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Edgar last won the day on February 9 2014

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About Edgar

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    slutting around

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  1. I... uh... I had a master plan? It sounds like something I may say, but without actually having a plan.
  2. I've been involved in aiding Greg's love life for so long that I need to remain invested in him. I would like to kind of due my own thing, but how could I after so many afters spent mentoring him. P.S. Was that video ever uploaded to the site?
  3. Probably when I kept adding (Insert the name of whoever Seattle's goaltender was at the end of my tenure) to my friends list. I already was adding nearly everyone that was online at any point to my friends list, and then I was talking to him about a trade or FA or something, and I brought up that he was on my friends list and thus should want to play on my team. He removed me. I added him. He removed me. Greg, yourself, and I added him. Hilarity ensued. I think the commissioners made friend requests require approval shortly after his complaining. I think there is a podcast summarizing the events somewhere on the site. I will try ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) again. Nah... FUCK YEAH!!!! Anytime!
  4. Because no one is going to limit my cholesterol intake GOD DAMMIT!
  5. My trolling days were mostly during my long, long tenure as a VHLM GM (when I cared more). Several rules were made/reworded specifically because of my actions. Aside from that, I don't think I was too bad
  6. I'm not in the inner circle, so I cannot prove this, but... I suspect that Kendrick is a corrupt bastard and ri gged the entire voting process. Also, George Bush knew about 9/11.
  7. Meh Good Sure... maybe. Depends on when it is and if I feel like it on that day, but I'd probably be up for being the uninformed member on a VHL podcast. Finishing school. Graduated a few weeks ago (or at least I think I did)
  8. We did! It was during my second season as a GM. Why weren't you there? You would have been welcomed to join along!
  9. Hey everyone. Feel free to ask me questions, and I will try to make this post at least 150 words long over the day
  10. Christ team, how do you expect us to win with 6 shots!
  11. My role in the league at that time was to GM the team. Having an active player would have helped the team, but my priority was to GM which is why I was ok creating a defenseman (arguably the least impact-ful position), I was ok creating a low-TPE player who would act as depth to fill a position while letting top-heavy offense talent earn more money, and ultimately, not signing my own player in my final season. Also, thanks for the kind words Ball And Cowboy was right. I was feeling a little bit panicked and rushed, but for the most part, I entered the playoffs and I competed for a cup (though it was a miserable attempt ) both on pace with my plan from when I initially started the rebuild. Sometimes, the cards don't always go your way, and as a result, you are forced to leave the league and cry in the corner of your room for two weeks straight before leaving the house again because you are low on groceries.
  12. Bad news buddy. It went out of business a little while ago, but... There is this cool new thing called Netflix. It is dope
  13. This took too long. Im reporting you to senior authorities for incompetence.
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