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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. This perhaps will become the first of many articles that will only be claimed for this league. I have EFL as well, but the motivation was lost very quicckly. Need more vacations or sick leaves for coming back lol. That feeling when my second league is NSFL. And lowkey I think I can even try another another player who obviously will be kicker. It's so fun to collect awards, even if this is kicker/punter ones. Anyways, back to subject. I won't tell much about my opinion on this situation, just going to tell what was happening with me during this debacle. So, the game 6 was simmed and everybody were ready to congratulate Houston with the championship. For obvious reasons I wasn't immediately checking this game log because the only team I care is Riga. And sort of a care for Moscow as long as Randoms is there. After some time, I checked that thread and saw Josh saying the ''gay'' word which was doubled by Bana moments later. Honestly, I didn't care about these posts for simple reason - wasn't the first time I saw these words and won't be the last time either. And it seemed like some guys weren't paying attention to that either cause...they just don't care about minors altogether. Then, the Friday came. I finished working and was waiting for a bus. To kill the time I checked the VHL through phone (which became my habit for the past 2 years or so). Nothing special...until I saw that game 6 thread. It appeared that Doc popped in to voice his displeasure about Josh and Bana posts. I almost immediately replied this with Conceited gif. As much I like to see the drama at times, this was the one I was not a fan of. My immediate reaction on this was like ''ugh, here we go with this bullshit''. It was only a matter of time before this could turn into a major shitstorm. This always is happening when someone is mentioning sensitive topics. Hell, I experienced this 4 years ago so I know what's up. No surprises occured during that time. This indeed turned into a hysteria. First in forums, then in discord. And then Howe's just retired their players. Honestly, I wasn't sad about it as I never believed they could make something more than depth players. The only difference is they abruptly ended their careers here. Shrug. People still were going with this all day all night long, but I decided to do my sleepy job and the see how it unfolds next morning. I wake up early and my first move was reaching my hand up to the phone. I checked the VHL and saw a post from Beketov about affiliation welfare. VHL was ending their programm with SBA. I was kind of suspicios about that, but didn't pay much attention to this. After all, I never saw the same announcement from SBA and I'm doing all of my PT's here anyways. I never paid enough attention to every sentence from Bek from that post and pretty much missed the ''it wasn't our choice'' part...For the sake of interest I checked the basketball league as well. And the first thing I saw that they did the same thing! Needless to say I was pissed by this decision. The minute I saw that I knew - my time in SBA is coming to an end. They really stripped innocent members from TPE because of this bullshit. And I don't wanna hear that shitty ass explanation about ''we were monitoring this league before, this is not the only case of using slurs blah blah blah'' crap. My selfish nature is telling me that I'm just not hearing this shit. You took away the main stuff that allowed me to have some fun there? Ok, I have nothing to do there either. Bye, Felicia. Can't wait for the ending of their season to finish it all for good with a smile on my face. I didn't want to screw the Lightning because their coach was heavily banking for this particular season so I didn't retire immediately. But God damn, please finish that season asap. So I guess you know my opinion on this. I didn't support their decision then, don't support it now and most likely will never support it in future. Yeah, that happens when I'm not getting what I want. You can check to some game threads here when Kallis was garbage and see what I'm talking about. That's it and I'm out. 6 TPE to Cricket.
  2. Eno actually did the cap dump trade
  3. aren't you under the contract for the next season?
  4. No game or series over can be a viable answer Part I - Pick em' (Pick the correct winners of all three games for 2 TPE) Game 3 - Malmo Nighthawks @ Seattle Bears Game 4 -Malmo Nighthawks @ Seattle Bears Game 5 - Seattle Bears @ Malmo Nighthawks Part II - Predict the Score (Predict the correct score and winner of this game for 3 TPE) Game 5 - Seattle Bears 2:4 Malmo Nighthawks Part III - Player Predictions (Predict the correct player for each category, 1 TPE for each correct answer) Series leader in points: Matt Thompson Series leader in goals: Matt Thompson Series leader in assists: Ryan Sullivan Jr. Who has the series PIM lead: Hulk Hogan Who scores the series winning goal: Matthew Materazo
  5. yeah I guess it's time for me to gtfo soon. no luck anymore
  6. 1. We just beat the Titans, who we struggled to defeat in the playoffs last season. How important is this for you? Pretty important. Finally a revenge against this team. 2. Would you have preferred to face Malmo or Davos in the conference finals? I feel like we could've had even lesse chances against Davos than Malmo. So I'm fine with the opponent. 3. Should Moscow have been allowed to cross over in the playoffs? Maybe, but I don't think they could've done much in playoffs imo. 4. Calgary lost 7-1 and 3-0 to the Bears in the American Conference finals. Do they have any shot at winning this series? I don't think so. Seattle's offensive depth gonna do their job and make it into the finals. 5. If you could pick the category for next season's Theme Week, what would you choose? The most sleepy VHL GM's ever. 6. Huge FA class this off-season. What do we need to address? Since I don't have plans to change drastically a team, nothing much. If maybe some big forwards, but it's not like we desperately need them either. So most likely Riga stays off from FA once again. 7. Which user's recreate are you most excited to see in the VHLM this/next season? The top 2 S69 draftees. 8. What's your weird pre-game ritual? Sleep Sleep Sleep Repeat. 9. What do you think scouts underestimate about your game? Nothing. Cricket is a woat 86 OV goalie ever. 10. Aside from Riga, what VHL city do you enjoy visiting the most? Norilsk, I've heard it's one of the cleanest city in the world.
  7. Need to write something for affiliate league welfares. Lucky Randoms, lucky Moscow. - Speaking of which, I have Moscow's first round pick. Do you catch my drift? The return of sleepy hedgehog at first OV coming out whenever an upcoming draft happens; - Calgary finally returns the ''favor'' to Vancouver with their own Game 7 win. Honestly, I thought the Wolves had something going on. Their form in last 10 games or so was telling me that they could pass Calgary once again and give a good fight to Seattle. It wasn't meant to happen and so far it's a missmatch between Seattle and Wrangs. I still think Vancouver had more chances to give the Bears a scare than Calgary does now. ''But hey, Seattle is only up 2-0. They still can choke!!!''. Well, maybe. But I believe it should be easier for Bana and I'm expecting to see them in the finals sooner than later; - Davos suffered a game 7 loss to Malmo. A truly tragic situation. Shawn went all in with getting Gritty. But like Vancouver, it wasn't meant to happen. The sad part of all of that was Davos actually could've won these series if someone played better. That player was none other than the goalie of the year Finn Davison. Unfortunately, he was unspectacular for the most of series. In moments when it mattered the most. Truly sad. Which makes things much, much worse is their future. It is under very serious danger. The team has 7(?) pending FA's, including defensive leader in Werbenjagermanjensen (which also could affect Gritty's decision as well) and star forward Jake Davis. Davison is also without a contract as well. Katie Warren is retiring following this season and Ryuu Crimson might follow her footsteps. But even if they all re-sign for one more season, it won't help them very much as most of this team is old and some of them are about to face a regression. In Jake Davis case, a third one. In a conference, where Malmo certainly won't stop after this season, Riga isn't going to blow it up either and Helsinki is still there. And Moscow with their own plan how to make them great. This exact roster just won't cut it in the next season so Shawn has a tough decision to make. But I guess it's time to blow it up, especially when his GM player is S70(?) so the potential rebuild might be a quicck one. And now the saddest thing in this situation - the only thing Davos could do in this period is blowing out their perennial clients Riga. Sweeping opponent is a sweet moment. But with a sour taste in out when it remains the peak moment so far. Oh, and look at their draft pick tracker. Like 15 picks and none of them are first rounder. What more can I say...WOW. - Arnor Sigurdsson has retired. There were rumors swirling around about @bluesfan55 not finding much fun in this league. These talks appeared to be truth. Now I think, maybe I should've exposed him to an expansion team instead of Aaltonen. Maybe that could've sparked more interest in him. More playing time, more chances to have good stats instead of being like a 6-7 offensive option in a clogged Riga. Maybe coulda shoulda woulda. Anyways, I'm still glad we had him for all of his three seasons. I mean, he could've went inactive or retire in his first season, but he spent three seasons. He was willing to help us when I was having troubles with lines and added TPE's to faceoffs despite him being a winger. Probably that decision hurt his career, but that's was more on me. So on behalf of Riga organization I want to say thanks to you for being a valuable part of our team and locker room! Sad to see you go, but it's understandable that you weren't having as much fun as you have in other league(s). And looking forward to see your recreate if you will give it another shot. So nothing more to say. Just taking these 6 TPE, thanks. That's it and I'm out. 6 TPE to Randoms.
  8. would've been funny if Tate fought Marleu. but this counts too.
  9. I was wondering if we can win the series while being outshot in every single game and without a PP goal. I guess not, so we scored a PP goal and outshot them. and now score more goals against whoever comes against us in semis @StamkosFan comes in and ends Helsinki final streak with his first goal. playoff Svoboda in action!
  10. obvs, considering that he's playing with two other superstar defs. I'm glad you're on the same page
  11. it's not like you would've stayed in Riga before you ELC expired anyways. cause I prolly would trade you for Tate in your rookie season
  12. I'm just commenting here because @HulkHogan likes it.
  13. the belief on McWolf from us is strong now score some goals in playoffs please
  14. hey guys, how about scoring a PP goal? Riga players: at least we won
  15. I'm a bit drunk already and don't have much strengths to do anything. But I will do! Because drunk or not, it's not that hard to talk about any draft and analyse them draft picks. This time, I'll check out the S40 draft. It was a pretty big one by that moment so let's rewind. 1. COLOGNE EXPRESS: Thomas O'Malley I mean, he finished his career with 4 championships. Enough said. Perhaps the best ever player that was created by @OrbitingDeath. He collected a shit ton of points (900 or close enough), the same ammount of awards and is regarded as one of the best forwards even in this league. 2. COLOGNE EXPRESS (from Quebec): Mason Richardson Aka @Kendrick. The member who probably is here under other username and hiding it almost pefectly. Anyways, Mason was a very good defenceman and was rightfully inducted into the HoF. More than 600 points for a defenceman is a pretty dope number. 3. TORONTO LEGION: Tyler Cote @Ball. Was pretty active during that time. I think this was his player though. Cote was a good forward despite not even reaching 1000 TPE. Also, he never reached 100 point mark in his career. Still, was a good forward. 4. TORONTO LEGION (from Helsinki): Jerrick Poole @Ninetyfourgoalie. I assume he is active in SHL? No idea. Anyways, he amassed more TPE than Cote. But less points though. I think he didn't crack a career 1 PPG. Still, was a solid player. 5. TORONTO LEGION (from Calgary via Helsinki via Vasteras): Sachimo Zoidberg @Jala. Was a Toronto GM at one point, but his stint was extremely short. As about Zoidberg, he had a exceptional rookie season and he stayed very good during his career. Wasn't enough for a HoF, but he left his mark in this league...and @boubabi too hue hue hue. 6. HELSINKI TITANS (from Vasteras via Toronto): Oskars Harumpf @Harumpf. I was under impression that he was more quiet than aforementioned members. Harumpf was more like a 2C, but a good one. He never won any VHL awards though, including championships. Well, not everyone can be that lucky, right? 7. SEATTLE BEARS: Lloyd Light @street. By looking at his past players, I can see that he never was the most consistent member in terms of activity. He picked up with Light though. Almost reached 1000 TPE with this guy and had a good career altogether. 8. HC DAVOS DYNAMO (from Riga via Quebec via Calgary): Vladamir Komarov @Gooningitup. He was pretty active with Komarov, but it all almost ended after a tragedy occured in his family. Anyways, he came back and finished what he started. Btw, I assume Goon is one of members who is pushing 40 or already is. And yall trying to make fun of Bash smh. 9. HC DAVOS DYNAMO: Joshua Rubin @FBR. I don't even know if he was active when I was playing with Zep, but he reached the 400 TPE plateau. A quite decent second pair D. 10. NEW YORK AMERICANS: Jody 3 Moons Yup. This is not even the first time @gorlab was picked 10th. And NY was spot on with this pick. Not only Riff Raff could almost reach 1000 TPE, he had a very good career. He never went below 80 point mark in his 7 season career. That's dope. 11. HC DAVOS DYNAMO (from Quebec): Kurtis Hunter @Toast. Another player who perhaps could've been picked a bit higher. He definitely was more notable than Komarov or Rubin although he never won a single award or championship. 12. TORONTO LEGION: Shadhu Rathod Jr. @Mr.Baller. I remember when members could represent themselves in the Toronto LR. And iirc, Baller was an Indian who lived in Canada. Pinging @DilIsPickle because of this info. Rathod's career was a decent one before his last two most successful seasons in Calgary. 13. VASTERAS IRON EAGLES (from Helsinki): Rami Jakobssen @philthethrill81. He didn't have a long career, but only once he went below 1 PPG. Another player who had his best years in Calgary. The second and last good player by Thirll81. 14. NEW YORK AMERICANS (from Cologne): Christoph Klose aka @der meister. Damn, NY was stealing good players left and right back then. Klose was a very very solid power forward with three championships under his belt and even one season above 100 points. Guess other teams were sleeping on him cause his first player was like 400 something TPE. 15. HELSINKI TITANS (from Calgary via New York via Toronto): Ryan Cattrall That's weird, but @Denver just popped in on Saturday to say hello. Anyways, Cattrall was somewhat a disappointment, given how much steals NY was taking. Wasn't a clear bust though. 16. TORONTO LEGION (from Vasteras): Jaime Hill @Caillean. Was more notable as the member of Calgary. Yeah, Wrangs gonna wrang and things. Eaglesfan was a really passionate GM back then. Didn't have a lot of TPE, but had a solid defensive skills. 17. RIGA REIGN (from Seattle via Quebec): Alistar Graves @kikish18. I mentioned about a couple of Latvians that joined the VHL before me. Here is one guy who I didn't mentioned there. And that's the only thing why I didn't mentioned him cause Graves never turned into something special. Even a decent one. 19. HC DAVOS DYNAMO: Griffin Simons @Gunner. I actually remember him as one of the members of the worst draft ever (aka S51). As about Simons, he made it into the VHL and even had one good season. More of a good player for a rebuilding teams. 20. VASTERAS IRON EAGLES (from New York via Cologne via Calgary): Wesley Matthews @701. Retired very early because Minot was cut from the VHLM. Welp. 23. HELSINKI TITANS: King Czar III @Riggsy. Another good player for rebuilding teams. He actually managed to stay in the VHL for whole career which is impressive for a 300 something TPE guy. 25. CALGARY WRANGLERS: Marcus Hurley @Cuffy aka mr Wranglers captain for life. Had a couple of +1 PPG seasons despite of never breaking 550 TPE mark. Definitely a steal. Not only NY was taking diamonds in the rough in that draft. 27. SEATTLE BEARS: Niklas Kurri @nikkurri17. The last more or less active player. Managed to put some impressive numbers for NY and was a decent one after that. Not his only, but definitely best player. When I'm saying I don't have strengths and desire, 1000+ word article is coming out. There is a reason though - this draft was really good. It even had a minor steal at 27, even S63 didn't have that lol. That's it and I'm out. 6x2=12 TPE to Cricket +6 for the net week 14.10 - 20.10 21.10 - 27.10
  16. aka yet another history related article. I guess. I remember a reason why I actually joined this league. It definitely wasn't an affiliate topic in SHL or any other league. It was @Viedais who mentioned about this league in LSHL league Skype. He was laughing about this league having a USSR team (idek if this was even true). So I decided to check out this site and see what's up. I ended up joining this league and so on. So apparently I wasn't the first Latvian who joined this league. I know @Paramorise had Pettyfer one draft before Zeptenbergs. I think @Prikulis5 also had a player back in mid 30's and he actually played till the auto retirement. He didn't have much TPE (I guess somewhere 250-270 TPE), but I guess that was enough to be a decent bottom six forward or fourth-fifth D in the VHL. Probably there were other Latvians before me as well. @Maus maybe too. So yeah, while I could be considered as one of the popular sim league member from Latvia, I was definitely not the first even in this league. That's it and I'm out 2 TPE to Randoms
  17. aka history related lil article, I guess. I just wrote the rankings of S1-39 Riga GM's. Now let's see where other three could land up. Jim Gow - his tenure wasn't very long, but got one championship. I'd say somewhere between 5-6th spot Steve Smeall - he had a nice GM career with highs (S51-52) and lows (more like being kinda unlucky during mid to end of 40's). I would put him at 4 because he had a longer tenure than Kliment. The creator of the WOAT 86 OV goalie - I may be too cocky and conceited with this one, but I could put myself at 1. Maybe. Mike and Dustin are pretty iconic for Riga as well. I'd like to be lucky once again and get the 4th championship to run away from both of them. Maybe one GM award too, but my managing style isn't fitting for that. And I''m rarely doing FA so that's also a big no no for that award. So we can say that two out of three TOP Riga GM's were at the helm before I joined this league. Respect the history. 2 TPE to Cricket
  18. I'm feeling weird when doing this PT article. I'm feeling uncomfortable when I'll have to write about moments when wasn't even there. Right now I'm feeling like a wannabe boomer - want to flex my sim-league veteran status, but then here comes the realization that I'm not that of a veteran. If only a mid-school tier guy. One day, I was wondering if I could be the best Riga GM this team ever had. This themed PT week is about to give me an answer. Ok, maybe not. I'm about to rank Riga GM's during S1-39 period as I joined the league in S41. NOTE: @flyersfan1453 would be an a honorable mention. His tenure started in S40, but most of his GM reign coincided with my first days in this league. I'd say he would be ranked in the first half of rankings due to his championship in S40. 10. Nick Baretta There are two GM's that wouldn't even survive one full season at the helm. But one day I was reading about the issues that happened with Riga in S20's. And apparently Nick just left the league without any notice. That's not good, so he's last. 9. Zach Crosby Almost the same as with Baretta, only I don't know anything about him. So I guess he's lucky [?] 5.-8. Raymond Funk, Bryan Svec, Zack Gagnon and Kyle Dowd All of them spent two seasons and never won anything. Now, I haven't done any research. Like trades, FA signings, their behavior in LR. That definitely could help me on more proper ranking. But as you can see, this is just an article for the sake of 12 TPE and nothing more. I read that Rockstar aka Goonie had some issues in Riga during his short GM tenure so he could be 8th here. But again, I don't know shit about any of their GM work there. So there's that. 4. Chris Julien Just because he spent longer at a manager spot. Other than that, no wins either. I actually heard that he wasn't a good GM at all, but I can't find proofs for that. And maybe this statement isn't right so I'll just put him at 4. 3. Vladimir Kliment Apparently he was a protege of Dustin Funk, at least that's what it was said in the ''40 in 40'' article. If that's true - well, he was a good schoolboy. One championship + one GM award in five seasons. Nice run. 2. Dustin Funk Hard to tell who is better. Both of Funk and Mike could be considered as the legendary GM's for Riga. I just put Dustin as 2 cause his next two short comeback stints weren't that successful as his first one. Probably oldheads have other opinions on this, especially if they remember any deals and draftings that were done by both of them. 1. Mike Szatkowski He was mentioned in the aforementioned ''Heavy Reign'' article as the man who turned it around for Riga after the rough decade. Also, he could reap the benefit of his work by winning one championship and two GM awards. Just as much as Dustin Funk, but being somewhat a savior of Riga in S30's was enough for me to put him at number one. So this is my lil history themed rankings. Yeah. members mentioned: @Mike @Strummer @Kyle @frescoelmo @iRockstar aka @InstantRockstar. I think only these are still in this forum, idk. That's it and I'm out. 12 TPE to Randoms
  19. 1. Disappointing end of the season for Moscow but the team's future is looking bright. What were your highlights for this season? Bringing Kingfisher to just realize he is too old to carry a team and his body smells like a rotten fish. 2. Which VHL team will you be supporting in the playoffs for S68 since Moscow is on early summer? Toronto Legion. I've heard Devise playoff luck is untouchable so I'm gonna root for a winner in advance. 3. Do you have any big plans for the off-season tpe influx? Any stats you are focusing on? Anti-regression stat for sure. 4. If you could have Victor be your tour guide for any country in the world, what country would it be? To any city in North Korea that's not Pyongyang. Concentration camps in particular. 5. Podrick Cast is retiring. A tribute game is being held in honour of him in the UK but it happens to be on the same day as your mother-in-law's birthday, which your wife planned a big family trip somewhere to celebrate. What do you do? Hypnotise them and make them think that Podrick Cast was a football legend. 6. Do you have any suggested prospects for Moscow to target in the upcoming S69 VHL Entry draft? I think Larsson Erik Ganoon is good...aw hell naw he's retired. I have no idea who then.
  20. 1. We just barely missed out on the #1 seed in the playoffs. How much does this affect our chances? Not much. Maybe, just maybe we would've had more chances against Davos, but not certainly. 2. It's VHL History Week - what's your favorite memory of the VHL so far? Winning the championships and the offensive massacre in S62. 3. Matt Thompson had a historic season in terms of scoring efficiency; what's his secret? Beketov rigged games, at least Gorlab said so and I'm gonna believe him. 4. Regular season is done. Who's your front-runner for MVP? Hard to think anyone else than Thompson. 5. Malmo vs. Davos in the first round. Who would you rather face in the semis, if we were to make it there? Probably Davos if the sim engine won't pull the playoff curse against this particular team once again. 6. Davos' Katie Warren made a sudden retirement in the last two weeks. What do you think happened? She was scared Shawn would trade her to Vancouver just like Aston Martin. I understand her. 7. With Park inactive, the league might not see an obvious long-term solution at goalie. What's the plan? Are we going to make Kriketers a cyborg? Nah, just gonna bring Kriketers Jr. and watch him following his paps' footsteps. Literally. By choking even more games. 8. To follow up on my previous question: Is Kriketers already a cyborg? More like aluminium foil. 9. Which two VHL users are most likely to be the same person? Matt and Beaviss. Both of them have some mid forwards, that's definitely a sus. 10. How buff is Beav, really? I'm a buff baby, but I dance like a man She a nice lady and she shakin' the yams Spent the whole summer trappin' out the sedan Marching wit' the bands 'cause I think that I can To answer your question, I don't care.
  21. Well, you actually named Quebec instead of Vancouver so you do know something. ?
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