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Everything posted by thadthrasher

  1. During an announcement regarding logo and team changes in the VHLE, the following announcement regarding a tournament was made: "Now with GMs and logos in place, we can announce that the inaugural, S80 VHLE draft will be a snake draft (i.e. 6th overall then goes again and picks 7th while 1st overall pick 12th, and everything in between). How will we decide the order of the 1st round though? A tournament! Everyone eligible to play in the VHLE right now, being in that sweet spot of 201-400 TPA, will be randomly allocated to one of the 6 VHLE teams, and it will be up to the 6 GMs to guide their teams to 1st place in a mini tournament. The prize for winning? The right to choose which draft position they want, from 1st to 6th. 2nd place gets 2nd choice and so on and so forth." This announcement brought up a bit of hype regarding the new VHLE, and it certainly brought some excitement to the future VHLE GMs. The tournament that was announced has, as a prize, the right to choose draft position. Meaning, if a team wins first place, they can choose which draft position they would have between 1 and 6. Knowing how important it is to establish a strong team right off the bat, all GMs are gunning for victory in this tournament! Now, this afternoon, VHLE Commissioner @Acydburn made a follow up announcement that is sure to bring in more hype! None of the GMs were able to select who they wanted on their teams. In fact, it wasn't even discussed with us. In order to make things as fair as possible, we were left in the dark and found out our rosters when everyone else did. This was to ensure a balanced and unbiased team for everyone, and Stockholm could not be happier with the team that was given to them. Team Announcement: Forwards Every team needs some solid forwards. These players must be able to flow smoothly together, weaving in and out, passing tape to tape, and reading the situation before them with crystal clarity. The players who demonstrate this ability and have been assigned to Stockholm are as follows: Stockholm is incredibly hopeful after seeing this core of forwards. Coming together from different teams, and often facing one another on the ice, these forwards will now have to put animosity to the side and work together. Defenders Of course, forwards are useless if they are constantly having to play defense. They need to be able to maintain control of the situation on the ice, and that cannot happen if there are not competent and talented defenders. It is clear, after looking at this list of players, that Stockholm has been given the best of the best when it comes to defenders. These will be the players that not only hug on the blue line and keep Stockholm in the offensive, but they will work hard to block shots, pummel through opposition, and defend the goalie from unnecessary shots. Stockholm's defenders for the tournament are: This band of misfits will certainly hold together the team, ensuring victory for Stockholm! Goalies Finally, all important goaltenders. These players take on a huge responsibility in the net and are often the first to blame in a loss and the last to take credit in a victory. However, fans love a good goaltender, and Stockholm has been awarded two fantastic ones for this tournament. Both of them fall under the management of well respected men who have been around the proverbial VHL block, so Stockholm is confident in their abilities. No matter what the opposition throws at us, we're sure that these two will easily stop it. As per the rules for the tournament, both goaltenders will get an equal number of starts in the tournament. These two goaltenders are: Now, besides being an important tournament for the six VHLE teams, this tournament is also incredibly important for the players involved. At the conclusion of the tournament will be a draft, and performance in this tournament may heavily influence draft positions for future VHLE players. Stockholm Vikings General Manager Thadius Sales (not to be confused with the stud New York Americans goaltender) had this to say: "This tournament is crucial for us. We intend, right off the bat, to be the best team in the VHLE. This tournament is the start of it. I plan to keep a close eye on my players, see how they play together, and use that information, and their previous statistics, to help me determine who I need to draft. I have high expectations for the Stockholm Vikings, and the first players to wear our sweaters will need to do the Vikings proud. But, I'm confident that they will." As stated above, Sales has high expectations for the Stockholm Vikings' inaugural season, and this tournament and its outcome will certainly play a direct impact on that. The tough part for these incoming players is that many of them have never played together, so the chemistry between them is new, if existent at all. Sales, and the other General Managers, will need to learn to adapt quickly and readjust lines when needed. It will take a careful eye, a quick mind, and adaptability. The players on every team will need to buckle down and work hard. Not only are their own GMs going to be watching them during the tournament, but so will the other GMs in the VHLE. There will be a lot of eyes on these young and developing players, and their move from the VHLM to the VHLE will likely be a big one for them. Moving from a developmental league to a more competative one will likely be a culture shock for many of the young players, and it all starts with this tournament. There will be a call and desire from the General Managers for more work, more focus, more attention, and more grit. How the players respond to these requirements will set a precedent for themselves that will either be good or bad. No matter the result of the tournament, all teams are eager to player under a new name and in a new league. The world is sure to tune in to this tournament to watch their favorite young players face off against one another. There will sure to be big plays, big dekes, big saves, and big hits in this tournament. ------ 1015 words (not including the block quote at the beginning), claiming weeks ending 29 Aug and 5 Sep
  2. Or, you can end the season out with your fellow egg salad lover here in San Diego
  3. This is a really cool idea, and I love it! It's clean, easy to read, informative, and enticing! Well done good sir! 10/10
  4. This is a pretty cool concept! My only critique is that because the puck appears to be slightly slanted, and not flat, the pictures on the puck should skew a little bit as well. Other than than, it's great! 8/10
  5. 1. I think we have been drawing the short straw for a while, but I'm always looking up! 2. My player continues to get better with each season, and this season is no exception. 3. I really didn't like this theme week, so I didn't put much into it. I did a media spot. 4. Maybe more interesting theme weeks lol 5. I'm ready for Fall. I'm not a huge summer fan, so I'm excited for it to be ending. 6. It was wishing for a swift death.
  6. As we find ourselves over halfway done with S79 in the VHL, folks around the league are preparing for the ever wonderful VHL/M awards. Each year provides something new and exciting. We have players who run away with awards, to which no one is surprised when they win. Then, we have players who are in tight competition with others for an award, and every year, there is tension when one person wins over the other. But, that’s just how awards go. There is disappointment, shame, and a lot of hot tempers. This year, for theme week, we’ve been asked to talk about the awards. We could pick one of our favorites, maybe pick a favorite player who has won an award. But, I’ve decided to go a different route. I didn’t want to just reminisce on the winners of the past, I wanted to look to the future. With the establishment of the VHLE there will, of course, need to be the creation of some new awards that people can argue over. I suspect that there will be awards for the typical performance stats. This, of course, means that there will likely be more arguing within the VHL community. While this is all good, and is usually a lot of fun to read over, I am here to suggest a new award, one focused solely on the VHLE. This award will be given to the VHLE GM who establishes the greatest team in VHLE history (which won’t be hard to do since S80 will be the start of the VHLE). I think it is only appropriate to name this award after its inaugural winner, Thadius Sales. Sales will, without a doubt, be the greatest GM in VHLE history at the conclusion of S80. While the other GMs that Sales will be working with are competent, and many of them have more experience than he does, he brings to the table something that the others lack, a burning desire to have an award named after him. That’s right, the only reason that Sales will overcome the rest of his competition is not because he is more talented, nor is he the greatest GM in VHLM history, but because he just wants there to be “the Thadius Sales” award. This passion, this desire, this fire, it will ignite everything within Sales and push him to make decisions that will bring success to Stockholm. That raw passion will be the secret weapon to Sales’ success. This award, of course after Sales wins it, will pass down to following VHLE GMs who will be the greatest VHLE GMs of the season. Any GM after this award is named will not have the same passion that Sales had, but that won’t stop them from winning. They’ll be able to use their skills and intelligence to tap into the heart of Sales and conquer the Thadius Sales award from S81 and on. This will be the greatest, most prestigious award in all of VHL/M/E history, and anyone who wins it should automatically earn 12 free capped TPE each week for the rest of their lives. ---- 519 words, claiming week ending 22 August
  7. I’m pumped about this tournament idea! Let’s get this, Vikings!
  8. This is a cool concept, for sure. I do struggle with how dark the render is, and I'm not really sure what the focus of the graphic should be. The font is nice, but everything else sort of has my brain confused. 7/10
  9. This is a pretty cool mashup. I am a bit disappointed that the render is a football player and not a hockey player, but that's okay. I do like the shadow of the player, as it adds some much needed depth to this graphic. 7/10
  10. 1. I'm hoping we make a great playoff run! 2. I'm thinking our newest goaltender. 3. Defense, for sure. It's so hard to find defenders right now. 4. No miracle, it's well within our abilities. 5. As the General Manager I prepare for a game by listening to motivational speeches! 6. I'm a huge fan of the VHLE team Stockholm Vikings.
  11. Every single year fans of the Victory Hockey League read about their favorite players or organizations working hard to give back to their communities. Some teams hold food pantries, give free skating lessons to children, help clean up their cities, or even donate a large amount of money to good and charitable causes. Whatever the case may be, the teams and the communities all benefit together from it. In New York, the Americans are always seeking ways to give back to the community and reach out to those who are in need. Collectively, the team has donated millions of dollars to local charities, have supported local economy, and have dedicated countless hours to the betterment of not just the players, but the community as well. It’s truly been a wonderful venture. While teams do these things collectively, sometimes player elect to do more on the side, and that’s the truth for goaltender, Thadius Sales. Growing up in a small town with not much to do, Sales had to learn from a young age how to have fun with limited resources. One of the ways that he connected to others around him and enjoyed himself was through the playing of games. This would be board games, video games, and even card games. He became an avid collector of video and board games in his teenage years, and it appears that the obsession continues. In an attempt to give back to the community, especially to those who are considered “at-risk,” Sales has purchased a store-front space near the arena. In this store-front space he has placed a new business, “No Longer Board.” This is, of course, a gaming store. Filled with an impressive collection of board games, Sales sells the games at discounted prices so that families can pick up newer games without breaking the bank. However, that’s not where the giving stops. On top of discounted games, Sales opens the business once a week to allow anyone and everyone to come in and participate in game nights. At these events there are hundreds who come to learn new games, teach new games, and spend time together. One parent said, “When my son is here I know that he is safe. He isn’t in trouble, not risking his life, and he’s around other great people. It’s a place that I feel comfortable letting him go alone.” Sales will often attend these game nights when his schedule allows, and he never makes it about himself. “Sometimes when I go there are fans of the Americans who come just hoping to meet and talk with me, but I make sure to place the board game nights first. Sure, I’ll sign autographs and talk with fans, but only after I play a few games with the kids.” When asked why he wanted to do this, Sales said, “When I was a kid we had no money, no means to give to others. The one thing that brought me happiness was games. So, I figured I could continue to invest in something I love while giving back to this great community. This is a free, family-friendly event that everyone seems to love.” --- 526 words, claiming week ending 15 Aug 2021
  12. I really like what you did here. To echo others, I think swapping the shoulder patches would have added to it. Also, knowing that it's hard, the helmet doesn't match the color of Warsaw very well. But, again, that's a really difficult thing to alter. 8/10.
  13. This right here, as some would say, is quality content. Well done! The only thing I would have done different is the color of Vanek's name. I would have gone with Yellow to match the color scheme. 8/10
  14. Works mentioned: Jardy's and Vanek's Mentions: @Juice @JardyB10 @Gretzky didnt lift da puck @Eldredman Passing Mentions: @Doomsday @Eldredman and @thadthrasher claiming week ending 8 Aug 2021
  15. Even though you incorrectly called me a sellout, I still love you!
  16. Bro, these episodes get better and better every time. I will say, listening to this in my office at the church is risky, but well worth it
  17. Let's gooooo! Be sure to join us on Discord! I sent you a message.
  18. @BITBYBIT21, welcome to the VHL! I'm thadthrasher the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins! We would love to add you to our roster and have you join us in our awesome locker room! If you would like to join us in San Diego, quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory!
  19. The fact that San Diego isn’t one of the main ones you like is both shocking and appalling. Here’s my haiku: You really messed up Skipping over the Marlins But don’t you worry Marlins are super and need no poems from you our feelings aren’t hurt Next time you write stuff Make sure it includes one thing THE San Diego
  20. Who’s ready for 6 new teams?!
  21. I am so incredibly excited!
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