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Posts posted by Horcrux

  1. Post Draft thoughts. 

    So Ariane (Aree-Awn) Leblanc (Leh-Blan-Ck) went 13th overall in the VHLM entry draft to the Halifax 21st’s. I am sure many people were surprised because I was surprised. I do not ever think of myself as a person to be sought after, someone who is a Lock and should be considered for things. That being said a lot has happened these past few weeks that has surprised me. 

    I was named General Manager for WJC Europe, Won Silver and had a fun active locker room. This was one of the best experiences of my life. It was so fun and I learned so much about the league and team building ideas and personalities. I met some really awesome people I would not have talked to otherwise. 

    Then @Laine reaches out and asks me to be his AGM. This shattered my mind, I mean ME. So this has been an experience and a whole different type of learning curve and I have loved working with Laine. 

    Then the draft...I had expected a late 2nd, Early 3rd round draft. I would not have been upset with that. I think that would be reasonable. Then i went 13th, and I just want to say i am grateful to @Minion and @JardyB10 for putting that faith in me, hearing in his podcast that Minion wanted me bad enough to draft at 13 made me smile. I wont le you down. 

    I am nervous, and excited for everything happening in the league and this is just the beginning for Horcrux. 

  2. @Minion

    Leblanc (Leh-Blah-Nk) is how you pronounce it haha. 

    I also dont think i was going to be on the board much longer (draft board) so picking me when you did was the right call.

    Appreciate the kind words. I wanted to play on the 21st anyway. 

    and I can balance my time ❤️ ill be active haha

  3. 2 minutes ago, bigAL said:

    It’s one standard, single spaced page of writing 😊 the MLA rule is each page is 250 words double spaced, so if a professor assigns a 2000 word essay, they really just mean a 8 page paper. They don’t want to count words like we do…

    ken jeong community GIF

    BigAl readung every last letter to make sure its 500 XD

  4. 7 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

    I have attempted this in the past actually. I planned a massive Tarentino-esque movie script, 1000+ words each, called "The Assassination of David." Or something like that. Perhaps if we had the rules we had today I may have actually finished it. Alas, writing ~1500 words every single week for 6 TPE was not sustainable, shockingly enough.


    Anyway, the nice thing about 500 words is that you can literally write about anything. Case in point: This media spot. You can write 500 words about how lemons are better than Vasteras. You can write 500 words about which VHL members you'd put in a human centipede, and in which order. You can write about why dark theme is overrated.

    sorry @JardyB10that was mean :(

  5. Oslo Storm Presser:osl:

    Answer 3 questions for 1 TPE, and 6 questions for 2 TPE!

    1.) Now that the draft is over, firstly Welcome to the Storm. where you surprised you were picked?

    2.) any picks that shocked you?

    3.) expectations for your player?

    4.) why did you pick the position you did?

    5. socks under the skate or over?

    6.) have you seen Squid Game?

  6. So this is the obligatory Media Spot so I can get 6 TPE for my player. 

    So I started to wonder why the number of 500 words was selected for media spots. It seems like a reasonable number, 500 seems to be a sure fire easy target to hit, though recently if I am being honest reaching 500 without filler and random phrases has been getting harder and harder the longer i am here. I for one moment thought about maybe 550 or 600 for a sweet spot to show that people put in real effort. To show that what they wrote about was factual and had some thought. 

    Then part of me thought well what if we lowered it by say, fifty words and made it four hundred and fifty as the required target. If 500 was acceptable then Surely fifty less would not break too much at all in theory. We can't do 250 because that is a VHL.com article and only 1. So from 250 - 500 you gain 5 more points. But then what do you write about weekly? Do you plan out a complex intricate storyline with twists, turns and drama salvation? Or do you do what I am doing and stalling for time until you reach the obligatory 500? 

    I am at 219 words right now and I'm still struggling to stretch this to 500. Perhaps I should have made this a vhl.com article for 1. Maybe I should have done an interview about the draft with my player, maybe I could write about my favorite teams just based on the colors. Perhaps for next time, for right now it's about why 500 words were selected and as far as I can tell I don't know. I could not cite any reason since I have been here why it is 500 I just assumed that was a nice even 00 number that everyone could look at and agree. 

    Personally I think 500 was a good point to bring the word count too. 500 makes the brain think, it exercises enough muscles to force you to dig into your coffer of words and grammar to make 500 work. Any less and you can get away with skipping some detail here and there. Any more than 500 and you run the risk of pushing people away and alienating some members who may not be that strong of a writer. 

    100 more to go, closing statement time. Doing this weekly can be tiresome. I know there are days 500 seems like a lot even after typing so much already. But I think it is a necessary feature and rule and I am glad they chose this number. I feel I can hit it consistently. I am looking forward to next week when i write 500 more words put together in a better order that might tell a story of my player. Or how happy i am about the draft or the team i was placed on. 

    (exactly 500)

  7. 2 minutes ago, KC15 said:

    I have written about this before, but in another league and so this will have a very VHL perspective at a certain point.


    The Issue


    The issue I have is that I am WAY too many leagues! How many is too many? Of course, that will vary from user to user, but I am currently in eight: PBE, ISFL, WSBL, SHL, VHL, EFL, SBA, and SCFL. And I am an updater in four of those leagues and a GM in one where I am an updater. I think you can see why I say I am in too many leagues.

    Kudos to you, I can barley manage VHL :')

  8. 1 hour ago, WildfireMicro said:

    Hey guys and gals and everything in between WildfireMicro here and I am the new Cologne Assistant GM. I am extremely excited to be given this position and I hope I can help lead this team to big success. This is my first true GM job and I cannot be more excited to be doing this. My first draft just happened yesterday and I hope that I can recap our first 4 picks and what I think of them overall. I think overall we had a really good draft despite some hiccups and these are the picks I was awake for:


     For our first pick we were waiting for what the Red Wolves would do with the first pick. Thankfully they didn't take the guy we really wanted so we took Maximus Decimus Meridius, aka user Beaviss. Beaviss is a cool guy who is usually extremely active in the main server, although I don't think I need to introduce him given how well known he is. He usually has good builds as well according to my GM Bartzy so that is a bonus. Overall I am extremely happy with who we got with the second overall pick.


     Our next pick is Alexandre Leduc from user Alexandre, who is a right winger. He currently has 250 TPE but right now I do not know him much as a user. Hey I don't know a lot of people in this league so bare with me. I am a first generation player after all.  His best stats right now seem to be Scoring and Puckhandling which should help us get a lot of goals. He was the last player picked who had 250 TPE or above as well so that is really good. A really good pick for our 2nd rounder.


     In the 3rd round we went with a player that I had my eye on due to his high scoring in Johnny Xavier from user Johnny_HX. Bartzy said we needed a Center with high scoring as a top priority so I am happy that I found Johnny. We also needed a goalie for the future, so we targeted a few for our 4th round pick. However, each of them were chosen before we could get them. Heck, Ed Nu was taken in the pick right before us so that is a bit frustrating. Instead we decided to take Ashton Komaryk from user Komaryk who is a right winger with good scoring.


     Overall I am happy with how this draft turned out. Me and Bartzy worked well together and I even got to get a player that I had my eyes on in Johnny. These are the players chosen that I was awake for however. I feel like this whole experience as a AGM will be fun and frustrating at the same time, but I am ready for it. I would love to win a VHLE title as both a player and an AGM. My career in the VHL overall has gotten off to a hot start with title and WJC gold medal and I am ready to achieve more. Thank you for reading and I hope to see you all on the ice!



    stole my idea ;) great read though. you did well

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