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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. Toronto 2:3 Seattle, Semi-Finals GM 5 New York 4:2 Helsinki, Semi-Finals GM 5 Seattle 1:4 Toronto, Semi-Finals GM 6
  2. poor @boubabi, he won't have a reason to bait anymore in semi finals by the way, GG
  3. You meant Gretzky's mediocre season will finish today, isn't it?
  4. (S43) C - Bronson Faux Position: Centre Birthplace: Montreal, Quebec Jersey Number: 44Height (inches): 77 inchesWeight (lbs.): 235 lbs Final TPE: 761 Drafted: 2th OA by Riga Reign Member: @Jamie It is very hard for a team to compete for more than 4 seasons so players are usualy are changing teams quite often. And this what makes my third SPHoF inductee a special player. Despite of good and hard times, Quebec native Bronson Faux never changed his team. He even refused to be traded although there were a lot of teams that were looking to add a hard-hitting guy for strengthen their roster. Jamie's player agency already had one power forward who actually managed to be inducted into the HoF, Brennan McQueen. Bronson was another player who supposed to solidify it's agency reputation on finding a hitting forward and by looking at his stats it's clear that he would not disappoint despite of not being a HoF inductee. A bulldozer rookie (S43-44) Regular season: S43(RIG) 72GP | 17G - 27A - 44P | -53 | 162SHT | 1GWG | 122PIM | 365HIT | 14SB | 43.4FO% S44(RIG) 72GP | 24G - 50A - 74P | -11 | 284SHT | 4GWG | 112PIM | 355HIT | 19SB | 48.8FO% The Riga Reign team was still on rebuild phase after their S40 championship run and had a second pick in the S43 draft. Jim Gow, who was the GM at that time decided to take a player from a very familiar agency for the Reign. Their last player McQueen was a lifetime player for a Latvian team after being traded from Seattle so Jim was confident on his pick. Bronson's first season wasn't something spectacular, but as it was mentioned earlier his team was rebuilding. And his hitting game already was on point so Riga knew this player would be a special one. The next season was a lot better - Faux incresed his point total by 30, faceoff percentage by 5.4 and shot total by 124. And we can't finish his rookie report without mentioning his hitting game once again as it was on point as always. Party in Riga and a Davos wall (S45-47) Regular season: S45(RIG) 72GP | 16G - 29A - 45P | +14 | 248SHT | 5GWG | 150PIM | 345HIT | 14SB | 53.3FO% S46(RIG) 72GP | 36G - 37A - 73P | +15 | 291SHT | 5GWG | 114PIM | 315HIT | 37SB | 57.5FO% S47(RIG) 72GP | 33G - 34A - 67P | +2 | 351SHT | 11GWG | 136PIM | 262HIT | 31SB | 60.0FO% Playoffs: S45(RIG) 4GP | 0G - 1A - 1P | -4 | 10SHT | 0GWG | 8PIM | 23HIT | 0SB | 45.9FO% S46(RIG) 4GP | 1G - 0A - 1P | -1 | 18SHT | 0GWG | 10PIM | 11HIT | 4SB | 41.5FO% S47(RIG) 4GP | 0G - 1A - 1P | -2 | 22SHT | 0GWG | 8PIM | 14HIT | 3SB | 51.8FO% Finally Riga was ready to compete. That meant Bronson would get less chances as his team would bring better players and it reflected on his stats. He could score only 45 points in S45, but he also would get his faceoff skill up. Next two season were a lot better: 73 points in S46 was followed by 67 in S47. His hits number, however was steadily decreasing, although his career low 262 hits still was a solid two-way stat. Especialy when Bronson could reach the 60% faceoff stat so we definitely can see that his offense was thing his team needed. As about playoffs, all of theee attempts unfotunately ended in the EU conference semi finals and all three series ended in a sweep. First two seasons Riga hit a Davos wall and then Stockholm managed to make a surprising run to the finals with the Reign being a first victim. Even more similarities - Faux scored only 1 point in each in three series with a so-so faceoff stat. His and Riga journey in playoffs wasn't the good one. Retool, S48 Regular season: S48(RIG) 72GP | 29G - 27A - 56P | -38 | 313SHT | 1GWG | 94PIM | 328HIT | 61SB | 55.1FO% After such a heartbreaking losses in playoffs, Steve Smeall (who replaced Gow in S45) realized it's time to retool. It's an often thing to see a good player having a ''blowing out the water'' season. but Bronson's 67 point peformace was followed by an average 56 points in S48. But the most interesting thing is he would once again crack the 300 hit mark which kind of saved his season. He also was decent in faceoffs - 55.1% is not an elite stat, but a fine one by a guy who's primary thing is smashing bodies into the boards. Anyway, his team didn't made the playoffs as they were waiting for the better days. Going wild and the ending (S49-50) Regular season: S49(RIG) 72GP | 37G - 40A - 77P | +0 | 446SHT | 10GWG | 144PIM | 300HIT | 59SB | 54.6FO% S50(RIG) 72GP | 29G - 51A - 80P | +5 | 317SHT | 8GWG | 123PIM | 312HIT | 22SB | 56.3FO% Playoffs: S49(RIG) 13GP | 7G - 10A - 17P | -4 | 82SHT | 2GWG | 37PIM | 36HIT | 7SB | 51.6FO% After some retooling process Riga would follow up by the playoff appearance. The Reign wasn't really a competing team, but a weak European conference opened doors to a Latvian team. In a surprising turn of events they would knock the favorite Davos out in 7 games and put up a solid fight against Cologne, despite losing in 6. Brosnosn once again found his offenseive play as he would post a 77 point performance along with 300 hits and a career high 446 shots. The S49 playoffs was his best moment of his career: he would amass an amazing 17 points with 36 hits. And despite of -4 rating, a Canadian was the real MVP of his team. As about his last season, Riga once again went on rebuild and it meant he would finish his career with zero championships. But his last ride was a memorable one as he hit his career high 80 points and he once again was a threat as a hitter (312). AWARDS: S42 Founder's Cup - VHLM Champions (BRM) S42 Prime Minister's Cup - VHLM Best Regular Season Record (BRM) S48 Bronze Medal - World Cup (CAN) CAREER STATS: Regular stats, S43-50 576GP | 221G | 295A | 516P | -66 | 995PIM | 2412SHT | 45GWG | 2582HIT | 257SB | 53.6FO% Playoffs, S43-50 31GP | 9G | 17A | 26P | -16 | 77PIM | 157SHT | 2GWG | 115HIT | 14SB | 47.5FO% Bronson Faux = Tier 2 player. Bronson is a definition of a loyal player. If there was a HoF for loyal players, this player would be on the first ballot. His willingness to play in one team has a dark site though, especially when it comes to stats and awards. Unfortuantelly, his VHLM championship and Gold medal in the S48 World Cup are the only ones he won during his career. It's a shame to see this player go without having a glory moment, but such is the hockey game. It wasn't easy for me to decide in which tier he belongs, but his lack of awards, career minus rating and career <1 PPG ultimately put his into the second one despite of having a whopping 2582 hits. Anyway, this player won't be forgotten and especially in Riga where he deserves his number to be retired (*it didn't happen already because the current GM is a lazy scrub*) And since this day, he will be known as a third inductee in the Snubbed Players Hall of Fame. Previous inductees: Tier 1: Tier 2: (S39) RW - Milos Denis Tier 3: (S40) LW - Christoph Klose 6x2=12 TPE goes to Krīgars 26.03 - 01.04 02.04 - 08.04
  5. Should be a fight here. Dunno who takes it.
  6. good good. btw, welfare is 4 TPE now so you can make a decent player at least here one way or another.
  7. The more you call Freddy a chump, the more Riga has a chance to win the championship. keep calling him a chump
  8. Good thing is King started 63 times. Could've been worse if this game was his 65th as a starter.
  9. I also sent you lines on Saturday. and on Sunday as well btw
  10. you already know 300 TPE players are gods here, so why you're even trying lol
  11. In before I'm going to builder HoF without a 1000 TPE player.
  12. The reason why Riga won last season for sure.
  13. Toronto Legion - they already have only 7 players (not including a goalie) and Sokolov's retirement put an end to their hope for one more shot. Do or die now. @DollarAndADream already said he's selling players in a game thread. Riga Reign - there's still a chance for one more run, but the cap would be hard to overcome. And knowing this season's performance it perhaps would be better to sell players. Not 100% though. Helsinki Titans - @boubabi finally gets traded to other teams like Calgary and Helsinki goes rebuild. Not certain though. Seattle Bears - I think this won't happen but as far as I understand, @Banackock is not sure about the future of this team. I still think they're competing next season, but who knows. So NY is the only team that will compete next season. We would see some new teams fighting for the glory, Calgary and Davos in particular so I expect a good off-season with some interesting trades. My guess about next season contenders: NY Davos Calgary Seattle Helsinki, if Boubs stays there. That's it and I'm out. 2 TPE goes to Krīgars
  14. According to Sterling, VHL has no builders at all. I mean, you could wait for S80 or something I used Anderson's help on hacking VHL so you're banned too
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