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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Hi @GOHABSGO, I am Daniel Janser, the GM of the Mississauga Hounds in the VHLM. @Ente2997 is my AGM. We are a franchise in a rebuild phase and therefore can offer you a lot of icetime, which will certainly boost your draft stock. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of this rebuild/project and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Deez Nutzky, Daniel Janser
  2. Welcome back @Kmatt I am Daniel Janser, the GM of the Mississauga Hounds in the VHLM. @Ente2997 is my AGM. We are a franchise in a rebuild phase and therefore can offer you a lot of icetime, which will certainly boost your draft stock. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of this rebuild/project and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Chrome John. Daniel Janser
  3. 1. More wins than losses for sure 8-2 maybe? 2. I did what I could, but still ways to go. Improved Faceoff a lot considering my new position in the middle now. 3. Nasherov, Reinhart, Jokinen 4. Yes I am. I got Jokinen and Phil in the line up 5. I cannot recall any. We did not play practical jokes when I was a kid. 6. So many, but all of them borderline violating the CoC, so I am not going to repeat them here. (Boondock Saints, when Rocco tells the joke to his boss).
  4. Hi @Dasher, I am Daniel Janser, the GM of the Mississauga Hounds in the VHLM. @Ente2997 is my AGM. We are a franchise in a rebuild phase and therefore can offer you a lot of icetime, which will certainly boost your draft stock. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of this rebuild/project and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Askel Bjorn, Daniel Janser
  5. Hi @Bruh, I am Daniel Janser, the GM of the Mississauga Hounds in the VHLM. @Ente2997 is my AGM. We are a franchise in a rebuild phase and therefore can offer you a lot of icetime, which will certainly boost your draft stock. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of this rebuild/project and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Brick Wall, Daniel Janser
  6. Something like the exhibition games the NHL does used to do in the preseason? Hmm maybe that is something that could be looked at with the people of the Pro-Am tournament? Teams can sign up instead of players and you can have some cricket score games when Metacouver beats the living daylights out of a VHLM team in rebuild... or may be gets humiliated by them? That would save the Pro-Am people the draft and the players would stay active in their LRs... I am pinging @WranglersSuck here for good measure...
  7. Which certainly is a shame for said LR's, however the main concern is that people disappear because they are not entertained enough... which is kind of mitigated with the JST/WJC/Pro-Am locker room of your respective team... which even may lead to find new friends in the community... In German we have a saying 'you can lead the cow to the trough, but you cannot make it drink'... I think it has partly to do that our society has become a 'consumer society' with the general approach 'here I am, entertain me'... I am by no means saying that this applies to all, I just noted the tendency...
  8. For my final pick I select from the Calgary Wranglers RW Phil the Rock Johnson
  9. How can you say Tokyo is a niche/unexpected market when already back in 1974 Buffalo drafted famous Japanese skater Taro Tsujimoto from the Tokyo Katanas at two-hundred-something overall?
  10. what I have seen before that people upload the gfx to imgur and post the link here...
  11. Maybe the respective GM would not allow it, due to being a RL thing? I for example do not allow skaters to pick number one as a Jersey as I reserve this for the netminder...
  12. Salut et bienvenue de nouveau @Jérémy Louchard, I am Daniel Janser, the GM of the Mississauga Hounds in the VHLM. @Ente2997 is my AGM. We are a franchise in a rebuild phase and therefore can offer you a lot of icetime, which will certainly boost your draft stock. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of this rebuild/project and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Artem Zub, Daniel Janser
  13. I like that you did even thought to replace the NHL logo on the neckline. The logo swap looks neat and I would not have noticed that a number swap had taken place if you did not mention it. I am no gfx wizard by any stretch of imagination, but I really do like what you did there. The fonts appeal to me, it looks like the 'catch of the day' advertisement in a restaurant, written on a black board (that is no negative thing, I like the catch of the day). Very solid signature in my point of view.
  14. The additional 'N' stands for 'nifty', obviously... And I have the experience to be mistaken by my own people to be Danish/Swedish/Norse because of my family name...
  15. It appears they are armed to their teeth, Code Red, I repeat Code Red...
  16. Gray Rosey is bleeding blue because they played for the Hounds last season.
  17. F - The Seabasstard D - Hard Markinson @tinafrombobsburgers
  18. Welcome @Hunter Blaisdell, I am Daniel Janser, the GM of the Mississauga Hounds in the VHLM. @Ente2997 is my AGM. We are a franchise in a rebuild phase and therefore can offer you a lot of icetime, which will certainly boost your draft stock. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of this rebuild/project and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Hunter Blaisdell, Daniel Janser
  19. He will just have to up his waiver game
  20. Swiss Central Gazzette As the more regular readers of our newspaper know, Daniel has bought a house in Calgary, near the Elbow River, in walking distance to the Saddledome. Despite being not fully installed yet, he invited his brother, who was in the States anyway (on the Lake Chicamacomico to be precise) and his new team mates from the Wranglers organisation for a Housewarming party at his new abode. He did not miss to invite the brass as well, as the Wranglers pride themselves that the Management does care about their players and mingle with them outside of the professional level as well. Not surprisingly everyone answered the call of duty and there was no shortage of Welcome Gifts for the young Swiss. He took it upon himself to prepare a Swiss grill speciality called 'Cervelat' on the grill. For the less adventurous Wranglers there was Steak, corn cobs, Spare Ribs and Pulled Pork. For the Pescetarian amongst the squad (or for those who felt more like fish) there was salmon and thuna to be had. Grilled cheese and bell peppers rounded the BBQ side of dishes. Marcel prepared 'Älplermaggronen', a Swiss take on Mac'n'Cheese, which the Poutine loving Canadians declared as 'passable'. A Cervelat, ready to be eaten Recently elected Captain Phil had an armwrestling contest with Jokinen which the latter won this time around. Marcel's beer pong mastery made Frank weep (we were assured only alcohol free beer was harmed in the process of this game). Klamasteris showed a keen interest in the plants in Daniel's backyard, especially the hedges. GM Ricer and AGM Greg_Di played volleyball against veteran defenceman Eagles and newly acquired defender-turned-wing Reinhart. Veteran presence and alternate Captain Perry splashed with his kids in the pool where they were promptly joined by the Nordic fraction in sophomore player Kotkakoivu and top scorer Nasherov. Later on, the three of them joined back up netminder Vaughn for a game of poker. The more observant players noted a silent guy, drinking in every moment and when they asked Daniel who this mysterious guest was, he replied: 'This is Jean-Luc Lieuxperroux, a correspondent for my home town newspaper. This offseason, he was driving across Canada just to have a chat with me, so I thought I might as well invite him to the house warming. No worries, he promised that the more savoury events in the Casa Janser will stay in the Casa Janser and will not make it into the paper.' Needless to say, everyone enjoyed themselves and the party lasted until the early morning hours, when some neighbours, in true Canadian fashion, came over and apologized to be party crashers at 3 o'clock in the morning and whether it would be possible to tune it down a bit? Daniel took the hint and called it a night. From a teambuilding point of view, the party was huge success. Daniel will certainly repeat that on the 1st August, when Swiss people celebrate their National Holiday. Stay tuned for further updates on the brothers' career https://vhlforum.com/topic/114303-a-tale-of-two-brothers-moving-on/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/114584-a-tale-of-two-brothers-inter-season-interviews-part-1/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/114609-a-tale-of-two-brothers-inter-season-interviews-part-2/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/115056-a-tale-of-two-brothers-inter-season-interview-part-3/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/115086-a-tale-of-two-brothers-inter-season-interview-part-4/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/115456-a-tale-of-two-brothers-daniel-wins-it-al-most/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/115146-calgarys-new-teammates/
  21. Splendid, I will send you a contract which kindly accept. In the interim here is the invitation to our discord. https://discord.gg/e2Sq2Fv9 Welcome to the Pack, Daniel
  22. Hi @leandrofg, Good stuff to write the Junior Review, I will make sure to read it. And it is nice to get this sweet TPE to get your player even better. If you need help with anything, don't be shy, just contact me. Cheers, Daniel
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