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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. Calgary is about to do their best S68 Davos impression. an ok offense, brick wall in defence and literally a brick wall in the net.
  2. let's have a good backup season now!
  3. First of all, the lowest quality logo is back. Enjoy! Ok, now I'm gonna do @Victor a favor and post the S68 captains: C - Ryan Kastelic A - Elias Dahlberg A - Joseph McWolf Ok, now the most important news. The S69 captains. I would say that nothing changed since last season, but nah. Mcwolf traded and even without that there is some changes. I had a bit different plan with this, but after some talk in LR here are the Riga Reign S69 captains: C - Elias Dahlberg @Nykonax A - Ryan Kastelic @Enorama A - Anthony Matthews @Anthony Matthews Don't forget to congratulate them...I demand! @McWolf was also mentioned there
  4. yeah, this sucks. ? should've handed me 50M cap instead of 45
  5. Welcome to Riga @SweetMike666
  6. 1. First overall. Surprised? 2. Do you expect high numbers in your rookie season? 3. How's Prague? 4. won't you feel sorry for your ex Vegas teammates when you'll hit them on boards? 5. so I guess you're gonna try to drag d_a back to EFL in exchange of signing a deal with Prague, right? 6. Prague ain't bout to win anything this season though. Does that bothers you?
  7. 1. The S66 rookies are getting their first chance at free agency. Which S66 FAs are important pieces for playoff contenders? Looks like nothing very big except for Rodriguez. There was one possible big S66 signing, but then our trade with Vancouver happened. 2. Who's the most important overall FA this off-season? Jake Davis. He was carrying Davos and in overall he is a star forward. Gow bros gonna make Moscow better, but having a relevant replacement of Thompson gonna keep Malmo high. 3. McWolf recently announced he'd be moving on. Any words for our lead blue liner? That trade was worth it. I mean, that trade that brought him in. Good luck in Malmo and let us win a championship hehe. 4. Which team is in the biggest rebuild heading into the offseason? Don't include expansion teams. Well, we already know now. Davos. It was expected though. That loss to Malmo was a final blow to them because who knows what could've been had they won it. And then knowing Davos playoff luck against Riga in general... 5. This incoming draft class is quite a bit smaller than the last few seasons'. Why is that? Guess reddit is sick of sim league ads. And the recruitment team is not clogging up the drafts to not having our previous first gens having garbage minutes because of that. 6. Any recent users back from a hiatus/new members you want to shout out? his @SlapshotDragon I know you're weren't exactly in hiatus, but I'm watching your goalie closely. 7. What have you been doing since we got eliminated from the playoffs? Sleeping. dooh. 8. Any movies/video games/other media you're looking forward to in the near future? lol not watching them. 9. Awards ceremony is this Thursday (Nov. 7); any thoughts on who's going to win what? I'm late. But nothing really surprising here. Like Davison as a top goalie makes most sense and was predicted by myself before even season has started. Other ones are not a reach as well. I guess. 10. [Controversial?] Let's get an opinion: if you've been following, what do you think of the recent kerfluffle with the SBA? I already expressed my disgruntled opinion on this, nothing more to say. RIP Some Loser.
  8. Wasn't sure if I could type another 200 words, but then Devise helped me a bit. A round robin for the World Cup has ended just 5 minutes ago. The team World had an alright performance. The 4-5-1 record was enough for the fourth place. I assume we're going to face Mercs in the quarter finals. It's been a while since Mercs were that good. Is this their yeat to take? Maybe, why not. Kallis had a fine performance with .925 and and 1 shutout. Guess he was the second best goalie after Brick Wahl. Can't complain about these stats knowing what is he doing sometimes in the VHL league. Randoms though. @gorlab was so happy to see Jaguar having a great chemistry with Jagr. But I guess he should more think about his perhaps future linemate and his stats in this world cup. I mean, if he shows kind of these numbers in next season, Moscow is totally fucked. Talking about smoking the whole pack of mids. I'm afraid these were not even mids, these were some spice. 4 points, -8. Bruh. The woat 81 OV forward nickname coming in stores as of now. 2 TPE to Randoms
  9. I mean, my activity hasn't been an exceptional one since this spring. But when I have nothing to say even for random quotes...oof. But I'm going to do something because I need 2 TPE. And I'm also going to help @zepheter on reaching his goal. Here's to hope he will make the S70 draft a bit better. Cause at this point that draft doesn't looks very deep. Some potential future stars, like Beketov or Tagger. A good goalie in Slapshot. Some more interesting prospects, including Zeph. But still, nothing very deep. Perhaps this isn't a bad thing at all. Flyersfan was mentioning once about this stuff and he was fan of not having ridiculously deep drafts every time so this league couldn't be burnt out by that. It makes some sense. Now we're on the waiting position. Perhaps the recruiting crew has something up in the store, but at this moment we're keeping it more quiet. I guess that's for S66 and onwards first gens to finally some recognition in the big league before a new crop of fresh faces joinst he pack. I think I'm about to be at 200 words. yay. 2 TPE to Cricket.
  10. Long story short: this was the most exciting week in a while because off-season. Drafts, trades, free agency etc. A short breakdown of events that were surrounding Riga and me specifically: - not much trades so far. Back in the days I was doing so much. But this time I only did one deal so far. However, this was a big one. The cap was starting to catch up on us and having three heavy TPE defencemans was too much. So an elder one, McWolf was traded to a European rival Malmo. For a first, two thirds and Jack Lynch. I was contemplating to send Jack somewhere else immediately after the deal happened. But then I took more time for thoughts, looked up to his build and realized that there's not much of a sense to trade him. His solid scoring build should do good things for us and we were suffering from a lack of firepower last season. His possible 50-60 point season is definitely gonna help us with that. - the draft was something else. I clearly wasn't in the best shape when I was picking players due to lack of sleep prior to this event. And a birthday celebration in workdays wasn't helping my case either. I was taking help from Nyko, especially in later rounds because at that time my brains were already fried completely. However, if you think I did this choices just because I wasn't feeling very well - now that's a meestake. I had Guy Sasakamoose at third since Wednesday and I was just following my plan. The same for Ben Storm and Patrik Tallinder, I liked their builds and their activity so this went very well for me. As I said, the second and later rounds were assisted by Nykonax and some of picks (like Shush Nyko and Nicolas Fomba were influenced by him). They know each other from SHL I guess and I have some of more guys who has that league as the first priority. Perhaps @bluesfan55 retired too early eh? Also, picked up two more steals in Richard Fitzwell and Elliot Porter. So despite of my conditions and weird moment at pick 6, the draft went good for us. I think our future should be fine. - Ok, now about the free agency. What else can I say. Except for the fact I'm really doing nothing there for I don't even know which season in a row. In 15 seasons of GM'ing, only S63 could be considered as the successful off-season for me if we're talking about FA. At this point, this is the sixth off-season in a row when I didn't sign any free agent. Even an inactive one. If someone would write an article about current GM's and point out their strengths and weakness. The FA would definitely be my weak point. Although this is not a complaint at all. First of all, I didn't have a moment when I really needed a free agent at all. And I don't think my pitching skills are great either. I'm good with only drafting and trading, it appears that this is still enough to create a good team. Ok, now this sim needs to stop doing it's shenanigans against us and give us a win finally. It's been a while since S63...season sixty-three. Mhm, maybe I should've thought about bringing a good free agent to my team. Welp, we're fucked now. In overall, this off-season was a 50/50 for me. The draft was great for us and I think we have a good team aka the best darkhorse team in this league. And then some failures. Not being able to secure a first OV (ok, this didn't hurt me a lot). And then having a chance to take a first rounder for a player to just not securing a deal; and then seeing that other GM'' could bring two players in his team for two firsts. That sucked way more. Now I still have a cap problem and most likely I won't take a lot of assetes for players eithers. I guess I'm good with only drafting and tra...wait, I already said that. I'm recycling words now so this article is done. That's it and I'm out. 6 TPE for Kallis.
  11. Conflicting signings. Excited af as Randoms, very meh as Riga GM.
  12. punishing members for doing shit in completely other league ok. at least it's one week, not a month or so
  13. hey guys, the first blockbuster has came up. get in here!
  14. 1. Do you feel like you're ready for the big league? 2. What's your reaction on a conflict that happened after game 6? 3. happy with your performance? 4. do you feel like you could've performed better in playoffs? 5. how hard was it to play against Houston's goalie McGee? 6. Any attribute you're focusing on this offseason? 7. How's Malmo? 8. Do you know where Sweden is? 9. Which team has more fun LR - Malmo or Yukon? 10. your fav teammated? @73MPL4R
  15. Some more things. This upcoming draft will be a nice one. Some guys retired during that conflict, but we're still having two rounds plus some deep round steals. So I'm perfectly ok with that. The regression is about to come up once again. Kallis is about to lose 234 TPE. Big goof. I hope I can do a good build for once because Riga needs to win. for once. Randoms is losing 150 something TPE which I can easily combat with my 200+ banked points. Probably he will have better performance next season and maybe not. I think he was decent with Jaguar so maybe this partership is going to next level once they're getting put into the first line. In overall, I can handle the regression for both players and I hope Cricket won't fall down from a good second half of the last season. Nothing much is about to happen in EU conference either. Malmo competes, Riga competes, Moscow competes, Helsinki likely competes, Davos...now that's a big question. Oh, and Victor just logged in into discord. He said for the second time in three days. Man, that's too often, I thought he is only poppin in once in a year. Something is up... 2 TPE for Randoms
  16. Enough with that shitstorm, let's get back into the VHL only related stuff. Other than that debacle, this off-season is being calm so far. The same for GM's. Some interesting movements may happen later, but so far only one trade occurred. Seattle sent three inactive defencemans to DC in an obvious cap dump deal. I'm sure we will have more notable trades later, but right now we're pretty much waiting. Most likely for Davos as this team is the biggest enigma so far, nobody knows what is going to happen with this team. Some people are thinking they're about to implode, but looks like Shawn still has a hope in him left so there's not much news from them. Other than that, nothing much is going on. I assume the World Cup is happening next week. I also assume both of my players made it into the World although there may be a chance that Randoms is getting relagated to Mercs. Another news is Quik having a good time elsewhere while Helsinki is being a little brother of Davos in terms of uncertainity. So Jubo was appointed and the interim GM. Which is expected because he is the most active Titan right now. Perhaps his first move will be trying to re-sign Wilinsky for one more year. 2 TPE to Cricket
  17. 1. The VHL and SBA are currently no longer affiliates. Does this affect you at all? already was forced to retired from that league. rip 2. What are your thoughts on the controversy which resulted in the VHL and SBA parting ways? (summary: VHLer said 'that's gay' about a sim result and the SBA BoD lost their mind because using that word is offensive to some people) Absolutely negative opinion on the move from SBA. they really thought welfare guys like me are about to do double PT's per week for having a chance for good career therehell nah 3. Have you been following the NHL this season? What team do you support and how are they doing? supporting any team that has a player from Latvia. So Pens, Columbus, Buffalo and prolly Ottawa once Balcers is ok. 4. Off-season is in full swing. What have you been doing to unwind and relax before the season? you already know what's up. strong for Randoms, mids for Kallis etc. 5. Which EU team do you think will be Moscow's biggest competition in S69? Riga. Cause I'm their GM. 6. Beaviss has been recently appointed Commish status on VHL. Do you have any dealings with Beaviss? Are you happy, upset, or indifferent regarding his appointment as VHL Commissioner? I'm fine with that. Was an obvious choice after bringing more life to VHL in this decade.
  18. media quote 8 TPE for Kallis media quote 8 TPE to Randoms
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