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Posts posted by dustywilson22

  1. 16 hours ago, FrostBeard said:

    Draft and Free Agency is coming up!

    Answer 3 for 1 TPE, Answer 6 for 2

    1. D.C. Dragons have added Vincent Laroche-Gagnier to our roster, how much of an impact do you think he will with our squad next season?
    2. GM Frostbeard recently had a conversation with Ryuji Sakamoto that ended with GM screaming at him and calling him a donut. What could have the conversation been about?
    3. With our squad fillling up for the upcoming season, do you think our team is ready to make playoffs?
    4. William Futch recently released a song titled "Dragon yourself" what could the song be about?
    5. How much of an importance will Bubbles Utonium be for our team going into the season?
    6. With our young guns still developing, how much of an importance will it be for a team to have veteran leadership?

    1. I expect big things man, I'm a rookie so i can't wait to see the talent the VHL offers.
    2. **raises eyebrow** probably just trying to trash us, but dragons good end of story
    3. I would say that's the goal? get the talent here and as younger guys grow we get experience and then when were prime were extending our competing window
    4. Well I would say It's about keeping on and things will get better just as the Dragons are. We are growing just as all of us must do. 
    5. I mean she's going to be huge. We need one last good year out of her. We need her showing that glove out there!
    6. It's super important. These trades are huge and I trust frost It's amazing to have your gm be word for word with you about what's happening with the team. 

  2. Well folks as you know Ben had been leaving Istanbul for D.C which he was very happy to do, but It felt weird being around people as he hadn't left the ice too often of course being their home ice. So all he knew over there was takeout of food that everyone said was good food so Ben joined in on ordering It. Then of course practice, games, practice, games.. meetings sometimes. It was a boring routine, but he did call back home to his family at times. So He got his apartment set up with the team in D.C as his contract didn't quite afford him a home just yet, but that would change later on ;) . For now Ben got unpacked put his stuff in his new home. Went to the arena and shook hands with Frostbeard as he welcomed to D.C officially. Told him you better be ready work "I'm bringing In talented guys. Be ready." "I will." Ben then decided to just walk in D.C and see things. Finally Ben took a seat on a park bench as people walked by and he just looked into the sky. "Yeah I'm back home." 

  3. 12 hours ago, FrostBeard said:

    Off-season is coming soon!

    Answer 3 for 1 TPE, Answer 6 for 2

    1. What are you off-season plans?
    2. GM Frostbeard recently was called out after he told reporters that "He won't answer questions about this draft as everyone should know what is the goal for DC Dragons". Your thoughts on the matter?
    3. Queefson and Dvorak were seen arguing about stick tape and who is a better at it. Who is the better player to tape their stick?
    4. With a lot of players looking to available in the next FA - which positions do you think DC Dragons should focus on?
    5. Looking at our roster, there are clearly things that need to be done for our squad to become competitive, what would be your suggestion for GM Frostbeard to go and do?
    6. After long hours of work, Bubbles Utonium has released a statement that S90 will be her last season in VHL, what does Bubbles Utonium mean to DC Dragons franchise?

    1. Right now It's getting Myself settled in D.C Istanbul was so boring so now being in a familiar place. You best believe im going out and enjoying myself and doing things that wont get me injured of course.
    2. I mean yeah they should know the goals, Do your mock drafts or just read them. Enjoy being a D.C fan! 
    3. It's gotta be Dvorak. I just think Queefson does It too clumsy he goes too fast and you can see the errors
    4. I mean Just getting some scoring fwds maybe? I know we have a young defenseman core that is earning well, so we may need a GK, but would definitely look for a young one to grow with us.
    5. I mean It would have to be getting young fwds in the draft along with a young goalie. Then you can sign vets in both those spots as you can use them as fillers for a few seasons till our guys are ready! 
    6. I mean she means a lot, her giving the effort even when she knows that the team isnt trying to win. She gives fans hope in D.C really. Im here after her time so her leadership is where she gives the most. The experience as well as it allows us to train on a goalie who has faced so many shots in her career. She will be missed so ill be cherishing my rookie season. 

  4. Ben Laas knew this day would come. The Practices would stop with the Red Wolves, The Games would stop with the Red Wolves, the Moments would stop with the Red Wolves. The won't be forgotten though. Ben never thought he'd be so sad to leave Istanbul as the news of them obviously being disbanded in the wake of the VHLE going down to 6 teams. It's understood league wise, but for the players why their team? why!!!! They have their reasons, but the Red Wolves idea was to hopefully leave the team with a cup to be remembered by. We did not accomplish that though and that's said with great sadness all around. I feel Ben gave his heart out there, but D.C Is calling and he's ready. The team is ready for him when training camp starts. Ben Is ready for them whenever. Ben said his goodbyes to the team and looks forward to hopefully see his former red wolves by his side or against him in the VHL. As were all trying to live our dreams here. This Finals loss may hurt, but You have to take the good with the bad. This Is the bad to an extent as It can be seen as good. It's a stepping stone in our careers. It shows VHL rosters we have what It takes to be good. Now allow us to show you. Ben won't let this chance pass him up as he looks to play with the big boys. Can he stand among the Wolves, or will they eat him up? We will see him in D.C very soon. to my teammates I love you so much genuinely. You made for a great VHLE experience. Thank you! Go Dragons and always remembered Go Red Wolves! till we see you again. 

  5. 4 hours ago, FrostBeard said:

    We didn't make playoffs!

    Answer 3 for 1 TPE, Answer 6 for 2

    1. How do you feel our season went overall?
    2. It is said by few media outlets that "DC are known for their late season tanks!" - your thoughts about that?
    3. Which player stood out of D.C. Dragons squad this season?
    4. Ben Laas has been incredibly open about his excitement of potentially moving up to VHL - your thoughts on that player?
    5. With DC Dragons 1st Rounder being a Lottery pick, who do you think GM Frostbeard is eyeing to select?
    6. What do we need to do as a team this off-season to work towards making DC Dragons a contender team?

    1. I obviously agree It sucks losing, but It's whats best for our future and the direction of the team. 
    2. let them watch us tank lol, It just shows our coach is talented and just puts a team out there with success.
    3. I believe it was all the guys we traded lol. After we traded them we were asking for developing guys to try and win. just hard to do. The thing that sticks out is our effort for the later part of our season to tank! 
    4. It's me so I'm pretty high on myself, I've got some growing pains, but I don't feel theres any more need to let me develop on the Red Wolves as I'm already almost developed basically and just ready to show some talent in the VHL
    5. It should be a FWD or a Goalie As Bubbles is getting older. Seasons pass by quick and while we are tanking and developing, the turn around to competing needs to be quick. so whoever frost feels is best im following his lead
    6. Well It's been talked about we need a goalie to develop, but I feel we could sign one that's regressing and giving some quality minutes. Along with new forwards that are entering their prime soon as we want our young guys to be upcoming stars as the The guys in their prime are performing amazingly. 

  6. Howdy VHL folks, Ben doesn't get to do too much speaking of course, as he's focused on playing out there on the Ice, but we got an exclusive interview with Ben as we had been reaching out for weeks, months even to no answer. Till today after his final game of the season, before playoffs of course. He was willing to sit down and just speak to us.
    **Host points to the Door** "welcome Ben Laas!" Lass speaks, "Hey guys, very excited to be here." Host asks, "So Ben was It hard to find time to make It here?" Ben smiles, "You don't even know, Asking me for an interview in person requires me getting a flight to DC here. Which I get why since I'm looking forward to making this my home in the near future." Host chuckles, "Of course of course. I'll ask though has GM Frost been in contact?" Ben nods, "here and there, were both busy guys so I don't expect an answer 24/7 you know."

    Host nods, "that's fair Ben, I just like to ask as some guys don't even hear from their gms. Which that brings up my question what happened in saskatoon?" Ben puts his head back and just huffs, "Man that was such a bummer, so first off our GM drafted a guy who was playing in the E with the 1st overall pick, so that kind of ruined the draft a little for us as we needed someone to be down with our unit. Regardless I'll say the guys made the most of It and we were bought In. Everyone on the team just wanted to develop and the guys who were apart of the team last season tried their best to teach us." Host chimes in, "Right giving you guys pointers here and there." Ben says "Right." Host, "Okay So tell me now about during the season when you guys just hear nothing." Ben nods, "Right I guess I should of figured that's what you wanted most, Well we've got me, Montgomery, Otis. I kinda forget the rest, so apologies to those guys. Basically were practicing, but rumors start to float like our gm's gone and he can't be found. So were like ""Okay what the hell?"" So straight up we finished the season with no GM and our coaches were trying to handle all the behind the scenes while trying to coach us as well. So Let me tell you all of us were like " VHLE please have a spot ready for us." We were so done with that experience. Just heart breaking, but obviously life things happen so that's another topic." Host just chuckles, "He just disappeared?" "Gone." "Wow that's, wow. Well at least we know all of those guys are still forming their careers out, but I believe the league appointed someone else right?" "Yeah. yeah like they finally figured out hey the GM Isn't here. Who wants to GM?" Host laughs, "Right, I mean never easy to find many guys for the VHLM job as you never get too many season with some players right?" "Very true as there are plenty of guys who are like me and are like. VHL Is the goal let's get a move on." 

    Host smiles, "Right, but are you enjoying the VHLE?" Ben nods, "Oh Yeah... We've had a coach that his been chatting with us everyday and Is always trying to get us hyped up. We've had a great year." "The best team this year at that." "Right Right, I keep forgetting about that as It's just been an experience being with these guys. Having Bihler In net Is a blessing and he counts our defensive core as a blessing as well. Were just on the same page In Istanbul." Host asks, "Absolutely man, what was that like being drafted by Istanbul?" Ben chuckles, "Funny enough they never reached out as they expected me to go top 3! so when I see my name get called, I get an immediate text saying they're sorry for not reaching out as they expected me to go in the top 3. So when I was there on the board, they felt they got a steal and I feel just the same way." "wow, they thought you would go earlier?" Ben laughs, "right?? I mean I was already going round 1, but man It was nuts to end up on such a team like this one. I'll be real though when I landed In Istanbul I was immediately like, "Man I can't wait to be back in the US." Which North America In general as even in Saskatoon I enjoyed my time there off the ice." Host cracks a joke, "Now you know you never leave the ice over there." Ben laughs, "you right. You right, but regardless man yeah Istanbul was definitely something Different. I hadn't really ever thought about leaving North America like that and I really forgot about the E meaning Europe. So for all of us drafted guys If you weren't in the E you're going on a career stop in Europe baby!" Host asks, "Now did you do much shopping there?" Ben laughs, "I barely left my place I stayed at, funny enough the Arena actually has rooms for players to use If they didn't want to live out in the city. So you best believe I requested a room. I don't know much about Istanbul too much still, but they have been supporting us heavy, but how can you not when your local team is staying winning." 

    Host agrees, "Yeah I mean I'll hop on a bandwagon for a local team in a heartbeat man. So I definitely get why they're showing to games since they know you guys are killing It on the ice. Are you ready for playoffs?" Ben looks around, "Man Playoffs can't come fast enough we just ended our season with 2 wins for our last 2 games and we want to keep that momentum going. Don't want any good energy rubbing off us man." Host asks, "Is It Cup or..." "Cup." Host chokes as he gets interrupted, "Whoa. Guess you knew my question there huh?" Ben puts his hands up, "It's been asked by fans, other media pieces, and hell even us as a team we ask it. I personally believe It's cup or bust. I don't know how many guys are staying down in the E or who's being called up." Host asks quickly, "Before i get you rambling on that, as I understand. You getting the call up to D.C?" Ben smiles wide and looks, "I'm not going to speak on It. I'll let the transactions speak." "now by that you mean?" "just watch call ups during off-season." "Got ya, well did you have anything you wanted to say out there for your fans and people who doubt you?" "I'll say appreciate you guys who support me during my struggles and those who have sent such kind words over social media. To those who are still doubting. Your Laas." Host chuckles, "Well Ben It's been a good one. As we have loved hearing about the experience from you yourself and we will catch you hopefully in a Dragons Jersey next time your in D.C right?" Ben daps him up and walks away. then stops to look back, "We'll see." Ben leaves the room.

    Well folks there you have It Ben Lass the Defenseman of the Istanbul Red Wolves. Folks we've seen him get better over the season and he looks promising as a prospect for the Dragons. Will he continue to be on a rise or will we see him stagnate? As a D.C Fan lets hope for all positives baby. We out! 

  7. The title is a joke haha, but regardless Ben has been having a great season with the Red Wolves this year as his game and play have taken a big step up compared to VHLM. Maybe he knew he had to step up his game over in Europe If he wanted to make his way to the US. Ben has improved his game all across the stat line as the Penalty minutes did increase, but that just shows Ben Is out there giving his all even If that means he has to go into the box. His teammates have appreciated his efforts game in and game out. they recognize he's one of those defenseman that loves assist, but loves seeing his teammates do great things while also getting the wins. Ben has this mindset Wins are what matters. Ben wants wins and Ben is trying to make sure he stays in a winning culture. Istanbul definitely got a steal with him and he's proving that to the VHLE, but DC Is in his sights. do we see Ben make the call up list? You'd like to think so. Well enough rambling, Hurry Istanbul Is winning another game, you don't want to miss it. 

  8. 4 hours ago, FrostBeard said:

    End of the season is closing in!

    Answer 3 for 1 TPE, Answer 6 for 2

    1. With the season coming to an end and seeing some great improvement on ice - how do you feel about our season as of right now?
    2. Do you believe making a playoffs should be our goal a this point with few games left?

    3. GM Frostbeard has come out with a statement that he feels a lottery pick would be more important for our squad then making playoffs - your thoughts on that matter?
    4. There have been rumours that with the TDL trades, D.C. Dragons are preparing to become buying this off-season, do you think it is a good sign?
    5. We have many great players in our prospect system that are yet to join our squad - how do you rate the current prospect depth of our team knowing we have many picks this upcoming draft?
    6. Out of all the players on the team, which one is the easiest to work with in practice?


    1. well I'll say we tanked perfectly now, as we were winning but the identity of the team is going young and rebuilding so. I'm happy with the team as It means an open spot for me.
    2. I mean definitely not lol, just tank at this point as why else did you make those trades?
    3. as said above, It gives me new teammates and It means more talent on the roster for the future baby!
    4. Oh absolutely we get guys signed to compete right away and have players that are developing. It's coming together trust in the Beard
    5. I mean I would say It's elite. I mean we had 2 guys play on the VHL roster as rookies! Then of course myself im looking to come up this year. I'm trying so hard.
    6. for me I can't say much as been In Istanbul all season, but Bubbles was awesome during training camp. 

  9. 2. Well what we know now is that he did trade some older guys to give them better opportunities as right now D.C is tanking for pics. I mean they surprised me I expected the team to be automatically, but It was nice to see some winning for a little. Draft wise eh. 

    3. No way, I think someone just dropped rumors just to get Bubbles in trouble. Maybe a goalie trying to make a name for themself? lol but no bubbles would not be doing something like that. 

    6. Well as a person not actually there In D.C I read about It in Istanbul and couldn't believe It, but also after seeing a trade was made. It's clear he wanted to win and GM frost wanted that for him as well.

    8. I would say It hurts as we just drafted those guys along with myself and It feels like thats our defense core and losing those guys just wouldn't be It to me and would basically go away from our ambitions of getting young and growing.

    10. I would say maybe people are wondering why were trading when D.C is competing. Would think we would want to win, but fans want to be in the seats when you're winning. So I expect that would be the reason. 

    12. I mean there's no hero per say, maybe Bubbles by constantly giving it all out there on the ice. 

  10. On 7/5/2023 at 1:16 PM, RJMW said:




    1. We are on an 8 game winstreak right now, can we keep this unbeaten run going?


    2. The team is pretty comfortably at the top of the standings, what do we need to do to carry this form into the end of the season?


    3. Evan Bihler has solidified himself as the best goalie in the league right now, and he just recorded two crucial shutouts in back to back games. How impressed have you been by his performance?


    4. We just faced two of the top 4 teams in a row and won both of our games, now knowing that we are capable of getting points off everyone, does this add pressure and expectations to the end result of the season?


    5. With the lowest goals against, the best defense and goalie in the league, what do the forwards have to do to ensure defense doesn't have to bail out the team in any future games?


    6. Do you go grocery shopping often? Do you make a list or wing it?


    7. Have you ever been skydiving? Would you ever try it?


    8. Who is your favorite athlete of all time? Why?

    1. Well judging we unfortunately didnt keep it going haha

    2. It's just continuously staying at a high level. We can take some losses to make sure we stay humbled, but so far It's just making sure we find what works and stick with it. 

    3. I mean I didn't expect any crazy stats out of him at the beginning of the year, but he's earned my respect. I know the task it takes to be a great goalie and he's looking amazing! Glad he's tending my net and im able to defend him. 

    4. I mean I definitely think so, now It's like If we don't win It's going to be a surprise. I believe were great on defense offense and have a great gk in net. 

    5. I mean just scoring goals. I will say we don't always score a ton sometimes, but I feel the team does enough to score out there, as defenseman its our job to hold down our gk and protect him. 

    6. To be fair I used to make a list, but as of late its been okay we know what we need lets do it! 

  11. Well folks the Istanbul Red Wolves are looking mighty fine baby! A loss? I mean sure we take some, but how many? Not many thats for sure and 2 shutouts today? Man The Redwolves are playing immaculate. I'm loving my teammates as we continue to play our hearts out and we see Evan Bihler get 2 shutouts!! 3rd in goals for with 134 and 85 goals allowed which is the least amount in the league! The Red Wolves defense is bought into this team and were just putting It together. my favorite moment has been when I go into the penalty box which does happen. I can't understand most of the languages some of the fans speak, so I've asked around and learned how to say I don't speak you're language in their language. Just to piss them off haha. now some do speak english and I chirp with them back and forth. I also remind them were In 1st and point at the scoreboard. 
    Ben Laas is pushing to make that DC roster as quick as possible we'll see If that ends up happening, but for now he's got his eyes set on a cup with this team till then. Peace out fellas. PS. Happy 4th of july! 

  12. In Istanbul you can find a talented roster that has just been amazing together. The future defenseman of the DC Dragon Ben Laas can be found putting the work In each and every game. just as well as on the ice. Ben has been on a good pace this year as many people and fans alike have enjoyed watching his games. He has definitely improved in his game, but still has plenty of time to get better as a player. will he? I personally believe so as I'm his #1 supporter. I really am loving what im seeing this season through 26 games 3 Goals, 18 Assists, 21 points total, +\- +3 , 65 shots on net, 34 Penalty minutes, 70 Hits, and 58 Shots blocked. He is currently averaging 2 ppg!!!! Which I'd hope would be mostly assist. Ben doesn't care to score, but when he does he goes nuts. He loves to celebrate in crazy ways as in one of his goals I skate on the ice on his head. Which coaches obviously told him don't do it again. Which Ben says he won't as it hurt his neck haha. Regardless he has enjoyed his time in Istanbul to an extent as only time he goes out is with a translator. He has enjoyed trying different foods and well really this place keeps him focused on hockey which Is only helpful when your main goal In your career is the VHL! So Dusty has enjoyed his time with Istanbul, but his goals are to impress his GM of the DC dragons and show he's ready to help that team win as soon as possible. For now VHLE cup maybe? 

  13. On 6/27/2023 at 6:50 AM, FrostBeard said:

    Your DC Dragons are 3rd in NA!!

    Answer 3 for 1 TPE, Answer 6 for 2

    1. How do you feel about seeing DC Dragons so high in standings? 
    2. GM Frostbeard has speculated that after game parties have positively influened this team's performance, your thoughts on that?
    3. William Futch is currently our top goalscorer, what is your opinion on Futch as a teammate?
    4. After long conversation with the President of D.C. Dragons and Minority owner Eno Rama, GM Frostbeard released a statement saying that this team is going to be built with the same mindset that D.C team has had since joining VHL - do you think it is vital to have a history and traditions that define your franchise?
    5. Eric Queefson and Mark Calaway are both sitting at 14 points in 20 games played - do you think it is good to have some inside rivalry between young players or do you feel that is not necessary?
    6. Recently released analysis by ETHDC Media has said that "Dragons are the team that you expected to be at the bottom of the table. Right now they are WAY out of their league and will drop down soon" - how do you respond to that?

    1. I love to see It. You know when you're rebuilding and you're winning? Yeah that's a good sign of things to come. 
    2. I mean who wouldn't be more motivated. Keep winning more beer and liquor. stay losing, just sadness in your heart. no one wants to be sad. Be happy
    3. Well being In Turkey doesn't allow me to meet the guys too much, but during training camp I got to meet them for a little bit. As far as I could tell he was a more quiet kind of guy and just get his job done on the ice.
    4. Absolutely, I mean I know the hate towards Seattle, but what team do you think of when you think who makes the moves and signings to build a roster. Seattle simple. He may not always be transparent, but It can be a team decision at times. Not saying It's right, but all respect to them. 
    5. I love to see It. Compete make each other better. Cause If I'm slacking tell me. I'm wanting to be the best I can be, so are you right? Simple compete baby!
    6. I mean all teams come back to reality, but with good coaching and just commitment, will keep us in the right idea. To be honest we don't need a top pick as If you find the right person in the draft at the right place. 

  14. 2 hours ago, FrostBeard said:

    Season 89 is on the way!

    Answer 3 for 1 TPE, Answer 6 for 2

    1. D.C. Dragons internal documents of conduct were leaked and a lot of questions were raised about the fact that the team has an internal boxing league going on and that the participation is mandatory. As a player, is that the truth and if so, who is weakest boxer on Dragons? 
    2. GM Frostbeard had a meeting with GM Leonidas. After the meeting it was said that both GMs seemed to excited about it and a reporter said that he heard both GM's say that the deal works for both of them. Are you aware of this sort of a deal or is it just speculation?
    3. D.C. Dragons are starting this season a bit slower, for you individually, do you think the team is ready to compete or another season of rebuild is still needed?
    4. Currently, a lot of questions have been raised about the trade that brought the veteran Max Torq to D.C, some analysts even call it a "huge mistake" while GM Frostbeard has said that to him this is a "incredibly amazing deal for Dragons". Your thoughts?
    5. With the season underway, which player on our roster in your opinion is heavily underrated?
    6. D.C. Dragons are providing a chance to play for Zac Martinez andLorenzo Cobberson as those players have joined us from FA. Do you believe these sort of moves are important and should teams try to fill every salary cap spot?

    1. Only way I'll get into a fight is for my teammates. But you know the one rule about fight club. You don't talk about it. Plus I'm in Istanbul so I'll know when i get there right?
    2. I mean I don't know anything being in Istanbul, Turkey. For now It's just hockey 

    3. I mean the idea of a rebuild is already in place and looking at the roster rebuild It's the go as there are some young guys in the system, but It's time for DC to maybe get some more people and this being young fwds as I'd be lead to believe we have our Defenseman. unless i get traded
    4. I mean I would say he can just come in and give some veteran experience to some guys on the team and just elevates the roster. Plus with him being a talented defenseman that means teams will come calling and you know what DC needs? picks and prospects. No further answers
    5. I mean Lucas Gray as obvious sba member ties, but clearly he's showing his talent out there and I expect him to be a great role player on a 3rd or 2nd line or 1st liner in the future
    6. It definitely fits into our agenda. They're not great players I would say from their draft class, but I would assume It's a personality and opportunity to get out on the ice. For them I cheer them on and just enjoy every moment as It doesn't matter what you do with this roster just go out there and give your best

  15. Well last we knew of Ben Laas he had won the JST tournament which Is really just kind of something fun, but It meant something to Ben a lot as there were some teams that were definitely more talented, but the Brigade showed the other teams that teamwork makes the dreamwork. So now VHLE started. When Dusty landed in Istanbul he was definitely feeling uncomfortable as It was somewhere different and just not as maybe homey feeling as saskatoon felt, but even then Ben just as with the VHLM his goal is getting to the VHL mainly. So he put In the work and awaited his time where he Is now. With Istanbul so far through 6 games he has 0 goals, 4 assists, 20 shots, 8 Penalty minutes, 15 hits, and 10 shots blocked.

    So It's not the most brightest thing on the ice, but Ben Is trying to always improve his production as he has dumped some time into his offensive vision as maybe if he just shoots a ton it might just get passed to a teammate and be an assist. His plus minus is +2 and when you're trying to make sure your plus minus isn't negative you don't complain about anything positive. So till next time my friends. Ben Is just trying to focus on getting better and constantly watching the VHL as his VHL team DC continue to play hockey. One day Ben will see himself there! 

  16. 13 hours ago, FrostBeard said:

    Season 89 is going to begin any day now!

    Answer 3 for 1 TPE, Answer 6 for 2

    1. How do you rate S89 Entry draft for D.C. Dragons? 
    Call me cocky cause I feel that way after that draft. If It wasn't a 10/10 It's cause they're other gm's who disagree with the picks

    2. GM Frostbeard was called out for being "too supportive of his bottom feeder team" after he said that D.C. Dragons has what it takes to get to playoffs really soon. Your thoughts on that matter?
    haha people doubt till they see you win. prove them wrong and let them continue to talk as they make trades just to lose in the 1st or 2nd round to seattle smh

    3. After being basically silent throughout FA time, do you think our team should look at few players still available for pickup?
    I mean It doesn't hurt as filling roster spots doesn't hurt and If the guys understand they are temporary that's not bad at all. Unless there are some who could be future assets for us. 

    4. It was rumoured that after S89 draft Calaway and Queefson had a long conversation at a bar that ended with a drunked brawl, is that true or is it a fabricated story?
    I would guess It's true, but to protect my draft class teammate I'll say It's fabricated as It's just the media trying to get a rise out of the team. Were strong minded around here. 

    5. Looking at our current roster, how well do you think you can fit into our lineup and do you feel that your player will be able to shine?
    I'm gonna make the roster next year. I've just got to grind this year as I wasn't as developed when compared to Queefson. I can accept that though as I know my talent. Ben will be ready with a season in the E don't you worry! So I see either starter or 2nd line material Defenseman. 

    6. After long dicussions Viking Brandy has remained as the main sponsor for D.C. Dragons, some have called GM Frostbeard a "sellout" for always working with this alcohol brand, do you think it is a big deal that a manager of a team wants to keep working with a brand he has worked with for many seasons?
    not at all, If they are great partners and have done nothing to harm the community other than provide a beverage some do enjoy. that's their problem. If they're a friend of DC they are a friend of me. 


  17. Ben Laas was fresh off his JST games, but It was time to know what his VHL future held. Ben felt his performance from the JST showed coaches what his potential held as In Saskatoon there wasn't a ton of winning, but there was plenty of talented prospects. Regardless the focus for Ben was himself. He was committed to being the best version of himself. 

    The Draft didn't see many coaches reach out, but the ones that did It ultimately honed in the guys looking at him in the draft. It was Moscow and DC as London also reached out, but just mostly wanted to touch base as they didn't feel they could get me last in the 1st round which made sense. So Moscow was the most likely choice as development advice was given to Ben from their coach as the confidence in getting him was very likely. Just seemed destined to be for Ben and Moscow to come together. Then DC traded for the 6th overall pick. Ben reached out to Frost since he hadn't chatted since their conversation at the first of the week without even knowing and when speaking with Frost the news of him making that trade reached Dusty and now Dusty knew. it seemed likely that would be his home. Draft night saw Ben excited as ever as this would be a hopeful step for him and his career.
    He still didn't know what to expect as we saw Pope Francis fall, murmuring could be heard. DC was up and he was still on the board. Who did DC want? People had their ideas the mocks had their ideas too. That was right when Ben saw his name across the big board. His eyes lit up as he just got up and hugged his family who was able to make it to the draft venue and went up to the commissioner to shake hands. Smiling from cheek to cheek Ben was just excited to get started regardless, but he knew VHL wouldn't be in his sights just yet.

    Next up was the VHLE draft The watchmen were the only team to even reach out to him, so Ben had no expectations other than spend a season with whatever team gets him and move up fast! Ben was more concerned with his new contract deal he just signed with the Dragons of the VHL. So he watched this draft on TV as the E draft was less international per say as It's teams reside In Europe. Ben knew he would be taking a nice little Europe getaway to play hockey this year. So when the draft finally started, ben wasn't even worried about who was picking 1st as he wasn't getting picked up there. He was just waiting to go 8th as thats where the watchmen picked and which was the likely home for himself and definitely didn't mind since they scouted Him.

    All the sudden across the screen went Ben's name as It was announced on TV. His family would congratulate him, but Ben just watched in Dismay. He was going to play for a team In Turkey? -Ben would just nod- "Let's get It started baby!" -He would hug his family once realizing the reality of what had just happened- -He would receive a call from a number he didn't recognize, but answered- "Howdy?" "Hey Ben we know we didn't get to scouting you before the VHLE draft happened as I had personal things I was dealing With. Regardless we expected you to go earlier off the board from our pick. So were ecstatic to have you apart of the team. We should have some tickets being emailed to your phone as we speak as those will be very important to be able to get here to your new home! Hope you're ready to work, because were ready to win Ben." Ben chuckled, "Yes sir, Winning's all I want to do and I definitely believe I can help do that." "Sounds Good Ben, we'll see you here soon buddy. Catch you then." -Ben would continue to celebrate, but knew It was time to make sure he had all his stuff to make sure he would be ready to pack his stuff For Istanbul. 

    Ben had been drafted 6th Overall in the VHL to the DC Dragons and 5th Overall to Istanbul. Ben was ready to get to work and become a much better player! Keep an eye on Ben as he looks to try and catch the league off guard. 

  18. answer

    1. Out of the vhl, vhle, and vhlm, which league is the most enjoyable for you to play in and why?
    It's gotta be VHL because the VHLM is okay, It's like some guys can decide to stay down and make a super team by chance and that's just boring. The real prize is the vhl! 

    2. If you had to pick one member here to trust with your life, who would it be?
    I mean at this point I would trust Bana as he helped make me an active member in the vhl, I'm still learning from everybody though.

    3. What is a section of the vhl portal that you never visit and why don't you go there?
    Team scoring easily as I didn't even know It existed. 

    1. What Is your favorite team branding in any of the leagues? could you see It being a real life team?

    2. Do you think there's ton of variants of builds users can make or Is there really only a few that work?

    3. Which Is more exciting, the playoffs or the draft? 

  19. Howdy Folks the offseason has been going well for Ben Laas as he has just been working on getting his game better. He's gotten a little help by playing in the Junior Showcase Tournament where he has been playing for the Brigade. They played 30 games through the season with The Brigade being last unfortunately and finishing with a record of 12-16-2 which got them last place just barely. Ben would finish the season with 
    5 Goals, 25 Assists, 58 Hits, 72 shots blocked, and finished with a plus/minus of +2. This would be pretty successful in my eyes as Ben Isn't a scorer and is more defensive focused along with being a passer. So he accomplished getting assists and managed to try and stop the other teams from scoring. Obviously Viktor Jensen Had no problems scoring along with his pal Reginald The Dodo.

    It was time for the wildcard as The Brigade would face Team Clue as day one they would go down 2-1 which in a best of 5 they felt the pressure after that. The Coaches woke up and day 2 saw the Brigade win Game 4 and 5 by 1 goal margins! Didn't matter how It got done, the Brigade were moving on! Now It was going to be the heavy favorites, the Steel looking to just take the championship easily, as the Brigade were just going to be an easy matchup as many thought. Game 1 and Game 2 would be upsets but game 3 and 4 the Steel reminded the league why they're the favorites. Series at 2-2. It was still in the minds of many in favor to the Steel. Game 5 would see the Brigade beat the Steel 4-2 as Fans couldn't believe the Steel were down for once. Game 6 was going to be crucial and many expected a matchup to be maybe more in favor of the Steel yet again, but fans would be left shell shocked as the Brigade would start off the 1st period up 3-0. Then as the game went on managed to put up 2 goals each period after the 1st which gave them their 7 goals and the Steel just couldn't find their skates as they would be eliminated!

    We would see both of the lower seeds make the Finals! Warriors against the Brigade. Game 1 would be close, but we would see the Warriors take it in game 1 In OT. Game 2 would go into OT as well, but this time the Brigade found a way to come out on top. Game 3 the Brigade would be able to handle the warriors in regulation this time as they won 2-1. Then in game 4 we would see the Warriors not be able to score at all as they would fall 2-0. All the sudden the Brigade were up 3-1. The last seed was on top. Can they hold themselves? Game 5 would see the warriors show the Brigade up by scoring 3 goals in the 1st! It was 3-0 The Brigade were in a slump as no one scored in the 2nd. The 3rd would be huge, Ben would open up the scoring for the Brigade as Jeff would score their 2nd goal and Alex would score the one to tie it at 3-3! as OT came to start you could tell each team was scared to give up an inch. Warriors even more terrified as this was a win or go home for them. 

    Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Fradin McGryer, Walter Fitzroy Jr are on ice for Warriors.

    Aurora Skylight wins face-off versus Mikko Borisyuk in Brigade zone.
    Pass to Eric Queefson. Pass to Ben Laas in neutral zone.
    Ben Laas moves puck in Warriors zone. Pass by Ben Laas intercepted by Fradin McGryer. Ben felt terrible, but started getting back on defense as a Pass by Fradin McGryer was intercepted by Aurora Skylight in neutral zone.
    Pass to Eric Queefson in Warriors zone. Pass to Jorji Costova. Shot by Jorji Costova. 
    Goal by Jorji Costova!!!!!!! BRIGADE WIN!!!!

    So Ben may have not won much in the VHLM, but he put his talents on display in the JST, maybe not the last part of the game here, but saved by Aurora Skylight to pass it up! Through 11 games played,
    6 Goals, 8 Assists, 15 Hits, with 19 shots blocked. Wowzers as Thanks to them being in the tournament longer Ben actually lead the league in points somehow. Weird... Regardless


  20. Ben Laas has just been keeping his head down and his goals right in front of him. He hasn't been the most flashy Defenseman out there, but he definitely Is an interesting prospect. Someone that doesn't want to score goals? Is that a bad thing. Quite possibly as when It comes down to the clutch anyone being able to score is a positive more than a negative. Gotta have someone to be selfless and Ben Is just that. Wants to be that support piece for a team and show that not everyone wants all the glory.
    Ben's only glory he craves Is the team Glory. If the teams happy he's happy. If the teams doing bad there won't be much happiness to be had. Saskatoon Is a good example so far. Ben Was very positive with the squad as the VHLM is just a stop in his career. Just a stepping stone to getting better and getting ice time. Will we see Ben be a top defenseman in the league in the future? possibly, but my hope Is most definitely so best believe you will be seeing Ben and he will block shots. Takeaway the puck and do anything it takes! Also he will be diming those passes up on your local tv as you watch your favorite team lose to him ;)


  21. On 4/25/2023 at 11:07 PM, Bulduray_1 said:

    1. It seems like we’ve hit a stand still without much success in our recent games. Any idea what could’ve been the cause of this?


    2. How does your player deal with adversity?


    3. What’s something unique about your player on the ice?


    4. How does your player handle situations of pressure?


    5. What is a sport that doesn’t get enough love?


    6. Favourite soft drink?

    I mean I guess teams just finally reaching their potential on strategies? Shitty luck it hurts

    2. Well for one he just keeps pushing on as he wants to be a great defenseman but with our play as of late the wins just arent coming our way

    3. I think he's just a guy that's just there to shut you down. If he gets assist cool, but he's there to make sure goals are scored much less


    4. I think he does struggle a little as he Is a rookie after all. Rookie shakes ya know

    5. I don't really know many sports other than the mainstream ones so sorry! 

    6. Dr pepper easily

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