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Everything posted by CowboyinAmerica

  1. Russia's actually a beautiful place to visit - would like to go myself and know a few people who have. I'm assuming you're going to St. Petersberg or Moscow, in which case you should be fine. I wouldn't wear an American flag to a bar or anything, but those cities are large enough and major tourist destinations in their own right that you'll fit in fine. Depending on the length of time you're looking to stay (and if you're going by yourself), I'd look into a hostel. They're more common in Europe and much cheaper for an extended stay if you don't care about accommodations or shared living conditions. @evrydayimbyfuglien is right on about conversion rates, and things tend to be more expensive in a major city anyway (especially if they know you're a tourist and are staying around tourist-y areas). Also, definitely go in the summer. The German army learned this lesson the hard way.
  2. RIG G against Davos: 2-0. Every other goalie: 0-10. All bow before our Goalie Overlord.
  3. They can't all be winners *shrug*
  4. Also, can we have the link on the banner bar updated to S47 instead of S46?
  5. I actually totally disagree, and not just because my player got sent. I feel like the instant success may have desensitized Calgary a bit, but in actuality you only have so many legit chances at a cup - just ask Stockholm and Davos the past couple of years. Last year (and this year to an extent) are legit chances for Calgary. So you've got a goalie and defensman for the three seasons past this... to pair them with yourself, a barely active D_A, and a depreciating Zeptenberg? To go against a still strong New York and a Seattle and Toronto that has built for that time period? So what? Without some serious free agency intervention (which shouldn't be taken into account here) S46 was Calgary's best chance in a while. And despite the outlier play from Bernie in the New York series (that came crashing to earth in the Finals), you can't tell me that Calgary had a better chance for last season only with Gow and Simmons instead of Wingate. Riga meanwhile is doing exactly that - giving itself a better chance of winning when it reasonably has a chance of doing so. Didn't work out last season, and it may not work out this one as well. But I think the large number of non-Riga affiliated people picking us in predictions says something - Riga's one of the favorites. And when you have a chance and not the brightest of futures, you don't do anything to lessen that immediate chance. That's why I think the trade is even at worst, and Calgary only wins if it wins a title this season specifically. (Not to mention that I always said I was open to re-signing, and the way the offseason broke with Stockholm and Seattle trading for goalies, very high chance I would have re-signed for one year.)
  6. Then I can! Knight's updates were posted Thursday. Preseason updates (per the Off-Season Schedule) were done Tuesday. The VHLM preseason started on Wednesday and actual games on Thursday.
  7. Meh. The four shots in the final two periods is bad.
  8. Lol. That's now two 1-0 losses on the season. Can I have those added to the official goalie stats?
  9. Feeling like I'm going to regret not putting Babiy for most improved.
  10. I like it, like the thought put into it as well. Good job!
  11. Express Dynamo Wranglers Americans
  12. Gah, just gotta save that final one.
  13. Hell yeah. Love getting the back to back. Congrats to the rest of the team!
  14. Hooray! Another year of Higgins/Faraday!
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