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Everything posted by CowboyinAmerica

  1. Claimed, not applying the tag yet so more people can read
  2. 246 Legion vs Reign247 Express vs Wranglers248 Titans vs Bears249 Vikings vs Meute
  3. Woo! Thanks for the write up! Not showing it with my play recently unfortunately, but hopefully that changes
  4. Just like I drew up while drunk and Davos was feeding me shots under the table
  5. Also the tagline of my player's Grindr profile.
  6. Woooo! I am surprised by how many goals Cote is scoring, considering he's a pass first center and all
  7. Wait, is that actually the case? Give me all the Leadership!
  8. Oh, I like this one. I'm surprisingly good at shootouts it seems...
  9. CGY D5 redeeming himself with an assist. I guess we'll be cool for now...
  10. agreed, so let's bench WinGod as punishment I propose you do so for 8 games spread out over the course of the season.
  11. So we give up an overtime goal thanks to a penalty from... CGY D5? CGY D4 wouldn't have done that shit.
  12. Oh I'm sorry, the crickets in this thread are due to everyone in Calgary partying too hard. Carry on.
  13. 171 Titans vs Wranglers 172 Vikings vs Reign 173 HC Dynamo vs Americans 174 Express vs Bears
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