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Everything posted by Aimee

  1. 1. Between 10 and 25. 2. Hopefully 8-0-0! 3. Sjin because he's the strongest and will please Simon the most. 4. Sjin or Deluca. 5. Moscow. I know it's not the luckiest team but it has always been my top trade to because of Spartan. 6. Fruit salad. Yummy yummy. (iykyk)
  2. Aimee

    S90 Domination

    The league should just prep all the goalie awards for the next 4 seasons with Jesse's name in preparation for future domination. I hope.
  3. What does it mean to be a lifer? And has any one player in the VHL pulled it off? We hear all the time how in the NHL the big names want to stick with their drafted team for their whole career but most don’t actually make it to retirement on the same roster. Now I don’t mean the players who retire early. I mean those who play fully through 9 seasons of the VHL. Is it rare? Common? Do members plan for it or does it just happen? Maybe some have wanted it but due to management, it’s been impossible. So, the question posed to you today, dear viewer: do you think Jesse Teno’s desire to stay in London for their whole career come true? Is it possible? And will they change their mind if management and the team have too many turn overs? Time, drafts, and the trade deadline will only tell. 154 words for week ending 8/13/2023
  4. 1. Oatmeal Raisin 2. Vacuuming 3. Hopefully more! 4. Igor. He's a big part of our offense and I agree with Triller, he's going to be hard to replace. 5. Was all dog but now that I have a cat, it's 60/40 in favor of dog. 6. Balut. Saw it on a show once and my grandma ate it on a vacation. No fucking thank you. I also don't recommend looking it up if you don't already know what it is. I promise you're not ready to know and you never will be.
  5. It's a great app. And it let's your do ratings by. 25 incriments as well. Definitely worth the download. Follow me if you get it!
  6. I have read a whole bunch since my last update. Truth and Measure by Roslyn Sinclair The Only Woman in the Room - Marie Benedict The Princess Diarist - Carrie Fisher Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams This is How You Lose the Time War - Max Gladstone and Amal El-Mohtar I'm Glad My Mom Died - Jeanette McCurdy 3 were print and 3 were audio books. Currently making my way through my sisters' middle grade book and then trying to figure out what to read next. If you have Storygraph, feel free to follow me. Username is the same.
  7. Once again, it seems that Lachlan Summers is destined to follow in Jesse Teno’s footsteps. From their first seasons in the VHLM to now, Summers and Teno have been sharing in the accolades. Both came in as fresh-faced goalies brand new to the VHL, each was the first of their draft class to be eligible to move up to the VHLE, both drafted high for the VHL, and now both have won a Continental Cup; and all this one season after the other. Is it possible that Summers could also follow Teno and win the Daisuke Kanou Trophy? Time will only tell. But for now, let’s compare how these two Continental Cup champion goalies stacked up against each other in their first winning post seasons. Win/Loss Ratio: Teno 15-6-2 Summers 12-4-0 While Teno did have to play 7 more games than Summers, their win ratio was 65.21% compared to Summers’ 75%. Despite the difference in games played, Teno came close to doing just as well as their friend. Save Percentage: Teno 0.949 Summers 0.937 Both highly respectable numbers and at least 10 points over where both ended their regular season. It seems that both goalies were able to bring up their saves during the playoffs, showing just why they are both deserving of being starting goalies. Goals Against Average: Teno 1.92 Summers 2.47 Probably the most significant difference between the goalies lies in their goals against average. With more than 1 point spread between them, Teno very much took off with this statistic. Though Teno gave up 47 goals while Summers only gave up 40, one could argue that that was due to Teno facing almost 300 more shots than Summers. Shutouts: Teno 4 Summers 0 One of the most coveted statistics of a goalie each season is their number of shutouts and there is no clearer spread than this. Teno had 3 during the regular season and Summers had 4, though it seems he struggled through the playoffs to keep the puck out of the net for any of the 12 games won. While the two do play different games, it seems that these friends are more alike than people might realize. Sources told us that shortly after both wins, Teno and Summers had reached out to the other to congratulate them. They may be rivals on the ice, but they are certainly always rooting for one another. When asked for a comment on the finals, Jesse Teno had this to say: “I’m so proud of Lachlan. He has worked so hard to get to this point and I couldn’t be happier to see my friend raise the cup the way I did last season. We really did come up through this league together even though we’re a season apart and we have had each other’s backs since day 1. I honestly couldn’t have imagined we would both be champions this early in our careers but here we are. I’m truly happy for him and I’m honored to say that Lachlan is my friend. This couldn’t have happened to a more deserving guy.” 514 words for week ending 8/6/2023 @kirbithan
  8. Transaction ID: 36Y15944UJ6882937 Doubles Week 1M Player Store 5 Uncapped
  9. Nothing more fitting than Lachlan following Jesse as a champ! 

  10. Jesse, with this off season, what are you looking to do in order to improve your game? Same as always, I think. Just keep working hard and just apply as much of myself as I can every day until the next season. Questions have come up regarding your tenure with London. Any truth to the rumors that they are looking to move you? Not that I’ve heard of. As far as I’m aware, the plan is to keep me around for as long as possible. I don’t know of any goalie prospects who will be coming up the pipes any time soon but I guess with the upcoming draft it’s a crap shoot. If you have the opportunity to move or stay, what do you think you would do? Right now, I would stay. I feel really good here in London and I hope that management feels the same about me but I do understand that it’s possible that one day I might get shipped out in favor of someone younger. But if I could spend my whole career here in London, I wouldn’t complain. 185 words for week ending 8/6/2023
  11. 1. https://toriavey.com/holiday-brisket/ 2. https://www.rd.com/article/facts-about-winnie-the-pooh/ 3. Vanilla ice cream drowning in rainbow sprinkles. 4. Saratoga Springs, NY. Sure, if but I would recommend it more for fall than summer. Or during horse racing season if you're into that. 5. Broccoli and cabbage. 6. Yes! I don't do it often but when I do...it's pretty decent for someone who never does it lol.
  12. https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/aimee683/episodes/Episode-4-S89-Lookback-and-Questions-e27g159 Sorry for the weird edit in the middle. The kitten decided he wanted to try and kill himself in a trash bag. Shoutout to @Triller and @leandrofg for the questions!
  13. Going to record another podcast tomorrow. Got any questions you want me to answer?

    1. leandrofg


      How are the wedding preparations going?

  14. Jesse Teno ends S89 with a season record of 33-25-6 which is their least winning season so far; only by 1 game but still, this makes this their worst full season to date. Jesse also ends the season with a 0.933 save percentage, 2.38 goals against average and a record 5 shut outs. On the leader boards, Jesse landed 7th in wins, 8th in losses, 9th in overtime losses, 4th in save percentage, 4th in goals against average, tied for 4th in shutouts, 9th in shots against, and 8th in assists with 3. Jesse, thankfully, did not place in the top 10 for goals against or penalty minutes. Season over season, Jesse Teno has continued to find themselves among the top 10 where it matters but they still struggle to get their win-loss record more than a little over .500. Hopefully with this extended off season, Jesse will be able to work on their game and come back better than before. 161 words for week ending 7/30/2023
  15. 1. Either Davos or Moscow. I think Spartan has paid his due to the devil but Davos is just so strong especially with Lachlan. 2. Igov for sure. 10 GWG during the regular season is an incredible stat. 3. I hope so but I think it's going to be a hard fight to the finish if we do. 4. Seattle. They were just too damn good this season not to. 5. They better or I'm going to have a rough off season. 6. The depth of a forward. Gotta work on that shot differential in the future.
  16. With S89 coming to a close later this week, we thought we would check in with London’s goalie Jesse Teno. They have had a tough year, unable to get much of a winning streak going at any point though their stats still tell a decent story. Jesse, the math isn’t mathing in your favor for a record season. The last two 2 you had 34 wins but right now, you’re sitting at 30 with only 9 games left in the season. What do you think your odds are of breaking that win record? Honestly, not so sure. Needing 4 wins in 9 games sometimes sounds easy but we’ve been having a rough go at it. We’re only facing Moscow, Prague, and Toronto the rest of the season. I think we can get those 3 Toronto games but the others currently have a winning record over us this season. I think it’s going to be a tough battle. Being the defending champions must lend some confidence to your team going into the playoffs despite the current league ranking. Do you think you guys have a shot at making it again? I hope so. It was tough getting there the first time but I think if we can just create more opportunities and get more shots, then sure, I don’t see why we wouldn’t have a chance at going all the way again. Right now, London is situated to be in the wildcard round again. Does this help or hurt team morale? I think given what we accomplished last season, it’s fair to say that we’re not taking the position lightly. Not only are we still at risk of getting kicked out of the playoffs, but I think it creates a bit of buzz since we know we’ve been here before and made it to the cup. Despite the current win-loss record, your stats are pretty up there with the higher ranked teams. 3rd in save percentage, 4th in goals against average, and 2nd in shutouts. Seems pretty impressive, don’t you think? I think it shows that I work hard no matter the circumstances and that despite us struggling a bit this season as a team, the individuals can still do incredible things. Despite London being out-shot most games, you don’t show up on the top 10 goals or shots against. Why do you think that is? I think it’s in thanks to my team. We’ve been really good defensively and I think those two stats prove that. My team has really been tight in keeping the offense busy and away from the puck. Your GM Jacob played Goat Bot all at the front end of the season. Do you think it’s an advantage to have you play the whole back end? I think so, yea. This is when the games really truly matter and every point is a make it or break it moment. I think letting me finish out the regular season works in our favor because I’m almost always going to have more experience than the backups that other teams save for the last week of games. Hopefully it continues to work in our favor. 526 words for week ending 7/23/2023
  17. I was between high school and college 16 years ago. Damn I'm old.
  18. For the first time in a few weeks, Jesse Teno finally had a 2-0 evening. However, it still isn’t enough to help the goalie’s stats. As of today, Jesse has a 28-20-5 record which may end up being their worst season so far. With only 11 games remaining in the season, Jesse needs to win at least 6 games to tie their consistent record of 34 wins in a season. They have yet to break that barrier but let’s be honest, it’s not looking very good. While they are on track to have their highest save percentage and lowest goals against average of their regular season career, it could all go tumbling in this final week of games. The one thing that Jesse does seem to be able to be proud of is the fact that they beat their career high of 3 shut outs and are currently sitting at 5 for this season. Perhaps there may be another one on the horizon? 163 words for week ending 7/23/2023
  19. 1. Fruits! Bananas all day 2. 10 feet. Easier to get big things over small things. 3. Tennis! Part of my family are big tennis people and I learned when I was a kid so it just works. 4. Green. 5. Ketchup. I put it on everything as a kid. 6. Live in a pink house. Pink car will be a good cop target.
  20. Player Name: Jesse Teno Player Render (Faceclaim): Tristen Jarry Team: London Graphic Style (OPTIONAL) (any of the styles in the thread below): HUT Card Additional requests + questions: Why am I just now posting here? lol
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