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Everything posted by qripll

  1. It's a fascinating job. Red smoke on the picture looks amazing and fits with the background. That font also appeals to me. On average, I really like that. Keep it up! 9/10.
  2. 1. That's a smart move from Dlamb imo cause we still have chances to take playoffs spot. 1st pick is always great addition for rebuilding team. 2. I guess we should basically improve all aspects of our game. It's the only way to get more competitive. 3. I really like how my guy is going during this season. That's a significant difference from the previous one. 4. Of course we will 5. I was in Ukraine once. All memories bring me back to Horror house where I almost shitted my pants 6. I have no idea why Nylander had much less ice time than other leafs leaders. That's a nonsense. Imagine being top winger and having around 16m TOI. #FEEDtheLYNX
  3. It's an inspiring work. I like the unusual two-color background, as well as the font on the signature. The logo looks natural. It's a almost punctuated by the С, but that's not a problem. I can say that the pixels on the sleeves look a little strange. On average, it's a very good job. 8\10
  4. Stop, I thought we automatically got top-3 in the group
  5. Thanks for the comment. Next time I'll try to balance between dynamics and smooth clips
  6. F - Julian Nousiainen @bigAL
  7. G-Ajay Krishna DQ 6 x2 - @fishy
  8. 1. I am a bit disappointed but still hope that we will improve our results in the near future. 2. Ye, I am almost point per game and so happy to be a useful part of the Lynx. 3. That's really interesting idea. Unfortunately I won't be able to use a 9-season rule. 4. Obladaet "FOR MULA" 5. St Louis lost the series so now I am cheering for russians 6. Ye I beat dlamb's ass in ehm
  9. F - Mikko Lahtinen @bigAL
  10. D - Chicken Wing @fyrefly
  11. Thanks bud, I am proud to lead the team
  12. F - Muffbeav @Domg5who is the next?
  13. Congrats for winning the greatest phase of all. All your diligent work and commitment are paid off with your win. You have proven everybody wrong. @N0HBDY @Spartan @Patrik Tallinder @Mr_Hatter @OrbitingDeath @KC15 @Cornholio @animal74 @HoneyBadger25 @Liberty_Cabbage @Vat @Bojovnik @HatrickRoy @Azlan @LefLop @aksuko @enigmatic CONGRATULATIONS
  14. D - Randy Marsh @fyrefly
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