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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. I was surprised when I saw the tag from Shawn which was telling me that my player or myself as a GM was somehow at least nominated for an award. It appeard that Randoms was literally nominated for the most improved player. He didn't win, but surprising nonetheless. In other news, Riga managed to be mentioned in the award ceremony thanks to McWolf who won two defensive awards. Nice bounce back from him and good for us. We didn't even need to pay a first round pick to acquire him lol. What an investment. Nothing really was suprising there...except of the MVP award. This is the moment when award commitee went wrong. I'm sorry Vancouver fans, but I just don't see how Palo is MVP. First of all, I'm a bit biased towards my second team which is Moscow. But still, either I have no idea how the most valuable player is being determined or Palo indeed isn't MVP. I mean, the points difference between Palo and Louth (12) is less than between Cast and Randoms (23). But the most important thing - we knew that Vancouver will advance into the playoffs no matter what. Whether with Palo or without him as Louth had another strong season and he really was looking as a legit star. Moscow though? I can't say the same. Randoms was good; after all, his improvement was noted by the award commitee. But there is now way the Menace could've had such a season without Cast. And rather would've had a tough fight with Davos for the playoffs and there is no guarantee that Riga's opponent wouldn't be the latter team. I gotta say, Moscow overachieved a bit with that large ass roster and Cast was one of main reasons why Davos couldn't make the playoffs. Take him out - and the team is left with rather a ''fine, but not spectacular'' tier offense imo. So yeah, in my books Cast > Palo when it comes to MVP.
  2. I can see I'm not an option here by not seeing a question about sleeping. smh
  3. Percs of a weak division I guess? Toronto still gets into the playoffs, but more eyeing on next season I guess. *armchair expert analysis done*
  4. you should've created him for S69 so I could take you in the 15th round (if today's recruitment goes hard)
  5. yeah back that azz up who said he's yours?
  6. you didn't want to change the name to An Orange Guy. gl with being a backup in an expansion team
  7. mhm makes sense go back to inactivity
  8. nice nice. we let Beav to feel a glory as well. I guess Shawn and Esso next eh? gratz 'Couver!
  9. 1) The Menace lost a tough first round series against Riga. Where did we go wrong in the series? Gorlab can't send mids to a right person. 2) The VHL finals sees Vancouver Wolves vs Helsinki Titans, who is going to win and why? Seems like Vancouver takes it in 7. Not really believing in hsk tbh. 3) Who are your top choices for playoff MVP this season? Cast. Already explained why in Riga PC. 4) Off-season is already in full swing for the Menace. What off-season activities are you currently enjoying while we wait for S68 to start? Not enjoying much so far. Just gon do my GM things and whatever then. 5) What stat categories are you going to be focusing on improving as we enter the new season? ''Not regressing too much'' attribute. 6) VHL is apparently expanding next season. Where do you think/hope the two new franchises will be located? Do you like or dislike the idea of league expansion? Prague and WSH I guess? can we hope for some surprises? Idk. 2 TPE to Randoms
  10. 1. Vancouver vs. Helsinki for the second time in a row. What's different from last year's series? Vancouver became stronger. Looks like keeping Palo all the time finally paid off to the fullest. 2. Tzuyu and Ryan Sullivan Jr. just re-signed with Toronto for $5m/season each, but Dragomir and Arroyo will be retiring from the VHL. What's your way-too-early prediction for how the Legion's next season ends? Devise mentioned in his article that he has a deal in place. We already know what type of deal it's gonna be so Toronto will be in playoffs next season. Don't think they will be so dominant like this season though. 3. Will next season's expansion teams fare any better than Moscow or Malmo in their inaugural seasons? Maybe? Only few teams are able to give quality players so everything is possible in a bad way. 4. Davos was recently rated as the most miserable VHL franchise currently in existence. What does Davos need to do over the next couple of seasons to become less miserable? Stop retooling. Shawn really needs to do a bold move by giving up some firsts for more superstars. 5. What are your most and least favorite things about Riga (or Latvia in general)? fav - Maskačka least fav - Government of Latvia. DOWN WITH THESE THIEVES!!!!!! 6. Who's your vote for the league's (regular season) MVP? Cast ainec. Sorry to Palo, but Pod was more important for Moscow than Palo for Vancouver tbh. 2 TPE to Kallis
  11. Back to my no desire theme. Have you seen that I never update my player since the 08/11 week? Of course not, but this is a fact. Cause I'm not motivated. Btw, @Devise is probably still waiting for the answer to his question in his VHL.com piece. It's very likely he won't get the answer at all. Cause I have no interest to come up with something. Oh yeah, have you ever wondered why I didn't go off on a sim engine once again after the game 7 loss? I had a boiling point at one day right before Kastelic changed his position, but after that there weren't much complaints from me. Nyko really suggested me to start to do graphics. He didn't know that I don't even know what is stocks and filters. And renders. I never needed this as most of times my brains was full of ideas and I wasn't so flegmatic. Guess what, there is still no chance I will start doing these even if I will never write any articles in a sim league. Cause you know what? I have no desire to learn anything. At least for now. I'm still enjoying summer and I'm not even sure when it will end. Yeah, I'm done. 2 TPE to Randoms
  12. I never thought I'll have to come to this, but I have no other options but to come back with the random quotes during the season. I had an article coming up, but got stuck at 1060 words. Which were wrote in 2 days and was still unfinished. I know that it's not the worst thing that could happen to me. After all, at least 1000+ words. But the desire to finish it is not there. Just like I have a little desire to do something big here so once again Randoms is about to suffer. Moscow in shambles. One of only things I'm still intersted in is GM'ing. Is this for a long time? Time will tell. I mentioned once I have a plan on doing this till S70 and then see from there. It also will depend on the success. 4 seasons in a row when Riga didn't make the finals and 2 out of 4 playoff loses were in the semi finals game 7. That's disappointing. And look at Kallis stats. It seems like the better he is playing, the bigger chance we won't have a big success in the post-season. Guess we need him to go back to sub 0.900 and the glory is ours again! 2 TPE to Kallis
  13. it's confirmed, no picks for Peace when he takes over. nice way how to start a GM tenure
  14. more like rip @ShawnGlade Davos and not the first OV, name more iconic duo
  15. Part I - Pick em' (Pick the correct winners of all three games for 2 TPE) Game 3 - Helsinki Titans @ Vancouver Wolves Game 4 -Helsinki Titans @ Vancouver Wolves Game 5 - Vancouver Wolves @ Helsinki Titans Part II - Predict the Score (Predict the correct score and winner of this game for 3 TPE) Game 5 - Vancouver Wolves 3:2 Helsinki Titans Part III - Player Predictions (Predict the correct player for each category, 1 TPE for each correct answer) Series leader in points: Beau Louth Series leader in goals: Matt Thompson Series leader in assists: Beau Louth Who has the series PIM lead: Kronos Bailey Who scores the series winning goal: Julius Freeman
  16. no. let's re-start this season instead and rig us a championship
  17. Guess this is the first time I can pay my attention to something else rather than asg. I'll just take a look at McWolf and Kastelic stats there
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