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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. Not the best time for me to choke
  2. CnC? Last week the graders thought (rightfully so) that my lighting was lacking so tried to really work with light this time around. I like it more than my last 3-4 sigs personally.
  3. Express Wranglers
  4. Seriously? My friend said it only took 5 minutes for the 50GB install of Killzone on his PS4. Might be that you can play before its finished though, idk.
  5. Welcome to the VHL. Always good to see some fresh faces in the community. If you need any help pretty much let anyone know and we'll get you hooked right up.
  6. How does that explain the green on his neck? Looks more like the Jersey color was changed and the face was turned green so he erased it which is fine except some got left behind. If this is the case, for future reference, just clip a hue/saturation to your render and only adjust the color channel you need. If you take the drop down off master and switch it, in this case, to blue it'll adjust only blue colors which would do the job here. Red is the only real tricky one since the face has a lot of red hues.
  7. Some of the green from the JC is on his face, looks a little weird. I like the idea with the text but it's a bit too faded in. Lastly, bring the focus more on the center (where you've got the face and text by blurring or playing with the lighting.
  8. 4-1 Wranglers
  9. Bears Meute Legion Titans
  10. Ah, okay, that makes more sense. I wish I would have picked up a second copy for Ghosts at the futurehsop event. Having to do online to get 4 player extinction is a pain when you don't want to play with randoms and only have one copy.
  11. Titans Wranglers Meute Bears
  12. That's not a futureshop promo, at least if you're talking about the $10 next-gen upgrade. It's just on some games bought before the next-gen launch (Aka Ghosts, BF4 and AC4) Either way I'm going with a PS4 when I get money for it. Been with Sony since the PS1 and have never really seen a reason to think the Xbox would better suite my needs.
  13. So basically, if I'm reading this correct, what you want to do is: 1) Anyone can write mag articles and PM them to you. 2) If you have enough articles for a mag one is made and the writers are paid 7 TPE. 3) If you do not have enough the article is used in the following week. The writer gets paid for the week they wrote the article but need to write another article or a normal PT for the week it's published. Tried to make it sound easier but I think I may have made it sound more complicated. It's an easy concept (if I understand it) but tricky to explain. Question though, where would this put us GFX VHLM Mag crew? Would that be open as well or would we still be employed and just do GFX based on the submissions you receive? If the latter, when would the deadline for submissions be since we need some time to get things made.
  14. MSBS in Ghosts needs to be patched big time. I don't think I've had such OP bursts since CoD 4 haha. Finally getting used to some guns though (MSBS, AK-12, Snipers) so I've gone from raging and dying a shit-ton to leading every game and barely going below 2.0 k/d. Amplify and silencers make a huge difference haha
  15. The whole thing is a rectangle though which means they actually got priority over everything.
  16. I'm in. Although why do you need us to post our names
  17. Well now I'm interested
  18. I was only sent a few images but for the most part he didn’t need anything else I don’t think. Unfortunately a combination of different ways in which the site is coded, a lack of free time on my part and a very good (but very complicated) mockup things have hit a bit of a standstill. I’m trying to work with one Higgins found / made / however it showed up and see if I can make enough modifications to get it close to what we’re looking for. It’s a challenge though when you just master the way one site is coded and then get completely thrown off by a different style which seems to offer significantly less flexibility. We may have to make a few compromises between the mockup and the actual skin. I am aware of how long this process is taking though and I won’t be taking any pay for the work when it does get finished on account of that fact.
  19. Victor approved the late PT
  20. Did you use the sig itself as a PT though? If so I vote that it shouldn't be allowed since it's basically re-using the same signature and just adding extra stuff in the form of a tut. As a comparison it would be like me making a sig, submitting it, and then adding 20 layers and using it again which I don't think we would allow, correct?
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