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Everything posted by thadthrasher

  1. Hey there @Elbapo! I'm thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins! We are in need of a player like you, a defenseman who is strong and adds to our core! We are looking to add another defenseman to our team, and I can use you on our 2nd line of defense. You'll get a lot of ice time and will grow quickly with us. I'd love to work with you, and if you are interested then quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory!
  2. San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week ending 01 August 2021 (this was written by @Eldredman, but due to his computer sucking he asked me to post it for him) 1. Are you doing anything exciting while in San Diego? 2. What are you doing to improve your player? 3. What can the Marlins Management do to be better for you? 4. Do you do any extra drills after practice to improve your skills? 5. Where do you see your player in a few seasons? 6. Does ketchup belong on a hotdog?
  3. Hey there, @MetalToday I’m thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins. We are need of a few forwards, and would love to add you to our dynamic roster. I’d be happy to show you around and help you build a great player. If you are interested, quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory!
  4. Hey there, @LaneTrainI’m thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins. We are need of a few centers, and would love to add you to our dynamic roster. I’d be happy to show you around and help you build a great player. If you are interested, quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory!
  5. Hey there, @Lane I’m thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins. We are need of a few centers, and would love to add you to our dynamic roster. I’d be happy to show you around and help you build a great player. If you are interested, quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory!
  6. For those of you who voted for this, you may need to see an ophthalmologist... But seriously, I got tired of seeing pretty much the same banner concept every season with a different team. I mean, it doesn't annoy me or anything, I just wanted to see something different from the past few seasons. Don't get me wrong, they are always amazing, and much better than I could ever do, but I can't say "I'd like it to be different" and then not try. So, I made this garbage banner, which looks more like a busy Snapchat someone sent. I was pretty proud that I put it all together on my own. --- Claiming week ending 1 Aug 2021
  7. My bad guys! Sundays are my super busy days! F- Venus Thightrap D- Linus Zetterstrom @Kisslinger
  8. F- Luke Thornton @Kisslinger
  9. G- Thadius Sales @Greg_Di
  10. Welcome back @Hawk E! Im thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins! We are a team that values it’s players and enjoys having a dynamic roster and an active locker room. We could certainly use a player like Nayt Bedard in San Diego, and I hope you’ll consider us! To accept, quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory!
  11. Hey there @Delarama13 ! I’m thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins! We’d love to have you come along and join us in San Diego! We love developing new players and showing them the ropes, and I’m sure you’d fit right in! To accept quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory!
  12. Hey there @DansNewLegs! I’m thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins! We’d love to have you come along and join us in San Diego! We love developing new players and showing them the ropes, and I’m sure you’d fit right in! To accept quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory!
  13. Hey there @NineIQ v2, welcome back! I'm thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins, and I'd be happy to see you come play for our fine franchise. We have an impeccable locker room and are a lot of fun. It would be my honor to take NinePro and help them become one of the greatest players the VHLM has ever seen! To accept, quote this and say #MarlinsTerrity!
  14. Hey there @NineIQ v2, welcome back! I'm thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins, and I'd be happy to see you come play for our fine franchise. We have an impeccable locker room and are a lot of fun. It would be my honor to take NinePro and help them become one of the greatest players the VHLM has ever seen! To accept, quote this and say #MarlinsTerrity!
  15. Welcome, @usouj! I think you should join us in San Diego! To accept this quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory!
  16. It’s that time of the year again. While the newly formed VHLE prepares for their inaugural season for one last season, the VHL and VHLM teams find themselves preparing for yet another season. This season, S79, marks the last season without the affiliated Victory Hockey League Europe. With this expansion coming soon the league will look much different, so veteran players are finding themselves cherishing this final season. To kick off this final season without the VHLE, Training Camp was, as always, a huge success. Players from all over gathered together with their teams and worked hard to identify areas of strength and areas of growth. Players worked with their positional coaches and with the team as a whole. Among those players and teams was the now veteran goaltender for the New York Americans, Thadius Sales. Sales is entering his fourth season as New York’s starting goaltender, and after this Training Camp, it was clear that he is in much better shape than before. His speed was excellent, his eye while screened was impeccable, and every rebound was either controlled or sent into the corner boards. It’s as if he anticipates this being his best season yet. In seasons past he has held onto a fairly good save percentage, which gets better with every year. Career SV% S76 - .906 S77 - .914 S78 - .919 While the save percentage statistic has gone up overtime, which was Sales’ goal, his GAA average, while still way too high, has gone down overtime. Career GAA S76- 3.69 S77- 3.68 S78- 3.27 Sales seemed to be incredibly excited about this season, and this is especially due to the gold medal he earned with Team USA for the World Cup of Hockey. While he only played in one game, it was an impeccable one. Sales ended up with a SV% of .970, a GAA of 1.0 after facing 33 shots. Even though it was one game, if Sales can keep that sort of momentum going into the season, and for the duration of it, New York certainly has a chance for major success this season. Part of that success comes from two of New York’s newest players. In front of Sales in the defensive zone is his new love interest, The Loch Ness Monster @LuluSalesAway. While we aren’t sure what he sees in her, he certainly has made it known that he enjoys the view when she’s in front of him. It’s hopeful that she’ll be able to stop oncoming team’s momentum and keep Sales from facing too many shots. Ahead of her, and also coming from the VHLM’s San Diego Marlins is Aldwin Craig @Eldredman. While he is still very young, he served as San Diego’s most prominent player for two seasons, giving him a lot of experience. As long as he can help New York keep the puck in the offensive zone then Sales will have little to worry about. Overall, it’s safe to say that the New York Americans are looking like a potential cup contender this season, and that’s all Sales wants to see. “I’ve been the oldest guy on this team since I walked through the door, but many of the guys have been much older in terms of hockey experience. Now, as I’m getting closer to that myself I can see the potential that these younger players have. It’s been years of hard work now, but I’m finally at a place where I can step up more confidently and help my team from more than just the net. The World Cup of Hockey certainly helped me get to this place, and I’m hoping to see that victory carry over into my season.” ---- 612 words, claiming week ending 25 July 2021
  17. F- Aloe Dear D- Cowboy Prout @Kisslinger
  18. @Siddhusglad to see you returning! I'm Thad, the GM of the San Diego Marlins! We are a team that is building heavily on our veteran presence, and we have 2nd line minutes to offer to you! You will become one of our core defenders, and our locker room is one of the best in the entire league. Nothing would be better than to see you join us in San Diego, my friend! If this interests you, quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory!
  19. If you missed it, here is the duet that @Juice and I promised you!

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