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Everything posted by assassin6898

  1. as the title says that VHT owner @Bobois standing down as publisher of our bi weekly VHT as the series has not had a published series since edition 5 that publishing job now goes on to me. my job is to continue the VHT's bi weekly to give people time to post and the people that are a part of my crew will get the chance to earn tpe not the rules still apply that you will not get paid in job tpe but can claim your article as a media spot. but dont be discouraged by it as i will try my very best to get in contact with the VSN team and request that VSN become apart of VSN. my team i will be checking in on and still recruiting if you want to join dm me on discord or on here as i will need more writer's and and editors now im open to bring back old teams and the first vht will open when i have my team ready and they are set. so to tag the old team to get thier attention is for this part of the announcement. @thadthrasher @fishy @Ledge and Dairy @Spence King @Hex Universe and any other old writers and editors if your willing to come back ill gladly take you back as this is the team i trust and welcome back. now on to my recruiting stage of this announcement. that will be posted in job interviews again as a person who is looking to scout here is what you will be given to the editors that want to be apart of my team you will be given a google doc of a messed up article and old one your job is to edit them/it to make it look good and professional. to writers you can send me some old work from a media spot or article and now will be also looking for news hunters around the vhl/vhlm. once the edits are done let me know i will have my team look at it and make a decision now dont let this discourage you we will give you a chance and most likely have you join us but we will be giving you a chance to learn and improve your typing skills now if you wish to be a part of the new vht let me know and to the old team if you want to join back and get back to work let me know changes to VHT ill make 1. if a writer has an article written but cannot finish by the deadline i would like to recommend that it be past on to another writer right away and be told the ideas of what you were writing so that way it can be finished up and edited before the release of the vht ( @Bobo is this ok with you) 2.i expect the article to be done at some point before the sunday of the bi weekly release cause i will be up late editing these togather like crazy so please try to finish them up as fast and neatly as possible. 3.if a writer cant do an article we will do one of two things either scrap that article for the VHT or give it to another writer so with this meaning if its just short staff you can do two articles and i think that will count towards your 1000 word to max to claim for 2 - max weeks so it can earn you more tpe over the course of time ( @Bobo need to know is this change ok with you to and finally 4. as im new to publishing and dont know how bobo uses it i will learn in the coming days and publish it like bobo i just need him to do it so with this out of the way im glad to be the new publisher of VHT any new recruits message me on discord or on here and ill be glad to help you out this is creed going back into the shadows
  2. hello and welcome back to my weekly vhl news and updates where i update you on my stats of my tpa and season stats if yuor new to reading this i would recommend reading my first series called creed draft news/updates then read my 2nd called creed news/updates and now we are in the vhl news/updates series for the rest of my career so lets get it started with every thing and if you would like to read more i also suggest reading my weekly creed rants series as the next one will be out this week so with that lets get right into it. so like every week i update my tpa which right now sits at 307 and they are as follows ck=40 fg=40 di=50 sk=70 st=40 ph=70 fo=62 pa=70 sc=91 def=80 ps=55 ex=40 ld=42 with my overall update out of the way lets get right into my season stats so far as of right now im with the d.c. dragons and my stats are as follows 78 (DCD) gp=14 g=1 a=1 p=2 +/-=0 sht=11 pim=0 hit=2 sb=0 gw=0 ppg=0 shg=0 with this out of the way we now move onto my weekly goals 1. upgrade my scoring to 99 2.upgrade my defense to 90 3. get more goals 4.get more assist 5. get interviews with this we now end my weekly update and news if you would like to read more from me again read my creed draft news/updates, creed news/updates, and this series also read my weekly creed rants and as i say every week if you want to interview me i will take any and all interviews
  3. 1. What a start to the season! Super rookie @assassin6898creed scores on his first VHL shot! How do we celebrate his milestone? come on my boat that i got as a signning bonus with halifax and have a party. 2. Every single player on our team has scored a goal! (rip Germano Henchoz) How are you feeling about your individual start to the season? even though i dont play much i feel good being on this team and cant wait to see what i can do as a starter in the future 3. One player on our team is super gooning it up, with 24 PIMs through 8 games, and 16 PIM more than the next highest goon. Without looking, who do you think our enforcer is and why them? the enforcer can be anyone but we must all own up to our mistakes and take it a game at a time. 4. What lessons did we learn from our home-and-home series with Chicago that ended 16-4 on aggregate, for the bad guys? work harder than the other team and work togather 5. What's the state of the world lockdown stuff where you live? cant tell my city dont really care as i look left and right people are just wandering about doing thier own thing wearing mask 6. How great has your May been on a scale of 1-10? Why? 10. been pretty peaceful this month now i hope that streak can continue till the end of the year
  4. im intrested in being agm
  5. hello and welcome back to my creed rants its been a while since i did one of these and alot has happened since the last one like me starting to play in the vhl and playing with the d.c. dragons. also the announcement starting s80 of the vhl we get a new league called vhle standing for victory hockey league Europe. and with that lets get right into it with creed rant. so to start lets go over playing in the vhl with me playing my 1st game this week i scored my 1st goal in the vhl in my first game ne trying to upgrade my guy he is almost to 99 scoring and soon will be worked on to reach 99 defense as well. with all this if you want an update on my tpa stats and game stats on the season go read about it in my creed update/news that i do every week. now on to me playing with the d.c dragons well like i said in my first game i scored my first goal and I'm on the third string I don't get much playing time but i hope in the next two seasons i get to be the starter for the d.c. dragons and I'm looking forward to playing more for the rest of my career unless I'm traded or if the high propbility of it happening now Pittsburgh gets a team. now we move on to vhle becoming a league well if you didn't see the article by the commissioner called the one about the third league. he said that by season 80 of the vhl we will get a new league called victory hockey league Europe and with such this give people the chance to be gm's of the vhle teams and agm's to with all this players will have a way to play games and the depiction of players in the vhl will be 4 times and players will now last 9 seasons in the league before they have to retire. with all this in mind what do you guys think and i have hopes that people who are either already gm's or agm's will stay away from applying for gm's or agm's of the new league so that way new people can get thier chance at it the same goes with former gm's of teams i know you want to get back but give new people a try at it i know i sound rude saying this but im not trying to but ive seen new people try to apply then it get snatched up because of a current or former gm or agm of a team so as nice as i can say please if you want to be helpful either stay away or recommend someone who is applying that has not been a gm or agm of a vhl/vhlm team. and finally we now go into pittsburgh getting a vhl team. now with the vhle becoming a league all the vhl europe division will move to that league and vhl will need an expansion and when i started in vhl back in January i sent a recommened to expand to pittsburgh for either a vhl/vhlm team and with the vhle team the vhl has a chance to bring a team to pittsburgh with this hope the commissioner @Beketov will give me my team in pittsburgh by season 80 to be in the vhl as i will apply to be either gm or agm of the pittsburgh team. thanks for reading my creed rant and hope you like it get reday for more as i continue my creed rant every week.
  6. is this a joke if not that means i can get my pittsburgh team in the vhl
  7. welcome back to the vhl/vhlm everybody and with this week on the horizon when this post is made i make my debuted as a d.c. dragons player under center and in my first game i scored a goal proud to be a dragon as long as im not traded or pittsburgh does not get a team or if i become a agm/gm of a vhl team i will stay here for the rest of my career helping the team in anyway possible so with all that lets get into my weekly update and goals be on the look out for creed rant this week as well now with every week i update my guy and his tpa is 296 and my stats overall is CK=40 FG=40 DI=50 SK=70 ST=40 PH=70 FO=62 PA=70 SC=90 DEF=79 PS=55 EX=40 LD=42 Now with that out of the way we now move on to my stats for my first season of the vhl and they are as follows 78 (DCD) GP=2 G=1 A=0 P=1 +/-=0 SHT=1 PIM=0 HIT=0 SB=0 GW=0 PPG=0 SHG=0 with all this here is the my weekly/season goals 1.upgrade scoring 99 2.upgrade defense to 80 3. get an award in the vhl 4.win the cup 5. work with team 6.get interviews as i say every week if you want an interview with me dont be hesitant to ask me at all ill take on any interview and also stay tuned for creed rant this week this has been assassin with your weekly creed news/update.
  8. 1. What an offseason! Xavier Laflammant left us in free agency last year and came back in free agency this year. How do you feel about his return? i dont quite know the guy but i feel like we will be good friends this season 2. We have lots of new faces this year. Jungkok and Brian Strong Jr are veterans joining the Dragons from VAN/MAL/PRG/CHI and NYA/PRG respectively. What do you think is unique to DCD that will be new to these players? i feel like this will give us depth and everything we need to push for a cup at some point hopfully it works out for us 3. The kids are here! Hugely hyped prospects creed and Germano Henchoz cracked the pre-season roster. What does it mean to you to have the next gen of Dragons finally arriving? with my self and germano coming up i want to say it will be an honor playing with everyone for my career 4. And how about that draft?! As always, Eno didn't have a first rounder but 17th overall is basically a first. He grabbed Brock Hampton at 17 and traded up to get other 17 OA target Jannik Nylen. What sage advice do you have for these new Dragon prospects? if they are in the vhlm still all i can say is work hard and most importantly get that tpa up so this team can utilize you 5. We all know DC backups don't play at all, but we finally cut B-DCD-G and brought in backup Michael Olson. What does that mean to the team to finally have a legitimate backup? if we get playing time im cool with it 6. It's summer finally! What makes you happiest about the new season? (sorry for the North America bias, feel free to yell at me if your winter isn't over or summer never ended. my birthday and being able to go outside
  9. so with the playoffs done and the season over i now shift my focus to the WJC to win gold for the U.S.A and I for one am looking forward to it as i play with my old teammate from San Diego @Eldredman Craig and my teammate from Halifax @Tbeez99 Glass. As I look forward to the WJC i will fight to get us the gold this year but with all that known we return back to my weekly creed update and news as always I give you updates on my stats in TPE and what my current goals assist and everything else and also give you my goals for either the season or week as always I look forward to telling you also I've just been promoted to my team in D.C. as i set sail from halifax to D.C. cant wait to play with them next season. wish me luck and lets get into it now with every week I give you my TPE stats and I'm currently at 267 tpa with my current stats being CK=40 FG=40 DI=50 SK=70 ST=40 PH=70 FO=62 PA=70 SC=85 DF=77 PS=55 EX=40 LD=42 With this being said lets move on to my playoff stats and they are as follows GP=12 G=2 A=4 P=6 +/-=-2 SHT=31 PIM=0 HIT=7 SB=2 GW=0 PPG=0 SHG=0 Now with this we move on to my goals and they are as followed 1. get scoring to 90 2.get defense to 80 3. win gold in WJC 4.get creed rant out if no vht this week 5.probley upgrade faceoffs 6.probley upgrade puck handling 7.probley upgrade skating 8.get interviews 9.get a agm/gm job for a team (to be done at some point) with all this this has been your weekly creed news/update and as i say every week if you want to interview me ill be glad to take any interview just dm me on the vhl discord or on here but with this in the words of truman from the movie the truman show and if I don't see you good afternoon, good evening, and good night
  10. ill like to apply for this job
  11. As of today, I've been given the task to find people to add to the VHT family. If you think you qualify for any of these positions please post here that you're interested. To the writers you can write me a 700 word about anything you can think about examples shown are (VHL, VHLM, VHT, ETC) or send me a past article you have written. The reason is cause we will have the a editor/editors look at it and tell me what you need to work on and improve which we will help. To graphic designers I need you to send me a designed graphic by you to see how it looks. As it will also tell us what you should do to some what improve the graphics or anything in it. Our GFX designer will be the one to review it. To the editors, you will be given an editor test. We will send you an article that needs editing for you to do a trial run. VHT is not formally affiliated with VSN in any way, and there is no job pay for these positions. I'm looking forward to your applications!
  12. happy birthday @Quik
  13. @rory since i would like to apply to halifax cause i like the team and everything and i think i would make a good agm as im coming off the season with you guys
  14. 1. We are tied with Mississauga in round 2. How can we get over the hump? as i say every week please upgrade your players and play your hearts out 2. We have yet to lose in regulation, what's stopping us from getting overtime winners?? team work and communication with teammates 3. What teammate is having the biggest impact in the postseason? i say the whole team is having an impact in the postseason and if it continues we can win the cup this year for sure 4. If you had to re-name your player, what name would you choose? ezio 5. Dylan and his beans have been the #1 merch seller in the team store this year. What can you bring to the table to dethrone him? ill bring the chilli in the progress to try to dethrone him 6. Why is Glowy the best AGM?? the reason i guess is cause he made fun presses and kept peoples spirit's up
  15. hello and welcome back to my weekly update and news as i look forward to it today we are going over the my time in the playoffs and my getting closer to the vhl in creed rant so with all that lets get right to it now first you can read more about my playoff experience and more by reading my bi weekly/weekly media spot called creed rant where i talk about my thoughts and the league and experience threw my career but with that lets get right to the updates like every week i update my guy to become a better player as he now reach his goal of 250 he will be moving up to the vhl this offseason his total tpa is 257 with his overall stats being. CK=40 FG=40 DI=50 SK=70 ST=40 PH=70 FO=62 PA=70 SC=82 DF=77 PS=55 EX=40 LD=42 now with that out of the way lets go into my playoff stats and they are as follows GP=10 G=2 A=4 P=6 +/-=0 SHT=30 PIM=0 HIT=4 SB=2 GW=0 PPG=0 SHG=0 Now with all this info we now move on to my goals 1. get scoring to 90 2.get defense to 80 3.get interviews for my player 4.keep writing articles 5.beat Mississauga in the playoffs 6.win the vhlm cup now with all this as always i say every week if you want to send me a dm on any of the vhl discord here or anywhere else vhl related please dont hesiatate to ask and again as always thanks for reading.
  16. 1. We have defeated the Storm in 6 games, is there any improvements we can make to improve our team? Keep upgrading and hope we beat Mississauga. 2. How are you preparing to take on the Hounds in round 2? sailing my boat and working hard to upgrade my guy so i can be helpful in the season buy ive reached my 250 mark so i cant do much. 3. Halifax is in need of a new mascot, any suggestions? marlins have a dolphin we need something to do with boats so maybe with a shark costume or a guy in a boat costume 4. Who is your pick for VHLM MVP this season? i know im no where near the vhlm mvp but if i get nominated ill be grateful but i guess anyone on my team. 5. Which VHL team do you see yourself playing for in the future? the D.C. Dragons unless im traded or if pittsburgh gets a team in the vhl then ill leave or if i become a gm/agm for a team but other than thouse three ill stay in d.c. till i retire 6. What is the best meal you've had during your time with Halifax beans (LoL)
  17. sign me up
  18. im game if anyone needs a agm ill take the job
  19. Thank you @thadthrasher for the input I've been looking at what i need to do but next rant it will be in paragraphs and got to review my periods again this was kind of rushed though since I'm close to 250 tpa and on my way to the vhl next season so i just took what i was thinking and ran with it so when i do reach 250 im prepared
  20. Hello and welcome back to my bi weekly creed rant even though this has been posted the last two weeks is cause I'm waiting for my next article to type up for the next edition of vht so until then we continue on with the creed rants this week is about three things first, is about the vhlm playoffs and my hopes for my team to make it to the finals second, me coming up to the vhl for season 78 third, philly agm spot and my dream to be the agm. so with all that lets get right into it with first being the vhlm playoffs now if you read my weekly article called creed update/news every week you would know that I'm part of Halifax and we just made the playoffs with the 29th just right around the corner we have the us being underdogs but i have i hopes as we enter the playoffs with momentum i hope we make it to the finals but our biggest challenge in the playoffs is if we face Mississauga. they had a super season the best in the vhlm but we were the first team to give them their first lost so i have high hopes that we can win it all with the other teams looking for glory this is our chance to make it to the finals and win it all now if we do make the finals the team i want to face is my team i was on when i first joined and they took me in and that is @thadthrasher and the san diego marlins in the finals cause i want to show everyone on that team that i have indeed improved since leaving san Diego and show what I'm made of. now on to coming up to the vhl so if people don't know i was drafted to the d.c. dragons in the second round of the vhl draft and since then I've been claiming left and right to make it to the vhl and I'm about to I'm happy I can be apart of a team and my line dream of the penguin lineup can come true as i always say their will be a horn you will hear that will me you should run and hide and i cant wait for everyone in the vhl to hear it. now on to the philly agm spot that I've commented on to apply well what more can i say other than if Pittsburgh cant get a team in the vhl the next closes is philly and it so happens that an agm spot opened up and i would like to be strongly recommended for the spot @KaleebtheMighty cause i'm looking to prove I can be a gm in the future but i would also like to help the reapers anyway i can i know my job is lower than a gm but i can help by making suggestions of draft picks, trades, free agency, talking to the team, and to make sure people are upgrading. as i said if no Pittsburgh team then philly is the next best thing as i look at the team and i see it could be a place where I can fit in and help anyway i can. if I'm selected ill do everything i can to help with anything that needs to be done call this a resume I guess but I do hope I'm selected to be the agm of the reapers. this has been your weekly creed rant thank you for reading.
  21. welcome back to my weekly updates and news to give you all the info you need about my guy for what is tpa is for the season and what his stats were as the vhlm season come to a close with me being apart of the halifax team i get to be in the playoffs and i hope we make it all the way and win the championship. now like every week i will give you a weekly update on my guy so with that lets get right into it. with every week i update myu tpa and currently my tpa is 243 the overall stats is as follows. CK=40 FG=40 DI=50 SK=70 ST=40 PH=70 FO=62 PA=70 SC=80 DF=77 PS=55 EX=40 LD=42 Now with that out of the way we give you this weeks year stats of what my goals assist and everything else so here it is my stats to end the regular season GP=72 G=12 A=48 P=65 +/-=25 SHT=164 PIM=45 HIT=62 SB=11 GW=4 PPG=5 SHG=0 Overall a pretty good season cant wait to see what i do in the playoffs now time for the weekly goals 1. reach 250 tpa (to be done this week) 2.upgrade defense 3.upgrade scoring 4. make it to the vhl this season 5.take any interviews i recieve with all this is mind i would like to thank my teammates in halifax and halifax itself for taking a chance on me this season and i hope we win it all but with that i wish everyone good luck in the playoffs and also like always if you wish to interview me ill be happy to give an interview please enjoy
  22. i'm would like to apply for the agm this is the closes ill get to being with a team in the burgh so if i do get to be agm i would love to do everything i can to help philly anyway i can and to sweeting it up a bit here is the intro to the fresh prince of bel air
  23. i would like to apply for gm
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