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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. BOOM

    New Forum

    Exactly. I lost a ton of nipples in this disaster, so I will be taking legal action.
  2. I'm making up for the fact my hockey team will place last....
  3. THe pilot was flying a jet(introduced in early fifties). Ammunition technology hadn't caught up to engine tech, so when the pilot started his dive toward the ground target, when he fired his guns, the planes speed actually put him ahead of the shots he had taken, which subsequently hit the plane, from behind.
  4. Not important right now, but when the dust has settled, here's the VHL fantasy baseball results(for League 1).
  5. Approx 4800...I know I was past 4750.
  6. Player Information Username: BOOM Full Name: Odin Tordahl Position: RW Age: 18 Handedness: R Recruited By/From: Player Attributes Total Points Earned: 412 CK = Checking: 70 FG = Fighting: 40 DI = Discipline: 40 SK = Skating: 94 ST = Strength: 67 PH = Puck Handling: 91 FO = Face Offs: 40 PA = Passing: 83 SC = Scoring: 94 DF = Defense: 75 EX = Experience: 48 LD = Leadership: 40 Other Jersey Number: Height (inches): Weight (lbs.): Birthplace: Player Finances Awards: Career Stats: Player Movement Past Players Vladimir Boomchenko
  7. I like this guy. Who is he specifically on SHL?
  8. Multiple boobie threads broke it....I'm sorry.
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