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Posts posted by dustywilson22

  1. Dusty Wilson Is currently not enjoying his time with the Geneva Rush at the moment as he was having a great start to the season and had Thomas Price who came in and continued that success If not even more successful for us. Dusty came back in and has had some rough patches to say the least, but was not told he wasn't going to be playing In the upcoming games. he was fully prepped to get ready on the ice and an awkward conversation transpired.  Thomas price said "Dusty what are you doing?" Dusty responds "I'm getting stretched out and ready for the game what do you mean? I'm starting tonight man"
    Thomas Price had a confused look on his face and just asked him "Did coach not tell you he was benching for these games?" Dusty In dismay skated away and asked Coach N0hbdy "Are you benching me?" Coach N0hbdy says "Oh right I forgot to tell you man, I guess I got busy, but yeah Thomas Price Is starting as you have been struggling as of lately." Dusty disgusted walks to the locker room getting off the ice but not without saying "Coach I want you to know you're a piece of **** for doing something like that" Coach N0hbdy responds "Expect the Unexpected" 
    This has all happened recently and you can only imagine how Dusty Is feeling, but the best guess Is Distraught as we just wait and see how this unfolds or will Dusty keep his cool? 

  2. Dusty Wilson Is here in the VHLE in his second season after such a great rookie season and Is ready to perform for the Rush. So far the Rush are proving to be a playoff team as they also have a top goalie in Thomas Price. With 2 great goalies you already know It's a great look for the Rush as their defense wasn't ranked very high in the offseason, but their scoring was ranked up there. So It was pretty obvious Wilson and Price would face a lot of shots. These points have been proven and Dusty had a great stint so far and Price is doing even better. Rumors of one of the goalies being traded, Is not something either goalie likes to hear as they both love being here In Geneva. Dusty Is looking to get better so hopefully the coach see's he deserves to stay, but Dusty also would love for price to stick around too! This Is a pickle for the Goalies and Dusty knows this Is his 2nd season In the E and he will be looking to make the jump to the VHL soon. If your a fan of Dusty you might just see a seattle bears jersey with the name Wilson on it very soon! Keep an eye out for Dusty as he continues to improve and be a great Goalie of the future. 

  3. 26 minutes ago, Banackock said:

    :sea: Bana's & Beav's S83 Quick Q's :sea:


    Press Conference Rules

    Seattle Bears Team Page

    S83 VHL Draft

    S83 VHL Index

    S83 VHLE Index

    S83 VHLM Index


    This Season's PC's:

    Part One

    Part Two

    Part Three

    Part Four

    Part Five


    *Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S83PC - Part X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


    47. The Bears have whipped up a magic potion to help them win. What is in this potion? Probably Blood sweat and tears as that's what It takes to win!

    48. You have to make a 3 song playlist for your team. What songs do you personally choose? Rock you like a hurricane, Sandstorm (obvious reason), Work hard play hard

    50. A beer company has approached you and lets you name their brand. What do you name it? DustMister 

    51. What are you up to this week? Just focusing on getting moved out and looking forward to vacation june 2nd to june 9th!

    52. How is VHL going for you? Going good but IT's vhle for me and I'm getting much better overtime and I'm proving my worth.

    53. How is Seattle going for you? Well not sure just yet, but as I'm working my way up in talent wise im still a seattle prospect goalie for now






  4. 2 hours ago, Banackock said:

    :sea: Bana's & Beav's S83 Quick Q's :sea:


    Press Conference Rules

    Seattle Bears Team Page

    S83 VHL Draft

    S83 VHL Index

    S83 VHLE Index

    S83 VHLM Index


    This Season's PC's:

    Part One

    Part Two

    Part Three

    Part Four


    *Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S83PC - Part X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


    40.  If you could combine any animals together to create one META animal, which would you combine?

    41. Which VHL team do you think would be worth the most money if a real team and for sale?

    42. Elon Musk wants to bring green energy to hockey. What are some ideas you'd have for him?

    43. The portal to me could add some personality. What are some things you'd add or change about the portal to potentially improve it?

    44. ACDC just wrote a new single about the Seattle Bears. What was the title of the song? What is the song like? Feel free to share a verse or two ;)  

    45. What keeps you coming back to the VHL?

    46. Which current VHL players hockey card would be worth the most money?





    40. Eagle and a lion to create the griffin
    41. Seattle bears
    42. Don't care honestly
    43. I would definitely maybe add contracts of players and seeing who top free agents are.
    44. WE Bare Bears "Bare under the Bear who trouts into the night! He's growling and rumbling for a fight!"
    45. Just hockey i enjoy it alright, not my favorite sport but i enjoy hockey
    46. I'll be honest i dont pay attention I'm sorry

  5. On 3/28/2022 at 7:58 AM, Lilpfigher said:

    Geneva Rush Press Conference

    3 Questions Answered = 1 Capped TPE

    6 Questions Answered = 2 Capped TPE

    Please answer in full sentences

    Week Ending Apr.3


    1. If you had to choose any other team BUT the rush what would it be and why?


    2. How do you feel about the future of the rush moving into the new season!


    3.  If you could swap to any other position (Not your Current one OFC) What would it be?


    4. As we move into the new season, how do you feel your player is going to preform this season


    5. What is the BEST Point Task in your opinion?


    6. As a last question, What tournament are you looking forward to the most?

    1. The Express lol too bad we lost in the finals
    2. I'm excited more opportunities for myself to make an impact as a goalie
    3. Probably defenseman
    4. I'm expect him to be at the top for sure
    5. I like the Affiliate TPE as it helps me out so much
    6. Well I don't know much tournaments so idk really

  6. On 3/24/2022 at 4:13 PM, BarzalGoat said:

    A Retrospective, Offseason Presser I


    1. Well that one hurt, what was the first emotion you felt after the reverse sweep? 

    2. Think there was anything we could've tried differently in that series with Rome? 

    3. How are you moving on and enjoying the offseason so far?

    4. What's your big plans for next season? Retirement? Back in the E? Moving up to your VHL franchise? 

    5. With hybrid attributes this offseason we should have a real solid shakeup of the best players in the league. Do you have a strategy going into this mandatory TPE re-roll? 

    6. Any new music helping you get over our finals heart break? Mt Joy's new song Lemon Tree is exactly what I was looking for.


    1. Well I'm thinking man wish i was in net. but Our starting goalie and all our guys tried their best
    2. should of tested stuff earlier on in the season and tested things against them, so not really didn't want to risk anything
    3. Well I'm looking to maybe staying with the cologne express or moving to another team
    4. Staying in the E and maybe playing elsewhere
    5. Not really to be honest, I'm perfectly fine to be honest
    6. Nope to be honest I listen to juice wrld everyday.

  7. 6 hours ago, BarzalGoat said:

    Xpresser Presser:


    The Cologne Express are up 2-0 in the Renaissance Cup Finals, you step up to the microphone, and the hands are raised


    1. How have you enjoyed this run so far, whether you were here last year, drafted, signed as FA, or traded here?! 

    2. Has your player performed up to your expectations this season? How so or how not so?

    3. Have you made a playoff run like this in a sim league before? If yes, when, if now, how do you feel about this one?

    4. How do you maintain the excitement level between games, and get ready for the next one?

    5. Is there any type of superstition you've relied upon to this point? 

    6. The Express don't have a mascot, yet, what should the mascot be, and what should they be called? 


    1. It's been amazing I mean my first season with this team, and first season in the VHLE! I mean you can't be happier with the results and my performances have gotten better. I couldn't have gotten better without this team and especially my coach Barzy!
    2. Oh absolutely I've gotten better definitely compared to my VHLM days as I've been a career backup so far, but I hope to one day start In a game and be the main starter. 
    3. I have not other than with the marlins when we made the playoffs but couldn't win the finals as we lost. 
    4. Just move on. as to me a game won Is just another game as just any other game that Is played. Just have to figure out a way to keep It going.
    5. Not really only superstition I need Is just always betting on my skills and that I put in the work at practice.
    6.Well I think I would love it to be like a train conductor as we can't really do a train since I don't think It's possible. 

  8. On 3/7/2022 at 5:46 PM, Banackock said:

    :sea: Bana's & Beav's S82 Quick Q's :sea:


    Press Conference Rules

    Seattle Bears Team Page

    S82 Draft

    S82 VHL Index

    S82 VHLE Index

    S83 VHLM Index


    This Season's PC's:

    82PC - Part 1

    82PC - Part 2

    S82PC - Part 3

    S82PC - Part 4

    S82PC - Part 5

    S82PC - Part 6

    S82PC - Part 7



    *Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S82PC - Part X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


    73. If @BladeMaiden returned, what could she name her player? Let's help her out!

    74. What are your thoughts on the new anti-meta build stuff?

    75. Who should be hired for the Toronto Legion GM job?

    76. Who should be hired for the LA Stars GM job?

    77. What were your thoughts on the trade deadline this season?

    78. Seems theme week is a revolving door of the same old same.. create your own theme week the league could use!

    79. What are your thoughts and emotions on your players play this season?

    80. A hot air balloon company wants Bears tough man Vinny Detroit @dasboot to design a hot air balloon for them... what's in going to look like?

    81. @Hogan was recently banned from Wal-Mart. What was he doing?

    82. You could pick anywhere in the world to travel and visit tomorrow for X amount of days.. where you going and why?



    73. Gotta be honest i did my real name oop spoiler alert. 
    74. I like It as it creates diversity which would be word if everyone in real life was the same type of player
    75. Personally i dont pay attention to VHL much hopefully someone who is determined to change things for them
    76. Personally i dont pay attention to vhl much but hopefully someone who is determined to change things for them
    77. Well It was interesting as I could of possibly been traded, but I was fine with staying with the express
    79. I'm getting pretty impressed by how im developing as i am a great backup goalie for the express right now looking to help win a cup right now 

  9. Dusty Wilson has been enjoying the Cologne Express so far as he has been able to pick up wins and has picked up his game a lot allowing him to be a better player overall. He still loves the express with his heart as they took the chance on him and now they are a top team in the VHLE, but as said before Dusty will have some big offseason decisions to make for the VHLE as he knows he would love to start, and If he sees anime stay he may have to walk away. Dusty Is having some great success as a backup as of late, and many know he backed up bubbles with the San Diego Marlins. He's been behind some great goalies, but he wants his time to shine and would like It to come soon as he puts in this work, he doesn't want to stay a career backup forever. He wants to show the league and the teams that passed on him that they made a big mistake and Dusty will show them what they missed out on. Dusty currently has one team interested in him maybe and he may go to the next season or stay with the express. We will see, but we know his heart desires a starting goalie spot. 

  10. 8 hours ago, zepheter said:

    Hope you all had a great weekend! More questions:

    1. We just acquired defenseman Milan Dvorak. What are your thoughts on management going all in at the deadline?

    2. Despite dropping the last two games, we had a pretty strong week. Do you like our chances of finishing on top of the standings?

    3. Our defensemen have been very active recently, racking up a ton of goals for us. How important is production from your defense?

    4. Are you modeling your build off of another player? If so, which player? If not, what playing style are you trying to go for?

    5. Do you have a favorite NHL team? If not NHL, any other hockey league around the world?

    6. Spring break is just around the corner for me. What is the coolest place you have been to for spring break?  



    1. I believe It's needed as chances to win and win big are minimal sometimes
    2. I really do as everyone gets better and we learn to do our lines better and come together more as a team
    3. Well you need production from everyone, but when they're producing on both sides It's awesome
    4. Well I'm currently just trying to balance my game out and become better by basing my game off anime protagonist really
    5. Nashville predators
    6. I usually don't go anywhere for spring break so I guess home lol, my life was kinda boring i guess. Not to me though

  11. 18 hours ago, zepheter said:

    Been a bit busy this weekend, hope you guys are having a good one. I've got some more questions for you:

    1. We did it! We've finally overcome the difference between us and Rome. Do you think we can remain strong and finish atop the E?

    2. If you were the GM, would you do anything to improve the team? Or would you rather stick with what we have?

    3. We currently have the league leaders in goals(Zucarello), assists(Ranogajec), and basically every major goalie stat(Protagonist). What is it like to play with some of the best talent in the league? If you are one of the three mentioned, did you expect the season to go this well?

    4. With the VHL All Star game and skills competition behind us. Which competition is your favorite? Personally, I have to go with the save streak. 

    5. If you could run the VHL for a day, what is one thing you would add, change or put more focus on? 

    6. Is hockey your favorite sport? What is the most entertaining aspect to you?



    1. I believe we can as were only getting better each week at practice. 
    2. I believe we can stick with what we have as It is working, It just comes down to our play as a team
    3. I believe It's awesome and to be taking tips and learning from protagonist myself as I'm the backup goalie It's amazing.
    4. I actually didn't watch It so I wouldn't really know an answer sorry..
    5. I would say definitely about encouraging earning ands making more easier opportunities, as I feel sometimes there are lower end earners that are trying It can be just difficult to earn though
    6. It's up there, but basketball Is actually my favorite. To be honest It's those close saves where It's like wow, how did he save that!!!

  12. Well It's been a while since we heard from Dusty as his woes In net have been bothering him in the vhle just like they did in the vhlm. Dusty seems to still be trying to find his footing within the net, as he works to round out his game within this season. Dusty has gotten word from his owner on cologne express, that a starting spot may never open up. He now Is looking to just use this as a development year which was already the plan as It was, but now he does not know the certainty of his spot within the vhle. He wonders if becoming a goalie was a mistake for himself, but he's going to push through and keep trying as goalie Is the position he loves. He will find a team where he starts one day, for now It's time to fine tune his game within the net and keep on training to get better on the ice. Dusty Is still being doubted, but can you blame owners? I wouldn't say you could, but he's definitely looking to be on the come up as he takes this time to develop himself. 

    Stay with this ride as we look to watch Dusty continue to become a better player over time. People may not see It right now, but he feels there's a passion within his heart and there are guys out there who would love to have Dusty as their starter in the future. Till that future presents itself. Dusty will remain a cologne express. 

  13. On 2/13/2022 at 11:24 AM, zepheter said:

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Here are some questions for you:

    1. Has anything surprised you about your player or the team so far?

    2. Calix Pearce had a big debut sim with 6 points in 4 games. What are your thoughts on the trade and the player we're getting?

    3. With a 9-3-2 record this week, we have the opportunity to cement ourselves as a top two team the rest of the season. Do you think we can keep this up?

    4. If you could pick VHL players to be on a line/pairing with, who would they be? As a forward my two are Druss Deathwalker and Matty Fire.

    5. If you could go on a vacation in the city of any VHLE team, which would it be? Anything specific you would like to see?

    6. Say you just won the Stanley Cup. How are you spending your day with the cup and what is the weirdest thing you would consume out of it? 


    1. Well I thought he was pretty good, but i took a look at our starting gk and I'm basing my game off him now to try and replicate his success
    2. Well so far looks great as were already a playoff team so far.
    3. Oh absolutely we got this for sure, things can happen but were ready for any kind of adversity
    4. I wouldn't really know, but i love our forwards lol
    5. Well only one i know is rome, so yeah rome. 
    6. I would consume mtn dew out of it honestly, And I would just hold mtn dews in it. 

  14. 3 hours ago, BarzalGoat said:

    Barzy's First Press Conf Questions in ??? Weeks:


    1. The season is young, but the Express are rolling! How do you feel about your individual success so far?

    2. The team is gelling in the locker room right now, but the presence of some veterans has been missed, what area could we improve via in-season trades?

    3. Dusty Wilson is in a funk to start the season, do you have any superstitions we could use to get him in the win column? 

    4. Rookie hazing has always been something I look the other way about, how have you been hazed if you're a rookie, or how have you hazed the rookies if you're a vet?

    5. There has been talk of introducing a player page where we can see jersey numbers, hometowns, etc, what's one fun fact about your player you'd want to include on a player page?

    6. Are you happy with the position you chose for your player? How has it compared to your expectations?



    1. I feel I need to be better. The express is ready to win and It seems I'm not. I'm trying to get better and being 0-5-0 will not cut it.
    2. Well I mean maybe adding pieces that would help raise our top lines. I think were looking good though. 
    3. Well Personally maybe just get better lol. That's all i know just a bit rough.
    4. I've never been hazed personally so I'm feeling good, but I'm trying to improve my game right now
    5. Well It'd be I'm actually from a city that doesn't even have a hockey team. That's odd huh? I made it pro from a town with no hockey to speak of really. It's a football town
    6. Im absolutely happy I'm just learning what works and what doesn't and I just need to find out what to do to keep up my level of play/better it. 

  15. 11 hours ago, WildfireMicro said:

     1. What has been the biggest recent surprise in sports?

    2. What are your opinions on the VHLE overall rn?

    3. What is your favorite fruit?

    4. What is the worst movie you've ever seen?

    5. What do you think is key for the team to succeed rn?

    6. What is the end goal of your league career?


    @Alesime @Komaryk @Battlepopcorn @Johnny_HX @UnkemptCL4PTP @atw2592 @Banackock @PistolP @ColeMrtz @Jericho @dustywilson22

    1. I would say the Bengals making the super bowl after not going anywhere in the past years.
    2. Im hyped and more excited then i was for VHLM
    3. Banana 
    4. Trick on hulu
    5. Just mending together and finding our touch as a team out on there the ice
    6. Just to have at least played my best and have a championship or award to show for it

  16. 9 hours ago, WildfireMicro said:

    1. How do you think the draft went for the Express?


    2. What are your season expectations?


    3. Are you excited to play in the VHLE?


    4. What was your favorite song from 2021?


    5. How about favorite movie from 2021?


    6. Who is an underrated singer/band?


    @Alesime @Komaryk @Battlepopcorn @Johnny_HX @UnkemptCL4PTP @atw2592 @Banackock @PistolP @DeeGoat @Jericho @dustywilson22 @Kuba-Fleury

    1. Went great cause you drafted me, Thank you!
    2. I expect us to be competitive and pick up some wins. 
    3. I am as It's finally a new team and I didnt feel wanted within the Marlins organization really
    4. All juice wrld songs
    5. actually don't know lol

    6. Couldn't tell as I really only listen to Juice wrld not gonna lie man.

  17. Well after reading this Dusty Wilson will be eligible for the VHLE and ineligible for VHLM as he will be over the 200 tpe limit and he feels he's ready for the next level even though his skill set doesn't show it. He feels for sure he is ready though as he wants to finally start rising up the ranks to prove himself as a prominent goalie in the pros. He knows It will take hard work and plenty of late nights on the ice trying to get better within his game. The stress of being a goalie sometimes Is super high and you always feel the team Is counting on you and they really are as you make all those saves and are counted on night in night out. Dusty didn't really feel like he fit in with the San Diego Marlins, but It was a great spot to start his career and learn the ropes from bubbles! Now with the Cologne Express he's ready to express those skills to the league and show everyone he Is the future of the league. Dusty Is ready to be the backup Goalie for Cologne express and compete every time at practice and any time he gets starts in games. He's ready and are you ready for Dusty? We will see!

  18. 10 hours ago, TheNeonShaman said:


    Week Ending 1/16/2022

    Answer 3 questions for 1 capped TPE, all 6 for 2. 

    1. Heartbreaker of a loss in game 7 to the defending champs, what are your thoughts?
    2. Offseason time, what will you be focusing on improving for next season?
    3. How was this season for you?

    4. Everyone say something nice about our great GM JB here as he is moving on from the team this offseason!

    5. What is your favorite video game?
    6. What is your favorite snack?


    Let’s Go Marlins! @ErictheFish@Johnny_HX@Jordan Messier@CSkams15@Laflamme@COLLINz@boatsinking123@EMoney002@Dom@fromtheinside@MubbleFubbles@Jake Sumner@Charlie22@pepsimarble@Scurvy@lemonan@Underclass_Hero@Ekky@rory@fishy@dustywilson22

    1. Felt bad man but ready to move onto the VHLE honestly
    2. I will be focusing on just being a better gk overall honestly
    3. It was pretty good making playoffs and just being the backup for bubbles
    4. He's what brought me interest in the vhl honestly and thank you!
    5. College hoops 2k8
    6. Pb and J

  19. On 1/7/2022 at 7:18 PM, TheNeonShaman said:


    Week Ending 1/9/2022

    Answer 3 questions for 1 capped TPE, all 6 for 2. 

    1. We won round one! How is everyone feeling going into round two?
    2. How do you feel about your player's performance in the first round?
    3. Do you think Ottawa will be the biggest challenge for any team this playoffs?

    4.After the first round win media saw the whole team packing into Tavish DeGroot's house and a huge party ensued, how was everyone's experience there?  

    5. Questions from the NHL, does Edmonton make the playoffs and does Pittsburgh stop winning?
    6. What is your favorite movie?


    Let’s Go Marlins! @ErictheFish@Johnny_HX@Jordan Messier@CSkams15@Laflamme@COLLINz@boatsinking123@EMoney002@Dom@fromtheinside@MubbleFubbles@Jake Sumner@Charlie22@pepsimarble@Scurvy@lemonan@Underclass_Hero@Ekky@rory@fishy@dustywilson22

    1. feeling great about to win this next round!
    2. Well i havent had to play so far been watching bubbles play amazing in net. 
    3. I think so If we shut them down we got this cup in the bag
    4. I loved his house and I feel like It helped us bond really
    5. I don't watch much NHL but god I hope pittsburgh stops winning
    6. The Lego Movie most likely

  20. 5 hours ago, JB123 said:


    Week Ending 1/2/2022 (Happy New Year!)

    Answer 3 questions for 1 capped TPE, all 6 for 2. 

    1. How was your holidays? 
    2. What are you looking forward to in 2022? 
    3. How can we finish strong this last sim and go deep in the playoffs?

    4. Are you satisfied with your player’s performance this season?

    5. Who has been the MVP of the team, in your opinion? 
    6. Things you enjoy doing this time of year? 


    Let’s Go Marlins! @ErictheFish@Johnny_HX@Jordan Messier@CSkams15@Laflamme@COLLINz@boatsinking123@EMoney002@Dom@fromtheinside@MubbleFubbles@Jake Sumner@Charlie22@pepsimarble@Scurvy@lemonan@Underclass_Hero@Ekky@rory@fishy@dustywilson22

    1. It was awesome for me and enjoyed spending time with my family.
    2. just getting a better job hopefully and just being happier
    3. We just need to come together and pick up some wins
    4. Eh wish It was better, but I'm only getting better as time goes on so I'm content thats for sure
    5. dont know the team well sorry
    6. I enjoy just spending time with my gf

  21. 6 hours ago, TheNeonShaman said:


    Week Ending December 5th, 2021

    Answer 3 questions for 1 TPE, 6 questions for 2 TPE. Just message here or on discord if you have questions about this or claiming it.

    1. What do you think this team needs to get to make us more of a contender?

    2. Are we at the point where we sell for picks next season or go all in for this season and try to turn it around?

    3. Who is the hardest player to play against at practice?

    4. GM JB was again spotted at the San Diego Zoo, this time having what seemed like an urgent conversation with some dolphins. Thoughts?

    5. If JB goes back to the Zoo do you have something you want him to tell the sea life there?

    6. Does pineapple go on pizza?

    1. I say just keep winning games
    2. I don't think we should sell anything just work as a team
    3. It's not hard when I'm the best gk
    4. Oh well he's having some serious talks

    5. Hm just tell them were going to win games for them
    6. Nope

  22. On 11/29/2021 at 9:08 AM, TheNeonShaman said:


    Week Ending December 5th, 2021

    Answer 3 questions for 1 TPE, 6 questions for 2 TPE. Just message here or on discord if you have questions about this or claiming it.

    1. We are smack in the middle of the league in 5th place, what can we do as a team to really get to that next level?

    2. How are you feeling about your season so far?

    3. What is your pregame routine?

    4. Is there any teammates superstitions that you have seen or almost interfered with?

    5. Erik White, Budnik McDangle, and Brian Payne all were seen parading the streets of San Diego singing Christmas carols while very drunk after the win against Las Vegas, any thoughts?

    6. Is a hot dog a sandwich?

    1. Just win more games and as we all get better over the course of the season they will come!
    2. I'm feeling much better as a goalie since the improvements
    3. I just tap my pads then drink tap water. 
    4. Haven't noticed kind of just more worried about my stats
    5. Well at least It's not after like a championship win or anything, but just kind of embarrasing a little
    6. Good question but technically yes

  23. Dusty Wilson has been doing pretty well for this season as after improving from that little bit of games from last season, this season he has a set spot on the roster and knows his role this time around. Getting drafted by this team showed they really wanted to have him around as their second goalie and that showed from being draft as mentioned. He had high hopes for any team that wanted, but he realized only the marlins did and that's okay. He's going to prove every team that passed on him wrong and show them the type of goalie he is going to be over the years. He plans on making the playoffs this time around with the Marlins squad and believes are one of the best. He feels like there's some talented guys on this squad and super excited to pick up some more wins as a team and Dusty Is hopeful with more starts these stats will rise and he will get some recognition for his amazing play over time of course. He will be only improving over season and Is feeling amazing about his squad right now. Can't wait to watch Dusty improve over the season and sure you guys can't either. 

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