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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. An idea that came up while writing the last article. Welp, lol. Finn Davison wins Clegane and Shaw. Hot take. I'm really predicting a goalie who never won anything to be at the top of netminders' world. In a league where we have Pepper, Kriketers and Wahl. And JB Rift, the most recent goalie of the year. However, there is a good possibility that the Davos' guy is about to give me 1 points in predictions. First of all, Finn already showed that he is cappable of having good seasons. He had .923 in a mid-tier team with worse defensemans than this team has now. In S67, they had Smitty, Paddywagon, Mulligan (oof), Harding (too old) and Jokinen (another old ass). This season, they have improved Werbenjagermanjensen, Paddywagon and then Glade who might be a bit too old. But still better than some last season D's. That certainly could help an Englishman to lock his net in a lot of occasions and take the gold. Calgary wins the Victory Cup. Mild take. I don't even know what could be between hot and cold. I guess mild is the word that makes the most sense. Anyways, back to topic. While it's too early to predict a team (or teams) that will run away from others. But I do have a predictions that one of them will be Calgary. And it will be enough for the Victory Cup. With commishes announcing the beggining of divisions era and the new schedule (facing own conference opponents more than the opposite) makes me think like that. The Europe conference has only one weak team (which is still enough to be beat Riga cough cough) while NA has two. DC and New York. And I do think that the Wranglers are a bit stronger than Vancouver due to a better goalie. It's definitely not out the world take to crown this team the regular season champs with 65-66 games left. Podrick Cast wins Szatkowski award. Chilli hot take. I'm really trying to predict this season's points leader so early. But it's not impossible either. Despite of a slump at the beginning, one of last S61'ers standing really might pull this. Moscow has a good offense, but nobody else is at his level (unless I put 99 at all important skills to Randoms, but cough cough). And nobody will be this season. More like in his shadows. In other words, Moscow one superstars who is surrounded by a couple of solid-to-very good (but not superstar) level forwards. This could be a perfect place for Podrick to finish his career. But yeah, Rauno Palo doesn't wants to slow down which makes this take a very hot one. Moscow's window of conention is short. Hot take. How about some another hot thing. I'm giving the Menace 2 seasons before they will face a fatal problem and will have to either retool or just go straight into the rebuild. The fatal problem I'm talking about? Let's just take a look at their offense and see what's up: Podrick Cast - the only real superstar is about to retire following this season Randoms - while I have a good chunk of TPE to fight off the depreciation, he still only has two seasons left. And I don't see him reaching Cast's heights Dan Baillie and Jorgon Weyed - solid players, but the latter one already faced a regression and won't be more than a depth player. The same for Baillie who should be good for now. But without a single banked TPE his role will be similar to Weyed Marc Gebauer - sad face. A decent center, but inactive. Not gonna have much left in him soon Volosenkov - inactive and worse than Gebauer Hawk - pops in occasionally. But not more than a deep depth player. And I don't see him becoming a franchise player for the Menace unless he goes super saiyan TPE earning whore mode starting from the next week. That only leaves us with two forwards with a bright future. Jet Jaguar and Matt Tocco. Not enough. Victor is gonna have a lot of things to do if he is planning for prolonging his period of contention. Especially at offense. The defence is filled with decent to nice welfare players (whether a first gen or veteran recreates), but at least Vic's player saves the day here. Goalie situation is iffy at this moment. Bernard can save it all if he stays active. Owen could be really a good backup option, but don't see him as a real valid starter. So Hatter better hurry up before things goes south. I really devoted a bunch of words for Moscow, but I think this could be a decent topic to talk about. And this is still a hot take because who knows what Vic has in his store. Vancouver becomes worse. Cold take. Even Beaviss himself mentioned that his team takes a step back. He traded Shawn Glade, Kingfisher left the Wolves via FA to give a starter to a sophomore. And Beau is gone as well. Rauno could duplicate his last season success, and this team will stay as a legitimate threat. But it's hard to imagine they could get past the peak Calgary. The sim engine has other thoughts, especially in playoffs so this is just a cold take, not FREEZING cold. Davos misses that playoffs once again. Warm take. Finn Davison is a goalie of the year. Davos misses that playoffs. Makes sense in hedgehog's world. Anyways, what on earth? Why? Davis and Madden found a chemistry, but will that last long? The team itself has a well balanced roster with only one established star player in Jake Davis. This makes Davos as the most enigmatic team in this season - either this stuff is taking them very far or they are missing the post-season again. I'm inclined to choose that latter statement: I don't see Helsinki falling out; Malmo's offense could be too strong to not making into the playoffs, despite some problems with centers; Riga might be too overpowered, but still hard to imagine missing playoffs with this roster; Moscow...hard to tell. Their offense is some strong stuff, but the problems with the back end could really hit them hard. What does Davos have? A lockdown defense and a strong goalie. The problem is they had a similar good defensive performance last season. It never worked well without a very-good-tier offense. This time, Davis is joined by Madden in an attempt to crush this hot take. It still might not be enough, though. This is how strong the European conference is. I think the only chance for Davos is Moscow hitting a slump at offense for an extended period which takes the Swiss team to the post-season. I'm tired. So this is enough for today. 6x2=12 TPE goes to Cricket.
  2. It's time to be real with myself. Despite summer being over, I'm still finding no desire to write interesting articles. Which means there is a possibility I passed my peak in writing something more than random ramblings for the sake of 6 TPE. I have still some good ideas which are similar to ''VHL 20 in 20, 30 in 30'' etc things. There is only one problem though, and it's the guy who is writing all of that now. One day, I was thinking about can I sustain two players after Randoms? Again, there is a good chance that the current Moscow forward will be my last second player. I do have a trouble to even type the VHL.com article, let alone 500 words. ...and then I'm somehow finding a second wind for like 47th time and here we go again''. The season has started and I found some interesting moments. - Prague won in their first ever game! However, I don't want to tell against whom. No, I really don't, cause why should you even know about that? ok? - Malmo is surprisingly passive at offense. Perhaps it has something to do with the schedule and they never got an expansion team yet. But their total shots for is really low for a team that has Matt Thompson and other soon-to-be stars, such as Materazzo and Sullivan Jr. I don't know, maybe this has to do something with a mid-tier centers who are still too young? There is a positive news for them as they have a lot of room to grow. So they could be dangerous come by playoff time. - Helsinki is...eh? Guess I gotta stop looking at standings. Can't tell very much after 7 games. - Rauno Palo wasn't happy that he was not the MVP in books of couple of members. So he has another great start. Now there is only one thing left - no Beau Louth type of a teammate that will ruin everything for him...Philliefan?!?! oof. - Davis-Madden connection for real? Never was surprised about Jake as he is an estableshed superstar. Madden in other hand, has never been a real deal in this league yet. A solid center - yes. But nothing really much more than that. Maybe this is the time he finally breaks out to 100 points territory and will drive Davos into the playoffs? Certainly not impossible. - Is there anything I need to say about the goalie race if anything can change after each sim? Davison is trying to finally take the cake and according to my predictions he will exactly do that. May definitely won't sustain his wonderful start and I'm really unsure about Rift as Toronto isn't that strong like they were previous years. He may be close, but at the end of the day Davison and Davos' defence will prevail. Enough of that. The last subpoint was actually a somewhat hot take, although I will never be surprised in case if Davison takes it all. And you know what, I may come up with another media with some hot and not so hot takes later today. 6 TPE to Randoms
  3. Jagger Philliefan @DangerGolding
  4. for some reason a rapper Trouble immediately pops into my mind when I'm seeing or hearing word bussin too much rap for today
  5. 1.) The expansion teams were recently revealed what do you think of the team names and logos? I like Prague one. I'm a bit fan of purple as a whole, this is one of reasons why Davos logo is one of my favs. 2.) Which team do you think drafted better in the expansion draft? Looks like DC might take Moscow's approach and try to compete asap. They already have Aaltonen and Jerwa so they could become decent-to-solid relatively quik. Can't say who did better though. 3.) Along with the reveal of the expansion teams, the league has divided into four divisions, how do you feel about that? Oh so we're really rivals now? And yall focused too much on Malmo... 4.) Will either of the new teams suck as bad as Malmo? DC doesn't have a deep roster so that could put them real low. 5.) The offseason is in full swing and the VHL award show has just passed. Were there any surprising winners, or any you disagreed with? Palo as MVP. bruh wtf 6.) Speaking of the offseason, training camps have just started. What drills are you focusing on, and what do you hope to improve upon for this next season? increasing my banked TPE stash, also a stash of quads to carry Cast 7.) Our team has a very good mix of vets and prospects, how do you feel about our chances this upcoming season? Decent? don't see that we improved much compared to last season roster wise, but the offsense might take this team far as well. 8.) Do you think we need to make any changes to the team to ensure we go deeper in the playoffs this season? Nothing much Vic can do now. no goalies in market and don't see much D's as well. Pavlov is having a lot of pressure on him rn. 9.) We're going to hop onto the bandwagon of professional hockey teams having a puppy associated with the team i.e St Louis, Montreal, New York. What breed is it and what are we naming it? Sammies and naming them Nighthawk cause they're adoptable. if you now what I mean 10.) What have you been doing with your limited free time this offseason? smoking some mid...Godfather OG. smoking hella strong you can smell it in my hair
  6. 1. Do you think I should've done everything to not lose Aaltonen to an expansion team? 2. We already managed to lose against Prague in season's first game. what the frick? 3. do you buy into the ''Mature Hulk Hogan'' shtick? 4. were you surprised I didn't sleep during the recent VHL draft? 5. Dogbird or hedgehogs? 6. can you tell @Matt_O to finally put me into the D tier clown list? 7. isn't that a sus that I'm asking questions instead of Reno? 8. was a ''Renomitsu is a hedge alt'' your first thought when you read the last question? 9. who will be our scoring leader this season? 10. do you hope Matt Thompson will score 33 goals (which will make it 399 in his whole career) in the rest of the season? 2 TPE to Cricket
  7. wtf wasn't Cast supposed to carry Moscow instead of Randoms?
  8. we really gave Prague their first three and only atm 3 points you hate to see that
  9. 43 Toronto Legion @ Vancouver Wolves 44 Calgary Wranglers @ D.C. Dragons 45 Riga Reign @ Helsinki Titans 46 New York Americans @ Seattle Bears
  10. losing to Prague in their first ever game that's a wrap, running the entire season on an autpilot
  11. Ryan Busser beats up Jeff Downey at 15:12 of 3rd period @JeffD ain't nothing against our guy Jeff Tates beats up Ryo Yamazuki II at 7:41 of 2nd period another victim. Riga goonin and killin out there Busser with a 3 point game in game 2. BUSSIN gg @diacope @PotatoKing @Fire_In_Babylon
  12. lemme steal that bonus from Ylonen first
  13. Podrick Cast @DangerGolding
  14. signin but where are results from last one?
  15. I was actually afraid that Wolf was burnt out again. phew, gratz on this hire!
  16. one of my finest draft finesse those were the days
  17. there goes one of our earlier future in the net
  18. 1. Blockbuster trade! Shawn Glade just got traded back to Davos after winning a cup in Vancouver. How legit are Davos next season? Davos is an enigma of a team for the next season. Either their more balanced roster will punch a ticket to at least in finals. Or they will fail again as the only real offensive star is Jake Davis. 2. Podrick Cast is still kicking, but next season has to be his last. What odds do you give Moscow of winning the championship next season? Depends of Thompson tbh. He really could make Moscow as a legit threat. I'm not sure if this current roster can pull this off this season. Good forwards with a superstar Cast, but the mid tier defence and an underdeveloped goalie could hand them(us) some problems as well. 3. Matt Thompson faces free agency after a couple of very successful seasons with Helsinki. In your opinion, does he jump ship or stay the course? He told a couple of seasons ago he wants to help an expansion team to win the championship. So it's either Malmo or Moscow. 4. Not too many players tend to switch teams during free agency, but the S66 class was huge. Will the FA market be any different with so many S66ers finally getting their first taste of freedom? It might be bigger. I think that at least one big S66 player could test FA waters, if not more. Most of them already signed extensions though. 6. What's your plan for the off-season? Any fancy beach vacations or hiking in the Alps planned? Sleeping. 7. Whose retirement are you saddest about? Preencarnacion retirement was sad for our franchise. But there was no good options either so it is what it is. 8. Dogs or cats? This one is important. hedgehogs 9. Let's go back to your VHLM days. If you weren't allowed to play for your old VHLM team, who would you have liked to play for? Mhm. Mexico City cause of Nyko. And yeah, BRING BACK BRATISLAVA!!! 10. What three cities would you like to see included in the VHL? If the expansion team locations have already been announced, you can't use those! Zilupe, Jēkabpils and Limbaži. don't even ask me why
  19. Another off-season, another draft. Another event when a good chunk of players are immediately going to be called up (like 15 or so). And the at least the same amount are about to jump into the big league next season. Which is S69. Nice. This was a weird off-season though in terms of picks. A couple of teams weren't even interested to have such a large number of picks, like Davos. Even Seattle wanted to give away a third overall, but looks like they will be ok with taking another youngster. I think Vancouver was also trying to get rid of these picks for the future ones. But at the end of the day all of them are about to draft in the first round. At least for now and if there won't be any pick-pick trade during the draft. A couple of facts about Riga's draft: - We don't have a first round pick for the first time since the S65 draft. In overall, this is only the second time in this decade when we don't have the first round pick (the first one was the S60 draft); - It's the first time in my GM career when I won't make picks despite still having them. S67 doesn't count - despite a sleeing incident during the first OV pick, I still made the later ones; - Our first pick in this draft (21st) is the lowest in this decade and the lowest since S57 (we only had the 28th pick there). One of main questions would be, can I pull a steal at 39 or 40? At this moment, our lowest pick which could make it in the VHL is Sean McGee who was taken 48th in last draft. At this moment I can be proud of pulling some steals in earlier instances: 14th OV - Slava Aleksei (S54; that draft was actually deep by 50's standards. But 14th pick was still considered as a steal) 22nd OV - Mikka Pajari (S61) 19th OV - Paolo Nano (S62) 24th OV - Bolt Vanderhuge (S64; ye, he is inactive now, but at that moment he was looking decent and he still found his way into the big league) 28th OV - Basaraba Moose (S64, another current inactive, but a better D) 48th OV - Sean McGee (S67; there is still a question whether he can do it or not, but looks like he can. Even if he becomes a backup) So I certainly hope Tate can follow my footsteps and get some steals as well. Ok yeah, I looked up at draftees and would make some suggestions, but he is the man who is drafting players so don't even at me. Ok, I need to slowly wrap this up. I message a couple of draftees and I guess I know who we may take. If they won't be taken before our pick, of course. I could imagine that some goalies could fall down a bit because not everyone needs them. But good luck to them to not be a victim of it. As much a good luck rest of draftees as well. That's it and I'm out. 6 TPE to Kallis
  20. team Vic Kastelic and McWolf playing for winners
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