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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. gud job riga
  2. lol quebec almost lost noobs seattle is better
  3. lol 63 shots
  4. bern 2 gud
  5. bern 2 gud
  6. pff take grade 12 out of that list
  7. bern 2 gud
  8. bernie 2 gud
  9. seth said he's in middle of finals week so who knows
  10. good job boubabi
  11. you took off .5 for 3 mistakes?
  12. lack of Mcjustice on the scoring sheet as well
  13. get used to this domination riga
  14. wow s45 is gonna be huge draft class
  15. campbell over wahl tbh
  16. jaymay sux
  17. wranglers gon wrang
  18. victor, jardy, smarch, and munk incoming!
  19. Interesting that Campbell is good value in the backup role Also Hurley represent!
  20. sorry I'm stealing your points same thing has happened to me before when you have the lowest tpe on the line you generally don't do as well
  21. clear rigg
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