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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. sths got drunk and gave a rest day to Cricket
  2. buncha goons in this game @Anthony Matthews gets his game winning shootout this time
  3. hey maybe I should get all attributes to 99 to see him still suck fucking useless piece of shit, the same goes for a poor excuse of a proper simulation engine that is sths
  4. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? I mean, we were completely outplayed, but when a 86 OV goalie isn't saving anything and gets pulled for the 78th time, you know that this sim is fucked
  5. 260 Vancouver Wolves @ Helsinki Titans 261 Moscow Menace @ New York Americans 262 Prague Phantoms @ Seattle Bears 263 Calgary Wranglers @ Toronto Legion
  6. Well, it's been revealed that your team is having a positive record against them. And for real, before these trades it basically was you and Vancouver for NA conference. Seattle was nothing more than a solid 3rd place team and Toronto...well they're still having issues with pushing NY out of the playoff spot. You do you obv, but I have a feeling Calgary was on peak this season.
  7. this I was under impression that Calgary was on the rise and should've been a legit threat to Vancouver, but oh well
  8. with 48 FO? he has some unclaimed TPE, but who knows where he will put them
  9. weird, Gritty isn't even a center. Other than that, right move by Davos, they need some offense
  10. rip Seattle cup run S68-68
  11. At this point I'm seeing all high TPE goalies doing a good job. All but one, you can guess one time who is this goalie. I figured it out he should finish the season with. 920+ stat despite of this slump, but I'm slowly starting to lose hope. But if he doesn't finish at least at .920, this is gonna be utterly nonsense. And I'm still not ok with this result, this is just stupid.
  12. And that's a huge problem. Why even trying to earn max TPE if this doesn't do anything? I have a feeling that Clayton Park would've done a better job at this stage of the season and that's really fucked up. I'm really starting to wait when Kallis is done to maybe create a welfare tier player cause I'm tired. Tired of having a feeling when I'm building a team to just potentially being screwed by my own goalie.
  13. I was ok when we had problems with Prague at the start of the season. We know how it goes at that stage. But when it happens in mid season, it's just ridiculous bullshit. And how about .910 from my goalie? I'm doing all of them PT's, trying to make him better just to see THAT? I'm laughing and being butthurt at the same time from all of that doodoo tier stats
  14. a parity? when a way better team loses for the second time to a team with a 180 TPE goalie? losing to a team who doesn't even have a 400 TPE player? Even if all of them have a perfect build, these kind of results are still not right. Not even mentioning we had a game that went to OT so it really could've been 3 loses already. this sim really went to shit lately
  15. so this is the bitch sim logic, right? a 750 TPE difference between goalies means that a 200 TPE one is playing better? this is how it happens nowadays? I understood when it happened at the start of the season, but it is not normal in mid season. A 990 TPA goalie is .910 after 38 games, this is NOT NORMAL just change this idiotic sim, it's too much random going on as of late
  16. what the fuck is this crap? I'm sick to see our team going toe to toe with every team but this one. is this sim normal? cause I don't think this shot diff makes any sense given that this happens almost evey time we're playing with this particular team.
  17. Since nobody from Moscow wanted to put some questions for this week I needed to see what happens at the players' press conference section. Needless to say, I left that section with a disappointment on my face. It's really being on shambles as of late. The team press conferences took it all away from individuals and nowadays it's only a rare active thread there. There's a Tate with his podcast and a couple of guys as well. So I had no choice, but to type a quote about this situation. But hedge, why didn't you try to bring at least something there and ask some questions to an individual? Instead of typing lazy answers in the Riga PC? Well, I was certainly sure my questions would've been left as unanswered. Cause it seems like nobody cares about it, besides Tate. And probably Quik with his most recent PC for ACL. So I guess it won't be a reach I I'll say that the players conference section is dead. What a shame. I remember when I had my own PC which was decently active. But once others stopped asking me questions, I just left it and never came back. So I'm one of them who killed it. 2 TPE goes to Randoms
  18. The latter one. Malmo is currently the second worst team at shots for stat. Even Prague has more so far. Gotta be a Davos effect, they're playing tight in defence.
  19. Perhaps it has to do with Valiq himself, he was a very successful player with a scoring first approach. So it probably made members to make a lot of shooters. My only defenceman was a 40/90 type of player as well. But I wasn't there in S30's so maybe some older member can tell more about it.
  20. 1. By some weird voodoo magic we're #1 in the standings. How long do we have until we get hit with the good ol' STHS curse? The curse already started to hit this bitch ass Kallis. Can't hang on for a long time with this mid-tier underachiever. 2. How do you feel about our current situation at goalie? How does it compare to the rest of the league? Normal. Not a lot of active goalies are backups and we're having a couple of big goalies that already hit a regression. So it will be alright. 3. Calgary netminder Brick Wahl has earned 23 penalty minutes so far. What's his deal? Think he had that one game when he had a misconduct. But guess he was feeling the same as an entire team when they were struggling. 4. A few currently-active players (Thompson, Bailey, Davis, Palo) have been at the top of the points board for a while. Who's the young player that will take over for them when they retire? Freeman and I hope Aaltonen as well. HHH could finally break out, but perhaps it requires him to leave Riga to be an offensive leader in other team. 5. Lance Flowers has a pretty compelling argument for RotY so far. Will he get shown up by someone else, or is this our award-winner? I put him as the RoTY in predictions. Think he will hang on and take this award. 6. A recent forum trend has been the count to 1,000 thread. What's your conspiracy theory about its end goal? I don't know anything about it since I put my 337 number there. 7. Even with 4 teams in the playoffs, the EU Conference is easily 5 teams deep (we'll get there, Prague). In your opinion, who gets left out? Either Davos or Moscow. 8. The NA Conference still has a very young Seattle team at its helm. Is this the future of the VHL? Yes. I think they will be buyers in the next offseason. There is no reason why they should hold on. 9. Is Toronto's competitive window closed? Not really. Devise is just waiting. Peace and Tzuyu still gonna be decent and then there's Glover. If he manages to get 1-2 top players next offseason, they might be back in action. 10. What does Davos need to do to become a frontrunner? Offense. Jake Davis can't do this on his own.
  21. Title. - I have a strong feeling that the S69 draft won't as big as S66-68 ones. Two out of 5 TOP 5 players are GM players so it only leaves us with three players over 200 TPE so far. In before Bek comes in with his ''back in S50's and mid-tier to horrible drafts'' speech. There are a couple of upcoming first-gens that will be first round material by the time draft comes. So it still will be worth looking at the first round, but the draft itself won't be as deep as previous ones. Which is a shame, given how popular is the 69 number is; - I also have a less strong, but a feeling nonetheless - the S70 draft will be a better one with more high profile recreates; - Calgary finally found their game. I wish our team played them more when they were stuggling cause I doubts they're gonna bottle a lot of games now; - The value of picks is tanking hard these days. I'm seeing teams extensively selling them right before the draft or even way before it. Looks like a lot of GM's are still not keen on having 9/6 roster to not make their key players unhappy due to lack of playing time. If your team isn't Moscow and NY of course. And the cap is still a thing here: especially if those players' cap hit is 5.5 or more M's. Curious to see how long this trend will continue; - I'm probably late to the party, but here is another trend. Pass-first defencemans. This thing is real. Shooting defs will be a rarity soon, I swear. There are a couple of good scoring defencemans and two of them might be the favorites for the Labatte, but more and more younger members are preferring passing these days; - Seems like a depth is playing a big part for NY and Prague. These both teams are pressing far better squads and don't suck hard. The Americans in particular, these guys were above Calgary of all teams in standings. And they're still having Toronto in shook. While I think they're eventually going to fall to their 5th spot in NA, their run is being one of surprising moments of the first half of the season; - Speaking about Toronto - Valeri Morozov? Viktor Kozlov?! Kyson Blake?!?!?!!!? Ok, I get the signing of Morozov. He is still fairly young and there is a tiny chance that 'Cock might try to get his booty back once again. But what in the world is one of countless Moscow's let downs doing in the Legion? That was the really signing for the sake of signing and having a sixth D. Perhaps Symm and Elhandon don't even care at this point and Tzuyu's minutes weren't cut at all so nobody's unhappy. It's just a weird thing to see - signing an inactive guy who has no future whatsoever; - Malmo's total shot difference is negative, yet they are third in standings. Gotta give a credit to Johnson for this one despite of ''just a decent'' .919 stat. But a team needs to put a weight up at offense cause their current passive style won't get them a championship; That's it and I'm out. 6 TPE to Kallis
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