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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. *The purpose of this post is not to trash the SBA, more of a he who throws stones should not live in a glass house metaphor. Here are some snippets from a 5 minute search in the SBA discord of offensive language. I think the SBA should get off their high horse here and realize that people are people. Some of these are potentially taken out of context, just like I'm sure some VHL snippets were taken out of context. Also I am not condoning the use of this language, just reiterating the SBA leadership are being hypocrites. If you search the word "nigga" on SBA discord, there are two full pages of one of the most hateful and racist words out there Search for the word "bitch" on SBA discord which is sexist and demeaning towards women, and you get 31 pages Deregatory term towards transgender people:
  2. This Jet Jaguar guy is pretty good
  3. Were the goalies drunk in the 1st period?
  4. It's pretty weird when it feels like we aren't having a good season and yet we are in 2nd place
  5. I miss when we stat padded and beat malmo by 8
  6. This sounds to me more like @Molholt has something personally against the VHL and was looking for any excuse to end the partnership. I'm sure the SBA has included offensive language in either the forum or discord before and they are just being hypocrites. I would go check myself if I wasn't banned the instant I tried creating a player and becoming a member of the league
  7. When you are feeling down play New York or Malmo to feel better
  8. @Victor stop this madness
  9. LOL at the Toronto draft picks
  10. @Mr_Hatter let's stick to beer only from this point out, no liquor
  11. you did lol I got tired of it well before you congrats
  12. On April Fools day I changed everyone's name in the discord to Squidward, much to the hilarity of some and annoyance of others. My favorite was spending five minutes in a name changing faceoff with @Peace. @GustavMattias and @Doomsday seemed to really enjoy the Squidward names. I thought it was a funny joke like many others, but some people it seems got really upset over it. My question to you is if getting your username changed on a discord for a simulation hockey league truly gets you that upset, how do you get through your everyday life? In my opinion people get angry at things way to often in real life and for unreasonable stupid reasons. Relax a little and stop letting the little things bother you. Also, many people thought a bot was changing your usernames, but it was me. Probably spent like an hour total on April fools changing everyones username lol. I named the bot Squidward as well, and it was funny when Beaviss kicked the bot thinking that the bot was the one doing the name changing. April Fools! Squidward out
  13. 1) I could swear I just answered this question last week. The only correct answer is the corona virus because the only thing stopping us from first is league cancellation 2) I only ever pay attention to it when my player is in the VHLM. Similar to what Flyersfan said, Ottawa was my OG team and I like Philadelphia for obvious reasons 3) Both the depreciation ones and even with that my player still get messed up by deprecation 4) I don't currently own any facemasks, but they are on the way so soon I will be. FYI, facemasks are only to protect others from yourself in case you sick, they do not help you prevent getting sick from others. 5) The fact that he is a better Zoidberg than @Jala's player 6) A mixture of some really nice and rainy days. Weather is getting warmer, can't complain
  14. 5 for me who is the welfare nazi locking it immediately at midnight
  15. that's what you get for banning gritty
  16. Honestly when I did that I was doing it as a joke and had no idea it would work lol
  17. nice job by our special teams this game
  18. I've always done updates like once a season backclaiming a bunch I doubt it should effect finances anyway since I'm at 628 tpa and would need to get up to 700 anyway
  19. I am working on some updates from January I guess I am inactive
  20. Vancouver Prague Helsinki Moscow
  21. well you better go buy it
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