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Everything posted by Ledge

  1. This is fuckin wild well done
  2. Ledge


    Yeah I'm coming back, I aim to be moderately active from now until September. I don't remember when I stopped coming to the forum and the discord, I think it was around late 2022. I had a lot going on with school and hockey, and I couldn't fit anything else in. My life's gotten kinda crazy - I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in April, which was obviously a huge lifestyle change for me. Luckily I have a great team at my hospital and my family and friends have been awesome, so I got back on my feet and started playing hockey again about a week and a half after the diagnosis. The biggest change was my weight. Throughout early 2023, despite eating huge meals and building tons of muscle, I had trouble staying above 130 lbs. One of the symptoms that tipped me off about my diabetes was that the day before I went to the hospital, I was 118 lbs. After I started to get better, I skyrocketed to 145 lbs, and I'm closing in on 150 now, with 160 being the goal by the end of the summer. Just 2 weeks after my diagnosis, I went on a trip with my hockey team to Sweden and Finland, which was absolutely incredible. We got absolutely whacked by the local teams, but it was an unforgettable experience, and it made us want to live in Stockholm (that is still my plan). After I got back, I went to my first Junior A camp and was cut, but it was also a fantastic experience and gave me a sense of what I'm working toward. I'm looking forward to an eventful summer with my first job, relentless training, and back to having fun with the VHL. Side note: After some deliberation where I considered recreating, I decided to stick with Cobalt Burns until he retires. I feel like I owe it to the teams that I went inactive on, and recreating feels like quitting. I do plan on testing free agency this offseason, and finding a team where Burns can flourish. My goal is to be a max earner for most of the summer. Cheers, and looking forward to interacting with all of you once again!
  3. @Viper no way
  4. Rumun Ndur is a Nigerian-born former NHL player if you happen to change your mind While I'm here might as well toss in a request Name: Cobalt Burns Render: Clayton Keller Team: Malmo Thanks OD!
  5. 1. Davos in a playoff spot tbh 2. That's a tough question. Obviously we're a rebuilding team, and although we looked great early on, we're a young team and it shows. 3. Someone enthusiastic and competent 4. Big spart hedge and kaleeb, they're all great guys 5. I'm gonna add crampon spikes to my tires (no sliding on the road for me) 6. Ambush children on their way to school (with snowballs)
  6. Ledge

    Games: 31-51

    Helsinki #1
  7. Miami is pretty awesome you should sign there
  8. Ledge

    Games: 18-30

  9. https://www.eliteprospects.com/player/464780/jack-devine Damn we got ourselves a Denver Pioneer and Florida Panthers prospect on our hands
  10. Damn what happened to the NHL jerseys, I got no time for video games during the grind That being said I hope I win the nintendo switch
  11. fuck man right after I left
  12. Congrats lemorse and shawn too of course
  13. NURX
  14. 1. From the outside looking in, it was painful, but there's always next season, we have a bright future 2. I don't know if there was any one thing that could have been improved, we lost to the eventual Cup champs. 3. Istanbul did win the Renaissance Cup this past year, my first championship ever, which was pretty sweet. Burns was great. 4. I guess a bit of both, of course it feels like we could have gotten there, but Warsaw is a great team and they deserved it. 5. The Titans accomplished a helluva lot last season, of course. 6. As a new player filling some pretty big shoes, it's an honour to be in the same room you were last season.
  15. not mentioned, not listening. unbelievable.
  16. Thanks, you're probably the first to recognize it! That Komets series was for sure one for the ages, back to back OT in games 6 and 7 is pretty hard to top
  17. One Up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch The Penguin History of Canada by Robert Bothwell I'm feeling......wise
  18. Looks like you've done a fine job already, and I'm not much of a build expert myself, but Defense and Scoring are generally the two most important attributes, so it might be beneficial to keep that in mind as you spend your TPE One thing I like doing is browsing the player list and finding a player with the stats that I want, and figuring out which attributes they prioritized and essentially trying to mimic their path. Of course, there's no shame in trying to concoct your own winning build, so just do a little research (like you're already doing) and have fun with it.
  19. Hell yeah baby, it's Canada time
  20. I agree with some of the stuff in this thread. I do agree that it's a bit of a shit system. In my case, I was AGM of Riga for 3 full seasons, and during that time I was super active in my locker room and the VHL chats and doing VSN and everything, and I must have been rejected from VHLM GM positions in the double digits. It was infuriating too, because I was more active than some of the GMs at that time. When I finally got Miami, I was having tons of fun and being pretty active for I think a solid 2 seasons before life got the best of me and nurx practically took over the discord, we sold everything, and the downward spiral started. I felt guilty about my time allocation, so I let someone else handle it. What I learned from my tenure is that, in partial agreement with Zack, nobody high up really gives a shit about what you've done for the community. Since my activity fell off, and even before then a little bit, I've never had any super close 'friends' in the VHL other than nurx recently, and it does feel at times like you don't get recognized for the work you put in behind the scenes. If you somehow earn the attention and affection of some of the higher-ups, you start getting jobs. Ergo, if you make it, you make it, but until then nobody gives a shit except for the people you've been close to. Some exceptions that I find are Spart, who does an exceptional work at all his jobs and earned them all, Dil (somehow) who is a mod but is actually active and engages with the community, Kaleeb because he's a stud GM and a fantastic guy. Those are just a few, there are more, and if you're one of them, I appreciate the work you've done for the VHL. But I'm with the general gist of this thread that the league can miss me with the popularity contest bullshit
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