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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. BOOM

    BW PC

    His middle name should be Maximillian or something, so you can use....... ...as a logo.
  2. BOOM


    Yeah, it's hosted on photobucket..........
  3. BOOM


    There's 2 versions...your lion and keslers baby. I'll see if it's still hosted.
  4. BOOM


  5. Yes, we are very..........................close.
  6. Dynamo Express New York Toronto
  7. In Sterling I trust.
  8. Congrats on a great season Mr Moyes. Not easy following in Sir Alex's footsteps. FUCK YEAH LIVERPOOL!!!!!!!!
  9. I knew I forgot something today...better go check what auto-draft shit I ended up with. Good luck guys.
  10. Nice sim vs SEA.
  11. Good game Bears. Way to go fellow Americanos.
  12. Otterboy!
  13. Only seen EP1 so far. Will prob DL the rest and watch a few this weekend.
  14. Much better! Some good individual performances and hope we can build on this. Thanks for the game Titans.
  15. Saved by Tremblay. Thanks Davos, good game Landry.
  16. Brick Wahl strikes again. Good game Toronto.
  17. Damn, almost had it. Good game both NY and Dynamo.
  18. Low getting shit done. Good game Titties.
  19. That's $1 for every hot dog, donut and twinkie he's ever eaten.
  20. Good news Raiders fans.......
  21. Until his head doubles in size ala Barry, he's clean.
  22. Doesn't matter. He could play with a toothpick and still dominate.
  23. BOOM

    Ban Thread

    This is the ban thread, not film critics anonymous. Don't make me ban you.
  24. I don't have any feelings so I apologize for not contributing.
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