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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. @Victor stop this madness
  2. LOL at the Toronto draft picks
  3. @Mr_Hatter let's stick to beer only from this point out, no liquor
  4. you did lol I got tired of it well before you congrats
  5. On April Fools day I changed everyone's name in the discord to Squidward, much to the hilarity of some and annoyance of others. My favorite was spending five minutes in a name changing faceoff with @Peace. @GustavMattias and @Doomsday seemed to really enjoy the Squidward names. I thought it was a funny joke like many others, but some people it seems got really upset over it. My question to you is if getting your username changed on a discord for a simulation hockey league truly gets you that upset, how do you get through your everyday life? In my opinion people get angry at things way to often in real life and for unreasonable stupid reasons. Relax a little and stop letting the little things bother you. Also, many people thought a bot was changing your usernames, but it was me. Probably spent like an hour total on April fools changing everyones username lol. I named the bot Squidward as well, and it was funny when Beaviss kicked the bot thinking that the bot was the one doing the name changing. April Fools! Squidward out
  6. 1) I could swear I just answered this question last week. The only correct answer is the corona virus because the only thing stopping us from first is league cancellation 2) I only ever pay attention to it when my player is in the VHLM. Similar to what Flyersfan said, Ottawa was my OG team and I like Philadelphia for obvious reasons 3) Both the depreciation ones and even with that my player still get messed up by deprecation 4) I don't currently own any facemasks, but they are on the way so soon I will be. FYI, facemasks are only to protect others from yourself in case you sick, they do not help you prevent getting sick from others. 5) The fact that he is a better Zoidberg than @Jala's player 6) A mixture of some really nice and rainy days. Weather is getting warmer, can't complain
  7. 5 for me who is the welfare nazi locking it immediately at midnight
  8. that's what you get for banning gritty
  9. Honestly when I did that I was doing it as a joke and had no idea it would work lol
  10. nice job by our special teams this game
  11. I've always done updates like once a season backclaiming a bunch I doubt it should effect finances anyway since I'm at 628 tpa and would need to get up to 700 anyway
  12. I am working on some updates from January I guess I am inactive
  13. Vancouver Prague Helsinki Moscow
  14. well you better go buy it
  15. So far we have @eaglesfan0366 @Jubis @Nykonax @Berocka @DarkSpyro @Devise @LastOneUp I am also going to try to peer pressure @flyersfan1453 into doing this to get at least 8 I will leave this up another day or 2 to see if we get anyone else and then arrange initial random brackets for the weekend
  16. Its been a very long con
  17. Like everyone else, I have been staying at home a lot more due to corona virus, and have fun a variety of ways to entertain myself. One of them has not been VHL, as I feel less and less of an urge to check on here. I didn't even realize a bunch of games had been played until today. I really need to get in my like 100 tpe update so vicky doesn't get mad at me. Winning the cup was definitely fun and all, but nothing beats the feeling of being the GM of a cup winning team, because you spent years building that team up and over analyzing every single decision you made. Anyways, I have mostly been entertaining myself through two new games I've been playing in Town of Salem (both on VHL and the actual game) and the new MLB the Show. Outside of that, me and the boys have been dominating in NHL as well, our club is up to 250 ranking. Yes I will probably be recreating at some point, but maybe delayed with a break
  18. 1) My man @Aye my name jeff is killing it so far this season! 2) Good for keeping the tpe whores in line, I don't think it's a huge difference in the end though 3) I was not aware this exists because I never check anything artsy fartsy related. If you send me the link every week I will vote for Goatlab 4) @flyersfan1453 is suggesting Tiger King, I think I will be checking that out. Everyone is saying it's a must watch for how bizarre and how much of a shit show it is 5) 2 seems like a good number so far, I see no reason to change it. I think our balance of schedules is perfect so far 6) New York's is the nicest because it is similar to the Madison Square Garden. I most like playing in Malmo's stadium because we always easy sweep them aside like the maggots they are
  19. Bye everyone guess I'm not supposed to post in here anymore love you all
  20. vote Fonzi
  21. the jailor revealed himself, why would you not be bodyguarding the jailor? That is Town of Salem 101. Sounds suspicious to me
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