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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. yea it's the low point of the season when you barely scrape by Malmo
  2. I say no matter what we lynch @Nykonax day 1 like this post if you are with me
  3. For the first time in his career, Gritty attended the player store this offseason, in hopes that it would help him fight off old age. A wise man once said, "If you want bread go to the store, if you want money go to the bank, if you wants goals go to the net." Gritty already goes to the net to score his goals, so his new tactic this offseason was to go to the store and "get this bread" as the youths say these days. He purchased both the 2% depreciation package and the one allowing you to have one attribute not depreciate. Despite this, Gritty is not putting up anywhere near as much points as last season, and Moscow is not tearing things up like last season. On the bright side there is still a lot of time to turn things around though, as all you have to do is make the playoffs and see where things go from there.
  4. When you look at retirement homes in 60 years, instead of jeopardy and bingo being the norm, things will switch to constant re-runs of the office and super smash bros or mario party. I have watched a good amount of the Office during this quarantine, and as such I will now compare members of the VHL to characters from the Office, and boy do I think there are some perfect fits. 1) Todd Packer @BluObieZ - Both of them continually insult people, say stupid and awful things, and yet for some reason are allowed to continue coming around and have not been banned from the company or VHL. They both talk a big game and just suck. 2) Kelly Kapoor @Dil - In addition to both having the same ancestors, this is an actual good comparison. Both of these people crave and love attention, talk a ton, and are actually good at some certain things. Kelly is very good at customer service due to her personality, while Dil is good at portal and coding stuff. Both are also kind of petty too (like Dil retiring on Vancouver). 3) Creed Bratton @Victor - Remember the episode when Creed dyes his hair blue and pretends to act younger thinking that Ryan is going to purge all the old people as he brings in his new website? This is Victor because like Creed he is legitimately an old man who is trying to blend in and look way younger than he is 4) Ryan Howard @Will - Ryan Howard was the youngest Vice President in the history of Dunder Mifflin, similar to how Will became a member of blue team extremely early into his VHL career, as I believe he was still a first-gen at the time of his coronation. Ryan Howard built a website for Dunder Mifflin, similar to how the Will built the portal. This is where similarities end though, as Will is not a dick and his portal works great whiles Ryan Howard's fake website got him arrested. 5) Jim Halpert @ContinentalCup036 - I am incredibly handsome just like Jim, and I also spend most of my time messing with people on the VHL, similar to how Jim messes with people (mostly Dwight). Jim can also be a very productive salesman when he wants to, just like how I used to be a great GM and VHLM Commish. 6) David Wallace @Beketov - Wallace is the CEO of Dunder Mifflin who constantly puts up with Michael's ridiculous antics, and when things need to be serious he gets down to business. Beketov is similar in putting up with all of our nonsense, though truly I could have put a lot of different members of blue team here 7) Andrew Bernard @Quik - For those of you who actually watched the last season of the Office (last few seasons nowhere near as good unfortunately), Andy goes AWOL from the office for a long time out on his boat, similar to how Quik left us for many weeks. Andy does eventually become the branch manager again, just like how Quik has resumed his duties as commish. 8. The Asian guy who pretends to be Jim for one scene @tfong because they are brothers Help me figure out what VHL members are other characters please Stanley - Someone who just wants to go on here and earn there tpe and otherwise be left alone Dwight - A weirdo Angela - Who on the VHL has a stick up their ass? Michael Scott - Who is someone who is very weird and in charge of something? @Beaviss - What character from the Office is the most buff? Roy or Darrel?
  5. 1) Sim leagues are for fun, and it's ridiculous that the SHL and VHL can't just combine on this. However, at the end of the day on a scale of 1-10, it's like a 2 on the big deal scale 2) Gritty has not really been doing as well this season unfortunately. I remember getting hat tricks a few games last season, but no dice this year. 3) I've never watched either (besides a few youtube clips of the wire) so I don't feel qualified to answer this one 4) Watch reruns of the Office while smoking some weed and eating doritos. Wait I just described @Higgins life 5) I continue to amaze me 6) There are rumors that a surprise big deal is coming, so keep you anus peeled
  6. @flyersfan1453 I didn't know you played for Helsinki?
  7. I definitely want in! And I personally think coven is stupid and mafia is way better. Thanks for running this
  8. I think I just found my new best friend
  9. Can I claim recruitment tpe for bringing @KublaiKhan here?
  10. I never argued otherwise sim leagues are a great way for people to be in a community and have fun. I think the SBA leadership (Moholt) is being hypocritical in not partnering with the VHL though. Does not mean I am saying "SBA BAD!"
  11. I think you are interpreting this wrong as the point of that topic was not to look at any specific individual. More to say that the SBA made their decision based on past offensive comments on the VHL, when they have the same issue themselves of offensive past comments. The SBA is now moderating said offensive comments, good for them. The VHL also recently implemented a code of conduct system doing something similar. Despite this change, the SBA is still holding onto the past and their leaders are hypocrites for not recognizing this change in the VHL when they experienced the same issue previously
  12. A lot of these are February 2020. That's not even pre corona virus fool
  13. It's not letting me post any more pictures due to storage space issues (boomer) but the word "retarded" is used in their discord a good bit too
  14. *The purpose of this post is not to trash the SBA, more of a he who throws stones should not live in a glass house metaphor. Here are some snippets from a 5 minute search in the SBA discord of offensive language. I think the SBA should get off their high horse here and realize that people are people. Some of these are potentially taken out of context, just like I'm sure some VHL snippets were taken out of context. Also I am not condoning the use of this language, just reiterating the SBA leadership are being hypocrites. If you search the word "nigga" on SBA discord, there are two full pages of one of the most hateful and racist words out there Search for the word "bitch" on SBA discord which is sexist and demeaning towards women, and you get 31 pages Deregatory term towards transgender people:
  15. This Jet Jaguar guy is pretty good
  16. Were the goalies drunk in the 1st period?
  17. It's pretty weird when it feels like we aren't having a good season and yet we are in 2nd place
  18. I miss when we stat padded and beat malmo by 8
  19. This sounds to me more like @Molholt has something personally against the VHL and was looking for any excuse to end the partnership. I'm sure the SBA has included offensive language in either the forum or discord before and they are just being hypocrites. I would go check myself if I wasn't banned the instant I tried creating a player and becoming a member of the league
  20. When you are feeling down play New York or Malmo to feel better
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