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Everything posted by Rōnin

  1. Thank you kindly!
  2. We've got a new producer this week in @dogwoodmaple, so thank you kindly for your questions.
  3. No one ever remembers number 2... or do they?
  4. Transaction ID: 4674-0179-7861-4478 Doubles Week 5 Uncapped 1mil Player Store
  5. Chicago Warsaw DC Davos New York Helsinki The Lottery Gods have spoken and we find ourselves with our draft lottery results. We now have an idea as to what teams will be picking where and I've done enough of a preliminary scout to find out what teams might want to take me on. That being said, my destination remains a mystery and with good reason- Let's start with a look at numero uno: CHICAGO Ah yes, the Phoenix, a kick ass brand in a kick ass city. I look at their team and I see a clear need for a number one goaltender, but am I worth passing up Scotty Sundin? Look, I'm the real deal and I know what I'm capable of but even I would have a hard time picking between Scotty and I. Does Chicago want to start the draft off with a franchise center or franchise goalie? They do say that great teams build from the net out, but in reality, the only person of course who can answer this questions is Jeff and being that he and I have yet to chat I don't know if I'll get my answer. WARSAW They drafted Wumbo last year, so neeeeext. DC They've got Utonium, no chance. DAVOS Why hello there option 2, you look lovely this evening. Davos is a team that has a legendary history, why not add another legendary player into the fold? I have to admit that I think Fuhr would beautiful in the Dynamo colors and wouldn't be surprised to see myself land here. But do I go even this high? Hard to say with all the talent at the top. NEW YORK And heeeeeeeeeeello door number 3!!! I enjoyed my time in the big city last go around and while it didn't end the way I intended I would have no trouble suiting up for the Americans once again. *** All of this is speculation of course, and it depends on whether I even go in the top five at all. I do like my chances with some of the teams in the top five. I know what I have to offer and it's just a matter of whether or any of these prestigious franchises feel the same. So, what say you?
  6. 1. Who are 3 people you want on your zombie apocalypse team and why? 2. What fashion trend do you regret? 3. Who would you invite onto your talk show? 4. What’s the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to you? 5. What artist/band is your guilty pleasure? 6. What’s the funniest pick up line you have either heard or used? 7. What do you pretend to hate but actually love? 8. What would the title of your autobiography be? 9. What’s the weirdest fact you know?
  7. This one is a bumpy, frumpy monkey.
  8. So that’s that – the Mexico City Kings have been eliminated from the VHLM postseason and with their elimination my career in the VHLM also ends. It was a nice run this year and I like to think my build played a factor in our success. I am going to continue the trend with what you’re seeing in my player page and my hope is to have an impact as soon as I move to my next team. But what team will that be? We have both the VHLE and the VHL drafts ahead which will determine who picks me… but does a VHL team have a spot for me right away? It’s been a question I’ve had lingering in my mind since the moment I recreated, and I won’t have an answer until I get an answer. If you’re asking me what I expect to happen, I will admit that I see myself spending a season in the E… that being said should a VHL team let me know they want me to come up right away then I hate to say it, but I’ll be taking the opportunity. For now, it’s time to sit back and enjoy the remainder of the postseason, good luck to Houston in the M (although, I don’t think they’ll need it). (217 words)
  9. 1. Are you happy about where you are in your career? 2. Which of your family members are you closest to? 3. How did you picture your life at this age when you were young? 4. What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? 5. Do you try to spend time at night without your phone? 6. When is the last time you wrote a letter to someone? 7. What was your favorite hobby as a kid? 8. What is your love language? 9. Do you believe in astrology? Why or why not?
  10. Claim 3 of 3
  11. Congrats to you both!
  12. So currently I’m watching the Weekend Away on Netflix, and while I wouldn’t recommend the movie it continues to amaze me the amount of money that can be put into such a crap script. It costs a lot of money to make something of that quality and why you wouldn’t refine the story until you record picture is beyond me. Speaking of stories we got the green light in Mexico and cruised our way to the second round. Ooooohhh boy do I ever love a good sweep, especially when I’m the one holding the broom (it’s a metaphor, this is a team sport after all!) And so it is that our next opponent will be formidable and that is to expected if you’re going to win it all. Do I like our chances? Of course. Time will tell if we can get it done, but I truly believe we will give them a run for their money. I must admit that I’m anxious to see what the future brings beyond the playoffs but living in the moment, game by game, is still a lovely feeling. Happy Monday y’all!
  13. 1. What would be the theme song of your life? 2. What has been your favorite memory this year? 3. What is the craziest/most daring thing you’ve ever done? 4. Which TV sitcom would you star in? 5. Which character would you be if you were in that sitcom? 6. If you could make a difference in the world, what would you be known for? 7. What do you like being complimented on? 8. Describe your partner in 3 words. 9. How would your friends describe you? 10. What would you like to be known for?
  14. Claim 2 of 3
  15. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. And let’s just go ahead and say that X, marks the spot
  16. This one is long and boring, not worth it imo, just forget about it tbh. ... ... No, really, it is super boring. About as boring as reading this so probably the most boring podcast ever made. Maybe that was a bit dramatic, but it's still really boring. This was boring to write. Sometimes when I say or write a word multiple times I start to think about the word, and break it down. Separate it in my mind. BOR---ING Then I start to think about why the word exists or how it came to be, which usually leads me to looking up facts like this: Boring was first referenced in 1853 in relation to animals that bore, present-participle adjective from bore (v.1); 1840 in the sense "wearying, annoyingly dull, causing ennui," from bore (v.2). As a verbal noun, mid-15c., "action of piercing or perforating." ... Which then leads me to the inevitable conclusion that the word boring was the right word to use for that term, and that my whole journey to discovering that information was itself- a bore.
  17. - I have to start the VHL talk by expressing just how much in love I am with the new Hybrid Attributes, holy fuck, what a damn good idea that is/was. Whomever is responsible for suggesting it in the first place should get a season’s worth of free TPE handed to them because hot damn is it ever a GOOD idea! I said it in my long and somewhat boring podcast today that I would have never thought of that idea myself and now I cannot wait to see how this plays out. I am sure the end result will conclude with us finding another meta but in the meantime, I am looking forward to discoveries popping up amongst the chaos. - I took a look around the league at the VHL teams and their current goalies, and goalie prospects. It’s not looking so hot for me right now in finding a forever home, but I do see a handful of viable options. The question really remains if the interest is mutual? There is going to be some GM’s changing seats this offseason and each new GM will need to assess their team so for now it will remain a mystery. A mystery that will soon be solved come draft day. (209 words)
  18. 1. If your job gave you a surprise three day paid break to rest and recuperate, what would you do with those three days? 2. What’s wrong but sounds right? 3. What’s the most epic way you’ve seen someone quit or be fired? 4. If you couldn’t be convicted of any one type of crime, what criminal charge would you like to be immune to? 5. What’s something that will always be in fashion, no matter how much time passes? 6. What actors or actresses play the same character in almost every movie or show they do? 7. In the past people were buried with the items they would need in the afterlife, what would you want buried with you so you could use it in the afterlife? 8. What’s the best / worst practical joke that you’ve played on someone or that was played on you? 9. Who do you go out of your way to be nice to?
  19. Brilliant move and I genuinely cannot wait to see how it plays out. LOVE. IT.
  20. I still love you even though you didn’t mention me.
  21. 1. What weird food combinations do you really enjoy? 2. What social stigma does society need to get over? 3. What food have you never eaten but would really like to try? 4. What’s something you really resent paying for? 5. What would a world populated by clones of you be like? 6. Where are some unusual places you’ve been? 7. Where do you get your news? 8. What are some red flags to watch out for in daily life? 9. What movie can you watch over and over without ever getting tired of?
  22. Claim 2 of 2
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