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Everything posted by JardyB10

  1. Man Strong Belwas let the guy scratch him, and then took a shit on his corpse. That was a bittersweet scene.
  2. Are you still thinking about doing this?
  3. Yeah otherwise he'd need an additional two paragraphs to explain it.
  4. More importantly, we should probably demand teams have an actual goalie in the future...
  5. Frank and Koradek both suck for sending me lines. I doubt they were concerned with the intricacies as much as you. I scheduled QUE G to play the last games, because they never told me to start him any other time. It just worked out shitty for you. But yeah, I wouldn't have faulted you for tanking this game to ensure a potential spot higher in the draft. But if it's any consolation, if Quebec gets out of Round 1, it's all a moot point anyway, since you'd get 6th overall no matter what.
  6. Just curious, but what type of video would you make? The rare times someone submits a video, it's mostly a highlight reel with text, transitions, and sometimes a colour filter to make it less obvious they're NHL teams. They're wonderful. Is that the same thing you had in mind?
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