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Everything posted by CowboyinAmerica

  1. Was saying if Seattle wants to make it then it does. Don't think they have enough offense to make up the ground with him playing as is.
  2. Going into the season I thought Toronto > Quebec > New York > Seattle, but the acquisition of Weinstein messes even that order up a bit. I am really interested to see what happens with New York, seeing as how they've played Toronto once, Quebec twice, and even Cologne only three times. Also, Sandro's playing nowhere near as well as last year for Seattle, which probably needs to turn around too.
  3. (Assuming this is accepted) Wooooo! Welcome to the team!
  4. And close, but nice to know we can still win even without making a lot of those shots. Go Toronto!
  5. Woooo! About time I got another damn shutout.
  6. North America's fun.
  7. By making the product more appealing. Lots of changes do that, I disagree that the product is intangible. This fundamentally changes how you do those background processes, how you sell the league to outsiders, the first thing they'll notice after the fact it's hockey and the teams. The VHL is now "that two player league" as a key part of its identity with a change. It absolutely has an affect. I agree not everything has to be geared towards recruitment; it's my opinion that this should, or at least be a large consideration. Anyway, no point in arguing with me. I said I'm ambivalent, I'm already fine with two players. I don't think that new identity is a bad thing. It's the Sterlings and Eagles of the world you should probably be arguing with.
  8. That's fair. Still maintain that recruitment is relevant though, and this is a hell of a radical change to make for primarily more active LRs.
  9. Is it? I don't see it that way. It doesn't change something structurally about the league like the VHLM does, or like changing a point earning structure does, or even creating a magazine and more job opportunities does. All it adds is more players, which to me if they're not going to stick around for one, I don't see how the option of "more time to sink in!" is going to change that. To me, the main draw of two players is to give people on the fence about creating in the first place more options and double the chances of creating a star. People already here apparently don't need that draw, or are happy with something in the current system anyway. So yes, recruitment.
  10. The ultimate question for me is: Will it help bring in new, active members? Frankly, I'm ambivalent. I see the excitement it brings; I also am sympathetic to the complexity point. I feel like I'd need to see some sort of recruitment plan or how it's a centerpiece for a people push before I threw my whole weight behind it.
  11. Just doing my best to never get any shutouts but still lead the league in GAA, that's all
  12. To totally be that guy: Do free weeks from donations count?
  13. This needs before Monday, May 30, 7 pm ET (which I imagine will be the start Game 1). I'll update the scoring at some point, can see where you are at the end of Round 2 in that thread. Use this template: TPE Allocation for complete Playoff: See the Fantasy Zone payout grid. You will earn at least 1 TPE for participating, but could earn a lot more for having correct picks. TPE Allocation for Selection of Stanley Cup winner: This year, we will be giving out four TPE for correctly picking the winner of the Stanley Cup before the playoffs start. This cannot be changed at any time after you submit your picks for the first round. Aka, it's done now. Scoring Scheme: This will remain the same as the last three years. • Stanley Cup Winner: as listed above • Correct Winning Team: 10 Points • Correct # of Games (Regardless of Winner): 5 Points • If off by 1 Game (Choose 4 Games; Goes to 5) (Regardless of Winner): 3 Points Do not discuss the actual playoffs in this thread. There will be a separate thread for that. Only post your predictions here.
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