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Everything posted by CowboyinAmerica

  1. Always find the goalies super interesting - the best teams typically have an active goalie. And if Sven Wolf and AK47 are up in the majors, Åkerfeldt's easily the best VHLM goalie next year. Could see her going even higher, possibly to one of those Bern picks or maybe to Yukon #2 if Victor thinks Asher could drop.
  2. Nickelback sings the Canadian national anthem, until out of nowhere Dwyane Wade shows up and starts skating around and shooting pucks in the middle of it.
  3. I mean definitely not a perfect proposal. My argument for those drafts would be that since there wouldn't be as many draftees, the teams that get solid ones would instantly be better because they have depth while still obeying the cap, and being on those better teams could appeal to draftees. No answer to the first-gen question though.
  4. I'm cool with you having it. Plus I'd give it to one of the three-time forwards like von Karma or Humbert before me anyway.
  5. Not things I necessarily agree with, but the arguments: Combats the common criticism that people are so far ahead, it's impossible to catch up. Also restarting at this point could be taken with the viewpoint, "We've taken everything we've learned from the past 50/60 seasons, and we've perfected it. Now we're doing something new with these perfected processes in place."
  6. Which granted is like 1.5-2 years in real time, but if you really wanted to blow it out with a marketing/recruitment plan (let's use some of that donation cash!) and wholesale changes, a long time period (even if not a full 10 seasons) might be a good idea.
  7. Exactly. But given an ample amount of heads up, you'd at least know what you're getting into.
  8. As many have noted, there have started to be burgeoning talks concerning a big league shakeup after Season 50. I certainly understand the impulse, and I believe a restart draft would be a very interesting option to pursue. Since I'm not on the BOG and not privy to any particular conversations that are happening behind the scenes though, I figured it would be fun to put my idea out to the ether. I like the complete restart. I just don't think it should be after Season 50. I think it should be after Season 60. Here's why. 1. Giving Teams Time to Plan To me, the biggest downside of a complete restart or a fantasy draft isn't the concept itself. It's the fact that, if it were to happen, it would now happen with less than two seasons notice. This isn't like an expansion, where each team would lose 1-2 players. Instead, they would lose everybody at a moment's notice. If you're a team like, say, Cologne, and has targeted S50-53 as its time for winning, sucks to suck. If you have a restart or draft scheduled far in advance, however, it allows some interesting moving and shaking to occur that wouldn't otherwise happen. If Calgary isn't winning yet by Season 52, do they blow it up early, knowing that keeping on means they may not have another chance before the reset? Does the market for draft picks in S54-55 spike, knowing that's the sweet spot for players right as Season 60 hits? What does it mean for draft picks and trades right before the reset? And holy hell, with everyone going for it all in S59 and S60 because there's no reason not to, how does that shake out? To me it introduces an all-new, and exciting, dynamic. 2. Giving Players Time to Plan By restarting now, you're basically making recently created players and the next two drafts (or players as a whole if it's a reset) utterly worthless. But by putting the restart far down the road, though, it raises some more interesting opportunities. Would you see a bunch of players recreate around S53 or S54, for a full career before the reset? But if that happens, is there a chance for some players to recreate right before the reset and pick up an easy title as a low-priced player on a contender? It could also provide an opportunity for a member to try a unique build or position, knowing that it's soon to be reset anyway. In the meta-game of the VHL, where careers typically last 6-8 seasons these days, it could open up a host of interesting opportunities. 3. Uniformity This probably appeals only to me, but it's worth mentioning anyway. Arguably, there has only been one major shakeup in VHL history. It came after Season 30, when the VHL expanded from 8 to 10 teams. That means the "Original Era" of the VHL lasted 30 seasons, while the "Expansion Era" is ongoing. I know that people like 50 as a round number, but wouldn't it be more useful if the eras of the VHL were the same length? Might be useful for people trying to do stats in that way as well. And because of this, it would open an historically significant opportunity to change something around again, such as adding more teams, cutting the VHLM or altering the sim significantly in some way. 4. Build Up If you put a restart far in the future, it doesn't just create excitement on Season 61 itself. Instead, while the seasons play out normally in the seasons before it, you have the excitement of being able to look forward as well for something unique and new. It's something that could be used as a selling point even before the restart as well - go ahead and try the VHL, and if you like it, we'll be restarting soon and everyone's on equal footing!
  9. Europe! Let's three-peat this thing.
  10. $20 for S49 here as well. 2x doubles weeks
  11. It's been fun going against you too many times for my liking in the playoffs. Congrats on an excellent GM career
  12. Man, North America is going to be a hell of a lot of fun next season
  13. Not too much more to say now that I'm not drunkenly posting, but just that I'm so proud of everyone with the Legion. I knew for a while I wanted to be a part of this team, and I couldn't be happier that I jumped at the chance in free agency. I've thoroughly enjoyed being a part of this run. And damn, we dominated the playoffs too
  14. At a bar, a little drunk but needed to log in to say FUCK YEAH TORONTO!!!! More tomorrow.
  15. TBH, as long as you do third round and finals you're probably still far up there. First round is the highest percentage of points since it has the most series, and the point values don't change.
  16. I even did a status update and everything Yeah, I think I just assumed you copied him. I'll go back and double check yours when I do Round 2.
  17. Weeee shutouts are fun! Also this apparently ties me for second-most playoff shutouts in a career all-time (fuck you, Brick Wahl). So that's cool.
  18. Bearing witness to a win is fun #MoreMolholt
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