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Everything posted by JardyB10

  1. Both teams do a line change, and Giygas and Ozzy square off for a faceoff. Ozzy wins it to Sound, just in time as he gets run over by Laich! Sound moves it up to Olsen in the neutral zone, who dumps it to the Americans zone! I think they've done it! The time is ticking down, 8-7-6.... Low makes it there quickly and throws it up to Giygas in the neutral zone.... 4-3-2... GIYGAS CARRIES IT INTO THE BEARS ZONE AND TAKES ONE LAST SHOT! 1....
  2. STEVEN SMYL GETS IN FRONT OF IT AND THE PUCK GOES INTO HIS CHEST! He hold onto it for the whistle, with just 13 seconds left in the period!
  3. Slaughter faces off against SEA C2 in the Americans zone. He easily wins it to Odin, and the breakout is on. He moves the puck across the blue line, across the red line, into the offensive zone! Brick Wahl is pulled for the extra attacker! Odin passes it to Xiao as they set up in front of Smyl. It goes back to Odin, who finds Low on the point. Now back to Odin, ~30 seconds left! He gives it to XXX, he finds Slaughter in the slaught! He shoots!
  4. OSBRO DEFLECTS IT BUT BRICK WAHL COMES DOWN HARD ON IT! Wahl once again keeps New York's playoff hopes alive, though not well with just one minute left in the game.
  5. Giygas with another clutch win, this time against Sound. He wins it back to Low, who ices the puck as the penalty to NYA D comes to an end. Sound and Tyrael bring the puck back into the Americans zone. Tyrael with the pass to Osborne, who find Olsen on the point. He slides it across the blue line to Sound, who hammers a one-timer!
  6. STACKED LIKE A BRICK SHIT HOUSE! Another amazing stop by Wahl! Bears switch it up to the second unit, with only seconds to go on the powerplay.
  7. Giygas with the HUGE win to over Osborne sends it to Odin, who sends the puck down the ice. Olsen is the first one back, and he heads it up to Weber, who dumps it in at the red line. Tordahl picks it up, but Olsen skated the entire length of the ice just to fucking DRILL HIM! He steals the puck and finds Ozzy in front of the net!
  8. THE BRICK WAHL STAYS INTACT! He holds on for the faceoff. Both teams send out the first unit.
  9. Wahl takes it and gives it to Stark. Ironman tries to dump it, but Tyrael finds it in the neutral zone. He brings it past the blue line and gives it to Olsen on the point. They set up the trapezoid. Olsen gives it to Sound, who gives it Tyrael. He sends it back to Sound for the one-timer!
  10. Smyl picks it up, and the Bears proceed to try an Americans PP, rushing into the offensive zone only to pointlessly dump it and change lines. Zadorov thanks them, and heads it up to Low to dump it down once more, allowing a line change. Osborne retrieves it and heads it with Ball J back into the Americans zone… and they uselessly dump it once more. *sigh*
  11. Sounds beats Slaughter again on the ensuing faceoff and gifts it to Tyrael. He finds Olsen on the point. Olsen, trying to find someone in the slot, but Laich comes out with it. He tries to dump it, but Olsen gets it back in the neutral zone. He puts it back up to Tyrael in the offensive zone, who gives it to Sound. It is once again given to Olsen on the point, who once again has his pass intercepted by Laich. This time he makes no mistake, and sends it down the ice.
  12. … the Americans have successfully killed off another penalty. Some time later, we find ourselves in the Americans zone faceoff dot. Osborne is kicked out for Sound, which tickles me. He wins the faceoff against Slaughter, which tickles me further. It goes back to Olsen, and the entire line dicks around passing it to one another until Low gets angry and smashes Sound away from the puck. Zadorov retrieves it and get it out to Odin in the neutral zone, who passes it to XXX in the Bears zone. In what is becoming a concerning theme, he dumps it for a line change. Weber recovers and finds Ozzy in the neutral zone. The Bears and the Americans battle hard for it there, as possession goes from one team to the other without leaving the neutral zone. Ball J finally comes out victorious and enter the Americans zone, and passes to Lefervereeverv. NYA D2 tries to steal the puck from him, but takes a slashing penalty, proving that Sandro carries coins in his pockets during games. With just over three minutes to go, things aren’t looking so hot for New York…
  13. So let’s cut to the chase. New York is sucking dick this entire period. They take two penalties, and by some miracle Seattle doesn’t score on either. 15 minutes into the period, and things are looking bleak for the Americans…
  14. This intermission brought to you by the Chicago Blackhawks. Enabling CoachReilly's alcoholism since 1988.
  15. SIMON T GETS THE TIP ON IT! But Smyl makes a wondrous glove save! Holy fuck! The puck is dropped in the Bears zone, and the period immediately comes to an end, with the Bears still in the lead 2-1. Shots that period were 9-8 for the Bears, bringing the total to 23-22 for the Americans, who fail to do shit with the rest of their PP next period. Excuse me while I go take a piss.
  16. Wahl finds it once more and gives it Giygas for one last rush before the period ends. He leads it up to Stark past the blue line, who gives it back to Giygas. He moves into the offensive zone, finds Zadorov on the point. Then back to Giygas, Giygas fires it!....
  17. Bears gets a line change and Wahl picks up the puck. He gives it to Low, who passes it into the neutral zone. Sound isn’t finished ruining this PP yet though, so he finds it first and passes it to Yuma, who dumps it once again. XXX picks it up and begins the rush. A pass up to Odin, then to Low, who brings it into the Bears zone. Pass back to Odin. Back to Low. To Odin again, who… dumps it for a line change. Seriously New York, that is not how you PP. Yuma recovers the puck and gives it to Sound to ice.
  18. Pad stop by Smyl! Sound is there for the rebound, and he sends the puck across the ice.
  19. Americans send out their top PP unit. Slaughter beats SEA C1 and gives it Low. Low shoots…
  20. GLOVE SAVE SMYL, who holds onto it for the whistle.
  21. Americans send out their second PP unit against the Bears #2 PK unit. In the Bears zone, Giygas wins it back to Zadorov against SEA C2. He gives it to Stark, who finds Giygas in the trapezoid. He gives it back to Zadorov at the point. To Stark. To Giygas. To, you guessed it, Zadorov, who quickly sends it back to Giygas! He finds Simon T! Simon T with the heavy wrister!….
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