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Everything posted by JardyB10

  1. This payback is far more poetic.
  2. A popular joke is that the world will be almost completely fucked and covered in snow, dead people, dead dragons, dead white walkers and zombies strewn about... And Uncle Benjen will casually stroll back and be all like, "Hey guys! What'd I all miss??"
  3. Railroad promised a bittersweet ending for ASOIAF. So it will probably be incredibly similar except for the fact we won't be rooting for (all of) the main characters to die at the end, but they probably will anyway.
  4. Just set my PVR today to record the series. AS IF I ACTUALLY NEEDED TO
  5. Yeah I can tell the series is probably turning around into something a lot more epic, and I'm excited for next season, I just found everything after that a little anti-climatic. They build up all this tension and then kind of ignore it before it peaks and move on. I was thinking maybe they'd gun down Carl for like, no reason. Or something fun like that. Clearly I'm too invested in this series that I expect/hope for things like that to happen . If Walking Dead was Game of Thrones, the showdown at the prison would have been Episode 9, then Episode 10 would have been everyone going to Terminus, getting there, and everything that happened in the Walking Dead finale. I'm excgarating a little, but you get it.
  6. The show makes me all like, "Man, what is the DEAL with this biker gang Daryl's rolling with?" And then it doesn't matter because they're fucking dead. That scene was incredibly awesome, but how fucking incompetent were those guys? "Hey man, here's the deal, we're going to beat your friend to death, rape your kid and other friend, then kill you, sound good? Better not try anything, we each have a gun to your heads!" *Rick tries something* *No one else does anything in response* "WE ARE WAY TOO DEDICATED TO MAKING YOU SUFFER AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE THAT IT DOESN'T EVEN MATTER THAT YOU ARE SLOWLY GAINING THE UPPER HAND!" Rick murders the fuck out of everyone. Like, what the fuck were those guys expecting. They thought a dude might just sit there and watch his family and friends get murder raped because he has a gun to his head? The absence of logic boggled my mind. If the whole scenario didn't kick so much ass, I'd be annoyed. Also, "So what happened to Beth? Did she die?" "No, she's just...gone." She...she was kidnapped. You could probably just say that. Why the ambiguity?
  7. > Implies awesome stuff happened on the last episode of the Walking Dead. I'm just kidding, that almost mass rape scene was actually pretty awesome.
  9. Davos Dynamo faceoff phenom and harlot extraordinaire Naomi Young has been doing okay on the ice this season. But we're not here to talk about her specifically, we just wanted an excuse to post this picture of her. Rather, this article is about her agent, Jardy Bunclewirth. When not being a terrible agent and VHL Commissioner, Bunclewirth sometimes tries and sometimes cheats to earn a chemical engineering degree from the University of Saskatchewan. In his second to last year in what he turned into a Van Wilder length program, he is now responsible to write a ~10 page paper on land reclamation of the oil sands. 10 pages really isn't that much, except for the fact that this is the first real paper he's had to write in five years, and the subject is too broad for him to focus and bare down and hammer that shit out. As a result, he has written as much in this article in the last three minutes as he has on his paper in the last two days. So that's embarrassing. Hopefully this point task gives him the inspiration to rock that shit,
  10. Yeah, remember S17? > Collects half the first round > Drafts all bust > Still better than Jardy
  11. Oh my goodness how did I not notice that?? That's fucking hilarious
  12. It's fun, making them believe they had a chance!
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