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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. How many OT/SO games we've had with Toronto already? too bad we still can't score a lot
  2. where do you see a second word other than FUCK?
  3. Have you thought about competing next season, knowing how many S60 picks you have? Quebec needs goalies. Iseult or Asipi Jr. ? Do you have a member(s) you really want to have in your team? Bennington, Green, Bourdon. All of them from previous Frank trades went inactive. What's the deal? Inactive LR, something else? Seems like we're witnessing the reneissance of the VHLM. Is this only for one season though?
  4. I mean Helsinki would've won the championship already, but you didn't even bring The Process. that's a shame
  5. - Well no shit, this often happens to old teams; - We have too much pass-first forwards (2/5); - no depth in general.
  6. so the winner will be a third person, like Corner last season. This time it's DeGrath.
  7. Like I said, this sim is dumb.
  8. When's your recreate coming out? @Bring Back Chat
  9. 1. No, because I had a cat. 2. Aha, I know you're expecting to see Cornerstone's name in it. I'll just name Scmeckeldorf to see your reaction hehe. 3. Kinkaid is on fire so far, but I don't know if he can keep this up. So there's or Fabio Jokinen or Ron. ayyy lmao 4. Ok dis hard. I can't predict this thing. I think this is not about points though? I guess either Ron or someone from a bottom feeder team. 5. Molholt, then Bana.
  10. can someone ask three questions to me smh?


  11. Do you still hate Riga GM? When will he understand Locke and Krīgars are destined to play in second line? Wtf is happening with Riga offense? Is STHS dumb? Do you think he's telling truth?
  12. Apparently, Seattle has decided to copy Riga here.
  13. 5+3 uncapped TPE goes to Krīgars. Someone can fix some grammar and stylistic mistakes and thing before adding this into HoD section.
  14. RW - Max Mølholt Birthplace: Denmark Height: 6’0” Weight: 205 lbs. Jersey Number: 90 Drafted: S45 TOR (via GM Rule) Username: Molholt One thing is having one great season and then falling back to having from decent to mediocre seasons. The other thing is the ability to duplicate or triplicate your success. Or even better - being a consistent offensive threat throughout your whole career. And meanwhile Max Molholt wasn't the most consistent player in the VHL history, it's impossible to overlook his influence on the S48-52 Toronto dynasty. Max came from the Mike Molholt agency which already produced a solid player in Jarkko Olsen and ''what-could-have-been'' type of a player in A.C. Savage. He never had a chance to taste the draft waters since his agent became Toronto GM (hence he became it's prospect even before he stepped his foot in the minors), but I can assure you this turn of events only had a positive impact on the VHL legend from Denmark. Career Awards: Season 45 The Toronto Legion franchise had a very uncertain future when Mike Molholt took the charge of this team. So it wasn't a surprise when the newly acquired GM decided to start a rebuilding plan. He also brought his relative to the T-Dot city as he believed Max is ready for the big league. Needless to say that Max didn't dissapoint. He took the VHL league by storm with fifty-two goals in one-hundred-and-one point. Also, he posted his career high 193 shot blocks and despite he had a negative -41 rating, the VHL analytics and Toronto fans knew that they're seeing the legend in making. It's hard to imagine, but even 101 points weren't enough for taking the Christian Stolzschweiger Trophy (the best rookie award) as the award commitee decided that Greg Clegane was a better fit for this award. Also, it was obvious that Toronto wouldn't make the playoffs so nobody was surprised or mad when the team finished next to last (only two points ahead of Seattle). Season 46 Everything, even having a bad season has two sides and the good one for Toronto was having a lottery pick. In overall, Toronto had 5 first round picks which was a blessing for a starving franchise. Some of them became a vital part of team's dynasty, like another HoF player in Zach Parechkin, LeAndre St. Pieree and World B. Free. And what about our hero? He managed to convince everybody that his awesome rookie season wasn't a fluke. A lot of players, even HoF players expricenced a so called ''sophomore slump'', but Max was having none of it. He responded to doubters with his career high sixty-three goals and one-hundred-and-twenty points. He eventually won the Kevin Brooks trophy for being the best scorer. Also, his efforts provided Toronto a ticket to the playoffs. However, they had to face the real contender in Calgary and nobody believed in the miracle. The Wranglers indeed gave no chances for a still young Toronto team by sweeping them in round one. Max Molholt managed to get only one point, but the future in Toronto was still bright. Season 47 Some of people were expecting Toronto to make waves in the trade and FA market, but Mike Molholt has decided it's not their time, yet. Their S46 players were still growing and that reflected on team's performance. Toronto once again finished next to last (only ahead of team that swept them last year, Calgary) and it was very obvious they are gunning for another number one draft pick. It perhaps had to do with Max's motivation as he scored fourty-six goals, but ''only'' eighy-nine points. For other solid/decent player 89 points would be nothing to be ashamed for, but for Max these were sort of mediocre stats and definitely a down year for him. Season 48 The season 48 marked the beggining of the famously known Toronto dyansty as the GM finally brought some players via trade and FA. Also, Toronto won the lottery again which gave them another future HoF player in Black Velvet. The mix of veteran players and rookies gave the Legion a green light on doing great things. Max Molholt also felt that this is the time to shine once again as he decided to develop his faceoff skills to fill an important hole in center. That change definitely helped Max to get back on track as he scored fourty-four goals and one-hundred-and-eight points. He also registred a +53 rating, high career high at that time. His team took the Victory Cup for the first time which automatically put them into the second round. Then they faced Seattle in Round 2 and despite of a good fight from the young Bears, Max and his company were too much for them. The Legion took the series in 6 and advanced to the finals to face the Helsinki Titans team. The Titans were gunning for the third cup in four seasons, but Toronto didn't give much chances for an aging Finnish team and even the loss in Game 2 was more of a Clegane monstrous play than his team's effort. At the end, Black Velvet's OT goal in Game 5 started a legendary dynasty with the Continental Cup. Max Molholt was a huge contributor to his team playoff success with scoring fifteen points in 11 games and also posting twenty-eight hits. Season 49 The Toronto Legion team entered the season 49 with one and only plan - back to back. However, their road to the Continetal Cup wasn't easy at all as they had to fight with the similar cup contender in Quebec and the Americans were a threat as well. Quebec eventually managed to take the Victory Cup thanks to their 27-win streak. But this wasn't the only big news. The VHL witnessed a player scoring more than 140 points and this player was none other but Max Molholt. This season definitely was his opus magnum as he scored fifty-six goals along with one-hundred-and-fourty-five goals which is his career high. He even was throwing his body at times, registering one-hundred-and-sevety-six hits and +80 rating was another elite number. However, his team finished second so they had to start from Round 1 against an aging but still a valid threat in Americans team. They had a solid fight, but Toronto had a better endurance due having more young players and it gave them a win in 6 games. Then they faced the Meute and almost everybody were expecting a seven-game clash of the titans. In a surprising turn of events, the Legion managed to trounce their opponents in only five games and they advanced into the finals the face the young Cologne Express team. The European team gave a good fight, but once again Toronto took the finals in five games to celebrate their two-peat. Max continued his dominance with the twenty-four point performance in sixteen playoff games. Not only he won the second cup in a row, this was his most successful season in terms of awards. He took the Mike Szatkowski Trophy for having most points and the Alexander Beketov Trophy for his eight-nine assist season. Unfortunately, these were last personal awards for Max. Season 50 Like last season, Toronto had only one plan on their mind and that's another Continental Cup. And once again they needed to fight the Meute team for taking the NA crown. And this time, they managed to return the favor by overtaking Quebec by nine points so they didn't have to start their playoff run from Round 1. Meanwhile, Max Molholt took a huge dip from his last season success, which was very unexpected. Fourty goals and eighty-three goals was not his level stat, but sometimes even all-time greats were having the year-off seasons. In the playoffs Toronto once again faced the Meute team and this time the series were more tense. Both teams were neck-in-neck during whole series: every game finished with the one goals difference. At the end, Toronto proved they had better nerves and they threw Quebec out from contention in 6 games. Then they would face an underdog Davos in finals. Some of VHL fans would say his was the finals for ages and they won't be wrong: the Dynamo team was doing everything they could to shatter Toronto's three-peat dream and they even were 3-2 up in series. At the end of the day the Legion prevailed over an underdog team by taking the Game 7 in the second OT, completing the first and only three-peat in VHL history to date. Max had a nice playoff campaign: he scored twelve points in thirteen games and even minus one raiting along with a medicore defenseive play couldn't spoil this historical moment for him and his Toronto teammates. Season 51 Once again, Toronto entered the season to make another history. However, this was a hard task as the team started to become older and they had to face the powerhouse in Calgary. The Legion couldn't take another Victory Cup because the Wranglers were too strong for any opponent in the regular season. But Toronto had the news to brag about as well - Max Molholt had a bounce back season. He almost reached a sixty-goal mark and posted one-hundred-and-twenty-three points. He definitely was a candidate for the Dustin Funk award for being the most improved player, but Tyson Kohler was a better player in that season. Like in season 49, they had to start from Round 1, this time against an upcoming Seattle Bears team. The youngins made sure this series won't be a cakewalk for Toronto, but Molholt's team managed to close series in six games. Then they would face Calgary in the NA finals. After five games, Toronto pulled a shocker by manhandling the powerhouse Calgary team and once again Max Molholt and his teammates could make into the finals. This time, they faced Riga in another famous finals series, known as the Cleganebowl. Fast forward, both teams didn't want to give up their dream. Toronto was very close to re-write a history by having a 3-2 lead in series and 2-0 lead in Game 6, but Maximoff could take this series to the seventh game by his hat-trick. The audience in Riga saw only one goal in Game 7 and it was Jeff Hamilton who scored the cup winning goal 24 seconds before ending of a regulation time. Toronto four-peat dream was shattered. Max Molholt would have another solid playoff campaign by scoring eighteen points in 18 playoff games. Unfortunately, his efforts weren't enough to tranlsate it into another Continental Cup. Season 52 It was clear that Toronto was too old to make another push for the championship, but Mike Molholt decided that they still have it. And Toronto indeed still had it. They could make this into a four team race in NA, just like in season 49. However, their age did reflect on their performance. And having no depth eventually put the nail into their coffin as posting 99 points wasn't enough to even make the playoffs. The third team, Calgary amassed 106 points. Max Molholt couldn't repeat his best seasons, but one-hundred points were nothing to scoff at and maybe he still could be a serious offensive threat, but Max called it quits following the game against Seattle. Career Statistics: Regular Season: Playoffs: Molholt's last game, against the Seattle Bears team was played on January 8, 2017 where Toronto could send Molholt home with a 5-4 OT win. Max also finished his career with a bang with posting two points. Even though you don't see a huge personal award cabinet, not including Molholt into the Hall of Fame would've been a crime. Ever since he stepped foot into the VHL ice for the first time, his offensive skills were a nightmare to the opponent's defense and goalies. And even on his down seasons, he still was a huge part of the Legion's historical achievement. He never went below 83-point mark and this fact says it all - he was an elite player. We also need to mention that he is now placed 11th in an all-time scoring list with a whopping 869 points. His working ethic, willingness to change a position for his team's good and his scoring ability will forever be placed in VHL and especially in Toronto Legion's history. And since season 53, his name is forever being remembered in the VHL Hall of Fame.
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