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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. lol wat
  2. Any members looking for a paying job, apply to be a youtube spammer for 1 tpe a week!



  3. hired Looking for at least one more
  4. Welfare is necessary and here to stay. I do think we should get rid of the pension raising it from 4 to 5, and instead encourage people to buy the xm radio package to go from 1 to 2. Writing 150 words takes 2 minutes and those babies actually generate a lot of discussion. I'd argue xm radios actually generate more discussion than media spots because people are lazy and reading something fast like that is much nicer than browsing a whole media spot
  5. yay team
  6. yay team
  7. campbell is a person
  8. you posted nothing
  9. waw is dis wat a do
  10. chipotle is garbage just like quebec
  11. The job of spammers would be to copy and paste our generic VHL ad into a minimum of 10 youtube videos a week. Spammers would earn 1 tpe a week for doing so, would have to link me to one of their spams, and give me their youtube username so I can spot check them to make sure they are doing they job, though it would mostly be based on the honor system. In addition to the pay of one tpe a week, spammers also benefit from the general recruitment rewards as well. Please apply below if interested in his quick, important, and well-paying job :3
  12. List of best Fast Food Places, in Order: 1) Chick Fil E 300) Wendys 900000000) Anything else
  13. goalstopper because 100% of the shots that you don't have to save don't go in
  14. Don't you dare
  15. =) Wow I am in 1st
  16. He's on his couch eating cool ranch doritos and buffalo chicken dip. Is that what you were doing while writing this?
  17. if this was last season and those same players scored the same goals we would have won.... so there is that
  18. Mistakes happen, graper wasn't trying to cheat and technically shouldn't even be penalized because he shouldn't even have had the player?
  19. Everybody makes mistakes is a song by some horrible singer I forget who a quick google search says hannah montana? Anyways, there was the whole fiasco with draper being over the cap, disagreement over how blue team gives teams their gms, etc. Point is everyone makes mistakes, but we shouldn't stop appreciating how much these commies and such dedicate themselves to the league. These commies are willing to put in work during vacations, finals weeks when draper procrastinates in studying for a text, in their drunken hours of the night all because they want to see this wonderful league flourish. Even Sterling has made a mistake, as he has not banned Phil yet. I too made a mistake, because some people didn't like it when I was feeling blue. Our blue team is cool, our light blue team is cool, our green team is cool, our red team is cool, our board of dicks is cool, our other colors are cool. Even the shl might be average. God bless America
  20. Sweg. I was online when maintenance occurred do I win a prize
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