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Everything posted by Edgar

  1. After spending nearly $450 on developing and working (I wanna say his name was) Nick to death creating it, I think it is time to lay that link to rest. Thoughts?
  2. Damn, that would've been a really good game in real life.
  3. We cannot let them beat the system. As everyone knows, each team is required to play their back-up for 8 games in any given season. With 8 to 9 games left in the season, there are two teams that are attempting to skirt the rules. Riga and Calgary have 8 and 9 games left respectively, and have yet to play their back-up for a single game. While they may have had the intention to play a back-up, this seems unlikely. Rather, it seems like they thought, “Oh, we’re bad enough that no one will notice if we skirt the rules.” WRONG! Just because your team isn’t a cup contender does not mean you get topick which rules you want to follow and which ones you don’t. Stand up against this defiance of rules. We are civilized, and Riga and Calgary are trying to bring us into anarchy. Three more words.
  4. Before each game, we drug Salo with so much Speed that everything looks like it is coming in slow motion.
  5. Already listened to the whole thing. I don't like it
  6. Helsinki, stop being assholes and let Toronto win. #selfish
  7. You're right, I also blame Laich.
  8. I'm so happy that this became a MS. LET'S EAT ALL THE TEAMS!!!
  9. You haven't been saying enough shit about him. You gotta start stepping up your game!
  10. One of the commissioners (Higgins) apparently hates the Toronto Legion. A look at Toronto's schedule this far shows an unbelievably difficult start to the season in comparison to other teams, and it doesn't end any time soon. 20 games into the season, the Legion have already played the defending champions 7 times. Toronto has also played the Titans and the Express 5 times a piece. Finally, they have played the Meute twice. Toronto has played these teams competitively, helping keep these team's win percentages relatively low. Looking ahead, 8 of their next 9 games are against the Titans, Express, Americans, and the Meute. Hopefully after this next stretch, Higgins will bless the Legion with a couple easier games, but time will tell.
  11. We started Wahl too. Tit for tat!
  12. https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t34.0-12/11006036_852133088161266_1932094440_n.jpg?oh=3c1e72ebfae71cae95c059ca76aca583&oe=54F1C3E7&__gda__=1425147255_74760bdd618c3cf64357b165cb30d152 Look at this and then tell me that the above picture is white and gold
  13. Can you turn the Knight Brothers Podcast into the next Three-way Podcast? What race do you believe every questioner in this thread is?
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