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Everything posted by thadthrasher

  1. I'm still attending Asbury Theological Seminary. It's a 96 credit hour degree, so a bit longer than normal. I reached my residency requirement, so I can finish the rest online.
  2. It's been a while since I've posted something here in the "Off-Topic Discussion" section of our wonderful forum. I've posted in the past about myself, stuff going on, and how life is going. This post serves the same purpose. A few weeks ago, as the season was starting up, I was finishing the 4th year of my Master's of Divinity program. I only have 1 more year to go, but this one was tough. Studying Hebrew and exegeting Psalm 142 was difficult on its own, but combine that with the stresses of running a church amid COVID, wow! However, I was able to complete everything that I needed and am looking forward to my last five classes. During the last few weeks of classes, @LuluSalesAway and I found out that we would be moving to our new church about a month early. In fact, we were moving the Monday after my finals, so we had very little time to prepare. It was stressful, hard, and it also brought about some financial issues. However, we've done well. Despite the challenges and unforeseen events, we've been able to keep to giving to others and pay our bills, and that's what is important to us. Just this week we moved to our new home in Pennsylvania. Previously we were in a small town in Kentucky, and now we are just outside of Harrisburg, PA. It's quite the adjustment, but so far it's a good move. The people are nice, the area is populated and doing well, and we both seem to really like our new home. (In case you are wondering, as a pastor I don't always get to pick my home. If a church owns a home we live in it, if not then we get a housing allowance to help us pay for rent or a mortgage. Right now we live in a church owned home, called a parsonage). There have been a couple of small things that we have had to fix and change, but that happens no matter where you move. I start my work at this new church on July 1st, so I have a few weeks to myself. After a rough semester, a tough year at my last church, and a quick move, this break will be much needed. I'm hoping to visit some family, some friends (@Eldredman I'm looking at you), and explore the area around us. Most important though, I'm looking forward to a few weeks of no deadlines, no papers, no reading, no writing (for class). Just, peace. Maybe I'll get back to hiking again, or longer bicycle rides. I've contemplated joining a gym, or at least going on runs every few days. Well, now that you have finished reading my ramblings, thanks for doing so. I'm hoping to be as open and honest with this community as I can be, and it's not always easy. Anyways, have a good night (or day, or whenever you read this)!
  3. Dom, my guy, you are getting better and better with every graphic! I love the coloring, the rasterized background, and the render! I'd have to echo a few people and say that the logo swap could be messed with, but overall very good! 9/10
  4. This is a really cool graphic! I love the multicolor borders and how well it mixes with the black and white background. The swirly background also goes well with the font you used! Great job! 10/10
  5. 1. So far he's doing okay. Getting better every game! 2. I think it's pretty exciting. I can't wait to see how it all works out! 3. I honestly have no idea! 4. It was an incredibly tough vote. People are getting so much better with their submissions! 5. Penguins! 6. I'm excited to start my new job on July 1st!
  6. It seems just like yesterday that an eager, not so young, goalie made his way into the VHL. The goaler, many moons ago, was known as Michael Scoot and was the Regional Manager of a small paper company near Scranton, PA. However, as we all know, life got hard, bad decisions were made, and Michael Scott ended up in prison. It was here that he was nicknamed Prison Mike, and it was here where Scott learned to love the game of hockey. After learning the game in the clink, practicing to be a goalie, Scott was released. This release came with not just a new life, but a new identity. Scott legally changed his name to Thadius Sales and he began his goaltending career in the VHLM with the Halifax 21st during the tail end of S74. Immediately upon entry, Sales made his name known around the league. He was a sought after goaltender, not because he was the best, but because he was willing to put in the work to be the best. However, the fruits of his labor seem to be coming rather slowly. The work and determination hasn’t slowed down, but Sales seemed to be disappointed at the end of S77 while playing for the New York Americans. “You know, I ended the season with more losses than wins, a SV% that was mediocre, and a GAA that was borderline embarrassing. I know our team can be stronger, and it’s always frustrating being the goalie. But, I know there is more that I can do to help, to be better, and that’s what I’m going to focus on. There’s no need to point fingers at anyone else in our locker room. Remember, when you point your finger at someone there are three other fingers pointing right back at you.” While Sales was certainly disappointed in his performance at the ends of S77, S78 will hopefully be a turn around point for him. It seems that the New York Americans are growing in chemistry, and the young team is finally starting to grow into one another as a team. Sales, starting in 12 games so far, is certainly helping his team. He has an 8-4 W/L record so far, a SV% of .929% and a GAA of 3.2. While those numbers aren’t the greatest, and Sales would certainly love to see them improve, he does have the 7th best SV% in the league thus far, and 13th best GAA as well. Again, these aren’t impressive numbers by any means, but given the season has only just begun there is hope Sales will continue to improve. While it’s a nice stat padder for goalers, the New York Americans could certainly help Sales out by stopping more shot opportunities. Sales, as of today, has the second highest Shots Against number at 548. While he is doing great at stopping most of these, the less shots on goal the less chance for goals. It’s safe to say that Sales is on his way to being a goalie that every team will fear facing, but he’s not quite there yet. Soon, but not yet. --- 522 words. Claiming week ending 30 May
  7. F - Thomas Landry II @Eagle Eye
  8. This is something I'm so happy to see. I remember coming into management in S76 thinking I would never get here. I'm so thankful for my team and my amazing AGM @Eldredman! San Diego, let's make sure @fromtheinside is absolutely right about this!
  9. Ayyyy get it @assassin6898! Good job buddy!
  10. D - Chicken Wing @Vkobe-v
  11. F- Timothy Brown @Eagle Eye
  12. Well, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that this was coming. After celebrating our success from last season, myself and the rest of the San Diego Marlins were able to enjoy a wonderful video that was shared among the VHL community. In this video, we saw a squabbling, sniffling, sore loser, in a way... eating his words. At the beginning of S77, Yuck-on Rush General Manager, Juice, issued a challenge to myself and the San Diego Marlins. After complaining for quite some time, calling me a thorn in his side, and even insulting the quality of my previous videos, Juice challenged me to war. He claimed that his team would easily conquer us and that we should be trembling in our skates. Well, Juice, how'd that work out for you? (probably still finding pie in that ridiculous Wolverine lookin' haircut) But, lo and behold, Juice decided that it would be smart to challenge me again for another season of beating. You may be wondering, "what's different this season?" This season, Juice has a bit of a confidence boost. He realized that he couldn't beat us without help, so he enlisted the help of a few notable VHL alums. Now, I don't blame them for stepping up and helping Juice out, as we've all got to be nice to "that one guy" every once in a while. That's what happens when you feel really bad for them. I was really hoping, for Juice's sake, that he would settle down with that little man temper he has, but it seems that losing only fueled his fire. Instead of admitting his inferiority after this last season he's decided to come at me and the Marlins again. Well, as it turns out Juice, we aren't afraid of you or your Yuck-on lackeys. In fact, I feel bad for them, being assigned to a team who's GM probably considers himself a "very stable genius." To the members of the Yuck-on Rush team, I hold no personal vendetta against you. I'm sorry that you've been roped into this by your "leader" and that he can't fight his own battles. If at any time you need to get away from that toxicity, demand a release and we'll talk about picking you up on a team that'll care about you. Since Juice has, yet again, decided to bring our own teams into this wager, I have no choice but to defend the honor of the people who lace up their skates and call themselves Marlins. Those who do so presently, and those who have done so in the past. So, without any further delay, I officially ACCEPT the bet you placed in your sniveling post. Whoever has the better record between our two teams (in games we play against each other) is the winner of the S78 war between the Yukon Rush and San Diego Marlins. I look forward to watching you mumble your way through any number of songs I can think of, and so will the rest of the VHL community. So, until then, I hope you start warming up those pipes. I'd hate to see you crack under the pressure and run off camera crying and sniveling like you do when you write these "challenges." Here's a preview of the VHL is in store for at the hands of Juice's next video...
  13. D - Erik Killinger @Vkobe-v
  14. So sorry! I'm swamped with finals so this slipped past me. I'll pick in just a sec
  15. As always, great pre-draft write up! I think you highlighted some great players here, and I know they appreciate that. This is a clear article, great spelling and punctuation, and there aren't any glaring errors! I appreciate you breaking down your first, second, and third discussion points into three various paragraphs! This was great! 10/10
  16. Thank you for this amazing and heart-filled write up. It was clear and to the point. Your formatting was beautiful, and this was an easy read (despite me having to wipe away tears just to see my screen). Congratulations on an amazing career, it's been a pleasure working with you! 10/10
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