo change on the helmet is sexy AF.
  25. 2 is good and is being done dirty because 1 is fucking fire.
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