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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Swiss Central Gazzette Saratoga Steele, our US east coast correspondent, was tasked to get into touch with Marcel Janser. According to Daniel, his younger brother spends his off-season break at the Lake Chicamacocimo fishing. As Saratoga is more of a city person, she reached out to Marcel via videocall on his mobile, as it would be difficult to find the young Swiss on or at this vast body of water. SS: 'Hi Marcel, thanks for your time. How are you?' MJ: 'Right as rain, I am, thanks. Just reeling in a big 'un.' SS: 'Should I call later, when it is more convenient?' MJ: 'No, no that is just fine. I'll get the bastard, come rain or high water.' SS: 'Marcel, your brother is enlisted in the JST, the Pro-Am and the WJC, while you were not considered for either. Does that bother you?' MJ: 'No, not at all. Hockeywise, Dan has always been the more ambitious and talented of the two of us. I am really happy for him, because for him, there is no such thing as 'too much Hockey'.' SS: 'That pretty much confirms what he told us in a previous interview. You seem to be of a different opinion?' MJ: 'I would not go that far. I think that life is short and that we only have one, as far as we know. So why not enjoy it to the fullest? See, Daniel's only passion is Icehockey. So why not invest your heart and soul in it? I am more diverse in my pastimes, I enjoy obviously hockey, but fishing and going to movies give me as much pleasure as the former. So I spread it a bit and enjoy fishing with friends in summer and hockey in winter. My brother spends the summer either in exhibition games or in the gym to prep for the season. And that is okay, as he seems to enjoy that as much as I enjoy fishing.' 'Frank, are you sure this perch is supposed to be 30 inches? And what is that nonsense with the third eye? Nah, cut him loose, I ain't gonna eat that, for sure.' SS: 'When will you be back in Vasteras? What is your schedule until the season prep starts?' MJ: 'I will fly back to Sweden next week. As we speak, builders are renovating the flat I bought. Nothing serious, some minor changes to the layout and a fresh coat of paint. After that, skating starts again to make this coming season better than the past.' SS: 'Okay, thanks for your time and wishing a good catch to you.' MJ: 'That is mighty kind of you. Thanks for catching up with me.' Yellow Perch, endemic to Laka Chicamacomico, picture courtesy of M. Janser See related articles below for further information on the Janser brothers' life abroad. https://vhlforum.com/topic/114201-a-tale-of-two-brothers-still-kicking/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/114234-a-tale-of-two-brothers-brothers-divided https://vhlforum.com/topic/114303-a-tale-of-two-brothers-moving-on/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/114584-a-tale-of-two-brothers-inter-season-interviews-part-1/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/114609-a-tale-of-two-brothers-inter-season-interviews-part-2/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/115056-a-tale-of-two-brothers-inter-season-interview-part-3/
  2. Dear VHLM and friends, First of all thank you to all who have applied for this position. Your interest is much appreciated. This is one of the most difficult things, as I have to decline the applications of some members. I want you to know that this is not a decision against you, but for the one who I hired. It was neck-to-neck and I had to look for secondary traits to make a decision. Due to his connection to the team I name @Ente2997 AGM of the Mississauga Hounds. To @Ben, @lidz and @Lilpfigher I wish best of luck on your quest for a job in a team and I am sure that you will succeed sooner rather than later. Good luck to you and welcome back Ente. Daniel Janser
  3. I would refrain for it. For the same reason as with finances: I do not think it adds anything to the value of the survey (and lets be honest: for most of us the answer is 'Hockey' anyway)
  4. Swiss Central Gazzette Jean-Luc Lieuxperroux hardly made it back to Toronto from Abbotsford, when his phone rang and his office told him to get another interview with the Janser brothers as they needed to fill pages on their paper. Cursing under his breath, Jean-Luc this time arranged for a videoconference rather than a one-on-one interview with Daniel. JLL: Daniel, glad you could make the time to talk to us. DJ: Anytime, Jean-Luc. JLL: So, we heard that you are representing Team Europe in the WJC. How is it going? DJ: We lost twice against the Canadians and won against the US Team. We have some players in the team I already knew. Karjalainen and me go way back, when we both played for the Brigade, Bushtit and Lamb played for Mississauga this last season and Sundin played in the Brigade while I was his GM. We are still in the race. We already had our losses against the arguably strongest team in the tournament and have some of the allegedly easier opponents still to play. I would like to do one better than last year. JLL: When you won Silver? DJ: Exactly. I am also doing personally better than last time around. I have already more points and hits after three games than last time after the full tournament. However, it is not about my own records, it is about winning as a team and I firmly believe we can do that. It won't be easy, but it is achievable. JLL: We certainly wish you best of luck in this pursuit of undying glory. Now, we also were told by reliable sources that you are changing your position? Is this true? DJ: It is more true than you probably think. There is a trinity of position changes if you will. First, I was named GM of Mississauga following N0HBDY's decision to move to Switzerland, after I told him what great of a country it is. Second, The Abbotsford Fir are shorthanded on the defence, so I volunteered to fill in the gap, as I have done many times in my youth teams, back in the old country. And last but not least, Ricer shipped off Tallinder, the Calgary's second line Center, to Riga in exchange for some picks. So he asked me to take over Tallinder's duty. Since I have already played Center the majority of last season, I could not see a reason why not, so I agreed to do it. JLL: You seem to be a very versatile player indeed, and willing to help your team out, whatever the costs. DJ: I do not think it comes at a big cost to be honest, but I guess you could say I am a team player, yes. JLL: Speaking of roster changes in Calgary. Rumours have it that long time Davos defender Reinhart waived her NTC to come to Calgary. Have you any more information for our interested readers? DJ: Reylynn is indeed joining our squad. We can count ourselves lucky to acquire a prolific player such as her. She will also switch position to LW instead of defender. And before you ask, I can neither confirm nor deny that her sudden move from Switzerland to Alberta has anything to do with a certain rough-on-the-edges, yet oddly charming and handsome Swiss player in the Calgary organisation. JLL: Will take good note of that and quote you accordingly. Okay that's it from our side, thanks for your time and good luck in the WJC. DL: Thanks for having me. Janser and Reinhart: A match made in Switzerland? Please find related articles down below. https://vhlforum.com/topic/114148-a-tale-of-two-brothers-first-round-of-playoffs https://vhlforum.com/topic/114186-a-tale-of-two-brothers-facing-elimination/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/114201-a-tale-of-two-brothers-still-kicking/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/114234-a-tale-of-two-brothers-brothers-divided https://vhlforum.com/topic/114303-a-tale-of-two-brothers-moving-on/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/114584-a-tale-of-two-brothers-inter-season-interviews-part-1/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/114609-a-tale-of-two-brothers-inter-season-interviews-part-2/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/114892-cgyrig-s82/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/114980-davcgy-s82/ 591 words
  5. nope prefer beer farts, sorry mate
  6. I must be search-handicapped, where can I find said index?
  7. not in this video you don't... you lead with the blunt edge and drag the cutting edge... unless my optical sensors are completely wrecked...
  8. Looks like the keeper was not able to keep it professional/platonic
  9. I am just happy that Reylynn has Number 20 on the Jersey... and not 22
  10. Is it just me or does the Go To Standings link, send us to the VHLM playoff table? Fascinating as it is to review same, I wanted to see the WJC standings...
  11. That is how I do it as well.... everything else does not make sense... you lead with the dull side and the edge makes pretty patterns in your spread... we have very keen blades and if I was leading with the cutting edge, I would end up in a mess...
  12. Dil means the part of the knife facing us, neither the cutting edge nor the back of the knife on not the handle either...
  13. always used curved side... but I do also hold the knife in my left hand which is a no-go where I live...
  14. Hi Barryst, At the moment the teams cannot hire as it is the offseason. Alas the draft should be held shortly and then you can be picked up by a team. In the interim I would suggest that you try to earn as many TPE as you can in order to boost your draft stock. If you need directions, we are all here to help you. Good luck with barry bigman's career Daniel Janser
  15. OOPS double dipped lol... anyway agreed for good order's sake. Thanks for the talks MubbleFubbles, my first ever trade partner
  16. @McWolf Condition on the S83 Pick: MIS gets the higher of either SDM or LVA 2nd round pick
  17. I forgot about that... yeah I see why this stain on your otherwise spotless earning record irks you... Having said that, it has its undisputable advantages to not be an 'Unsullied' imo
  18. Hi @Tinoa, Welcome to the VHL. We are a cool community which is interested in getting to know new members. If you have any question regarding the forum or your player or anything, please do not hesitate to ask, we are here to help. At the moment the league is in the offseason and we cannot hire new players. Alas, the draft will be taking place soon and you will find a home in almost no time. In the interim, I suggest to update your stats and get some additional TPE, which will raise your draft stock significantly. Good luck with Jay Tinoa's career. Daniel Janser
  19. on the other hand, if you joined Monday (or Tuesday for that Matter) these clicker points would be lost to you forever... so yes, it does lower your average per week, but it is still 6 points more than you would have if you joined a couple of hours later ;)...
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