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Everything posted by Aimee

  1. The help will always be appreciated!
  2. Despite Jesse Teno having put up a good fight in the end, they could not help their team cross the finish line into the playoffs. So, with that, Jesse Teno and London’s season is over. They lost the last game of the season to HC Davos Dynamo 1-2, with Jesse earning an impressive 0.960 save percentage as they were able to save 48 of 50 shots. Though the second to last game, also against Davos, saw Teno and Booberry giving it all they had as they faced nearly identical shots and let in 6 and 5 goals respectively. It has also gone around that Teno was a bit disappointed when they found out that they would not be facing off against their friend Lachlan Summers in either game. And with the playoffs now out of reach for London, it seems the two goalies will have to wait until next season to face off. Where does this leave Jesse Teno? In a decent spot, we think. With the upcoming loss of GM Dil, London will have to find new leadership and it is unsure if any future leadership will be making moves with the players. But since Teno is the only goalie for the team, and the need for goalies remains high, it’s doubtful that they will be up for trade. For now though, Teno is committed to staying with London through their contract and possibly beyond. They have only just finished their sophomore season but anything could happen now. Jesse probably will not be taking any awards home this season but they have many more to come in the VHL that could be award worthy. We were able to grab them for a quick quote as they left the arena after the last game: “It’s disappointing, I won’t lie. To be that close to clinching and falling short is hard to swallow. I’ll just have to do my best to train during the extended off season and be ready for the next.” We will catch them for another quote next week during locker cleanout day. Jesse Teno ends S87 with the following stats: 34-23-7 Record 0.925 Save Percentage 2.62 Goals Against Average 3 Shutouts According to the Index, Jesse Teno also ends the season with the following rankings among VHL goalies: 6th in Wins 7th in Save Percentage 6th in Goals Against Average 8th in Minutes Played Once all the official business is done here in London, Jesse Teno plans to head home to Vermont to rest and relax for a bit before getting back down to business. Between their charity and training, we anticipate the London goalie having a very busy off season. Speaking of the charity; it has up to today serviced over 2,000 families by providing free hockey equipment and lessons. Jesse has stated that as more money comes into the charity, they plan to start giving out grants to local rinks that need funds to improve their facilities. It was even finalized last week that once Jesse was back in Vermont that they would begin with their local rink, Riley Rink in Manchester. The facility is in need of some minor maintenance and could use a new set of bleachers. Aside from that, Jesse Teno has family and friends to look forward to seeing. Everything else with London will fall into place eventually and maybe one day Jesse Teno will start in the VHL playoffs. But until then, they are going to be preparing for the next one and enjoying the time off at home. 589 words for week ending 3/5/2023
  3. Answer 3 for 1 TPE or 6 for 2 TPE. 1. We are in the final stretch of the season! How are you feeling? 2. We're currently middle of the pack. Think we have a chance for a good playoff run? 3. Only 3 games left but I think it's safe to ask: who do you think should be the Marlins MVP this season? 4. Have you hit 200 TPE to move up next season? Or will you be sticking around a bit longer? 5. Who do you think is going to find success in the post season in the VHL? 6. If you could be any animal, what would it be and why?
  4. Update: Looks like I'll be sleeping at work again. Repairs haven't begun because they can't find the damn break. 

    1. jacobcarson877


      Have you told them to follow the water?

      And I'm so sorry that is definitely a personal nightmare now.

  5. Had to sleep at work last night. Construction crew ruptured the main water line in my city and there was no water. Still isn't. Almost 24 hours.

    1. Lemorse7
    2. N0HBDY


      Well it’s obviously not the construction crews fault

  6. It's been a quiet week for Jesse Teno who has not played. A game in the last few days. Currently taking up the net has been the London Goalie B-LND 2 who has been dropping the ball a bit but has a manged a few wins. With all this extra time on their hands, Jesse has spent the week traveling around the UK, checking out local shops and amusements. They also finally managed to make their way to Cardiff to participate in the Doctor Who Experience. They were spotted by fans and media alike, finding themselves at the start of their own mini photo op line at different times during the day. Jesse always seems happy to take pictures with anyone who requests, even stopping for media once in a while. It seems Jesse has been enjoying their few days off and hopefully they will be ready to help London close out the season with a few more wins. 159 words for week ending 3/5/2023
  7. Hello from the dark depths of tax season. It has only begun. I am drowning.

  8. Yes this is terrible but it's tax season and it's honestly all I have time for right now.
  9. 3 for 1 or 6 for 2 1. We're in the back end of the season! Only a handful left to go. How are you feeling? 2. What do you think your player's biggest improvement has been since the start of the season? 3. What color is your players hair? 4. How have you been feeling with balancing real life and producing content for the VHL? 5. When you eventually retire this player in about a year and a half, do you already have a name lined up for your next one? 6. If dinosaurs roamed the Earth, which one would you keep as a pet?
  10. “Jesse, you’re four and two in your last six games. How are you feeling?” “Not great, to be honest. I know it’s a couple good wins but I’ve been really struggling to keep the puck out of the net.” “What do you think you’ll be working on to improve that?” “I think for now I need to work on my glove hand. I think I’m letting a lot in on that side so I need to tighten up that speed.” “London is not looking great overall with you in net recently. Could that be affecting your on-ice performance?” “Sometimes, yea. I think I let the bad games get into my head. I seem to have one mediocre game followed by a bad one usually.” “What do you think your team could do to help you?” “I mean, I always appreciate a blocked shot but honestly my team is really trying so I’m just doing my best to hold the fort down.” 161 words for week ending 2/26/2023
  11. Haven't had the time or energy to sit down and pick up a book but I did manage to bang out a few short audio books during my commute and work. A Mind of Her Own - Paula Mclain Wishful Drinking - Carrie Fisher The Minuteman - Greg Donahue Now currently listening to Shockaholic, Carrie Fisher's second book then I'll listen to her third and final book, The Princess Diarist.
  12. The one day this week I work from home and the VHL is so quiet.

  13. Thank you! I had the perfect inspiration.
  14. They may be from different draft classes and have not faced off on the ice yet, but these two friends have a rivalry stemming back to their starts in the VHLM. Jesse Teno of the S85 draft class who started their career with the Saskatoon Wild. Lachlan Summers of the S86 draft class who started his career with the San Diego Marlins. These two friends are just itching for their moment to face off against one another and many are wondering if that chance will come this season. From the start, this was always a friendly rivalry. Jesse and Lachlan met while Lachlan was working his way through the M with the Marlins and when Jesse was up in the E with Cologne. They hit it off and became close friends, supporting each other since meeting. It also probably doesn’t hurt that both are members of the LGBTQ+ community with Jesse identifying as non-binary and Lachlan identifying as gay. Both are also out and proud with who they are and since the LGBTQ+ community in professional sports always seems to be small or hidden, it wouldn’t be surprising if this was one of the things that brought these two friends together. The two times they have been on opposite benches, the only time that they shared the ice was during warmups but even then, you could see the friendship between them. So, since we can’t see how they have done up against one another, let’s compare their numbers from over the last three seasons that both have been in the league. Jesse Teno was drafted by the Saskatoon Wild for the S84 season where they dragged their team into the playoffs with a 22-47-2 record, 0.904 save percentage, 3.2 goals against average, and 5 shutouts. Lachlan Summers was picked up off of waivers and then drafted by the San Diego Marlins in S84 and S85 respectively. In S85, with his first full season, Lachlan put up an impressive record of 34-30-8, 0.916 save percentage, 2.57 goals against average, and 4 shutouts. Both Teno and Summers were also the first first -gens of their class to become eligible for the VHLE draft. Speaking of the E, Teno was drafted by Cologne for S85 and ended the season with a much more impressive 29-12-5, 0.93 save percentage, 2.08 goals against average, and 4 shutouts. The following season, Summers dipped a bit in his record with 27-28-9, 0.922 save percentage, 2.74 goals against average, and 3 shutouts. As both also moved on to the VHL big leagues after only spending one season in both the M and the E, Teno and Summers were ready for their rookie seasons. Teno ended that season with a 7-3-1 record, 0.923 save percentage, 2.43 goals against average, and 1 shutout. Summers, who is currently in his rookie season, at the time of this media spot has an incredible 5-0-1 record, 0.938 save percentage, 1.44 goals against average and 1 shutout. At this point, London and Davos have only faced off twice so far this season and neither game was headed up by Summers. But with four games between these teams left in the backend of the season, both Teno and Summers are hoping they will get their chance to finally meet on the ice. (also see @kirbithan's amazing work that inspired me to write this in the middle of a work day: 547 words for week ending 2/19/2023
  15. This season is just getting worse and worse. Jesse has dropped to a barely winning record of 20-17-4 and their save percentage is a (comparatively) gloomy 0.918. Goals against has also risen to 2.86 and it’s just depressing to look at. What sucks the most is that they keep letting in so many goals on not many shots which has been dragging the save percentage down. I mean, Jesse let in 7 in the last game. What the hell. I know I’m still an under 800 TPE goalie playing against super veterans but this is just sad. But I guess it’s par for the course. Also, I’m one week of TPE away from 800 so that’s pretty cool. Still need to find some time to write my media spot for theme week but I already know what it is, just have to sit down and do it. Hopefully things start looking up soon. 153 words for week ending 2/19/2023
  16. Is it really Monday already?? 1. It's been rough, guys. How are you doing? 2. The season is half over. Think we can pull it back in the next few weeks? 3. If you could grab us any player before the trade deadline, who would it be? 4. Have you managed to hit any goals that you set for your player yet this season? And if not, how close are you? 5. What VHL/M/E team has your favorite logo? 6. The Big Game was this weekend! Are you chopping in victory, rioting in anger on greased polls, or don't really care?
  17. I think we all know what my theme week article is going to be about. 

    1. Garsh


      Your rivalry with the updaters

  18. Great listen and if you decided to keep doing podcasts, I’d keep listening. Was a fun listen and I really liked hearing your perspective on the league and the TPE cut offs. Hearing you talk about the Marlins gave some great insight as to how you think as a GM and hearing your take on the state of the rookie season was interesting. Mic cuts aside, I think this was a well-produced podcast and I hope you can get a few notes for an opening. 10/10 would recommend
  19. For the longest time I sat in 7th and in the last few weeks I finally passed NSG and Acyd. I'm also the highest ranked first gen in my class. *toot toot* lol
  20. What has Jesse Teno been up to this past week? Not a whole lot, to be honest. Still just barely holding onto a winning record and not having the greatest of games. Nothing spectacular but, as everyone keeps pointing out, it’s just their second season and it’s going to take time to be as good as the well-seasoned veterans. I just hope that seasoning comes with a bit more than salt and pepper next time around. As for my life in the VHL, it’s been pretty dead too. Work has kept me busy but I have managed to make content and keep up my TPE earnings. Depending on when I make claims and when the updaters approve, I keep shifting between 5th and 7th for TPE in my class. But I think I can safely say that at the end of the each week, I’m probably in 5th once all is said and done. 154 words for week ending 2/12/2023
  21. You know the drill! 1. After our great start this season, we seem to be in a struggle funk. How are you feeling about that? 2. Any thoughts on how we can try and improve to where we started? 3. How has weekly claiming been for you? Created any interesting content lately? 4. Any thoughts on the NHL All Star weekend that just passed? Do you think your team was well represented? 5. If we were to give out a Starfish for the whole season up until now, who would it be and why? 6. If your player could be sponsored by any company, who would you want it to be?
  22. Well I’ve been MIA from the VHL for a few days and I swear it feels like weeks since I last did anything of real substance here; including following discussions on discord. So let me list what I can think of between my work load that I’ve missed or have been running behind in. @kirbithan made me a graphic for my sig and I have yet to add it because I was struggling with the imgur and download trick and honestly did not have the time to figure it out so the usable one is just sitting in my DMs waiting to be used. As of my last check, I have the 9th worst VHFL team. Quite depressing if you ask me. Hopefully things pick up but honestly, I’m not too sure. I’m really getting my ass kicked in Fantasy this season. I have yet to find the time to do the press conference for the Marlins or the Starfish of the Sim for the last few days and I have absolutely no idea what I am going to do for my media spot this week. (Never mind this turned into my MS without me even meaning to). Apparently I’m in the running for the All Star Game European team??? I mean, we know I won’t win but holy shit I’m honestly surprised I was even considered. The voting is not going my way but again, just being considered really means a lot. So thank you to whoever voted for Jesse! I grabbed some trivia and had to guess both because I just didn’t have the time or energy to go searching for really obscure questions. Got one correct on my guess though! I didn’t know affiliations were a thing outside of the other sim leagues? Not even sure if it means the same thing or not. I honestly have not checked in with the Marlins or London overall to see how we’re doing. Work really just has been that busy. All I know is that Jesse is maintaining a winning record with 2 shutouts. But I also am sure that my stats are not top 5 numbers. Normally I browse through the new forum content once or twice a day and I haven’t scrolled through the page in at least a week. On a personal note, my fiancé and I have booked a venue, photographer, and florist for the wedding. She also found her dress and I have an appointment with a tailor in Brooklyn next month to discuss my custom suit. The only things left to do at this point until the summer are to book the hotel block and find a DJ. For those who don’t know I work in taxes and accounting so basically from January 1 to April 15th I am just going, going, gone. Which means my production and my social life on here will be down to what it takes to just max earn each week and get by. And it looks like I somehow managed to make a media spot out of a .com article. Till next time. 516 words for week ending 2/12/2023
  23. I’m here today with Jesse Teno after the first week of the season. With this week’s games kicking off tonight, I thought I would check in with the sophomore goalie and see how they are doing. “Jesse, good to see you again. This week has been an interesting one. How do you feel overall?” “I feel alright. Overall a winning record but the losses have started to pile on lately. Slowly creeping up on me. But I know I’m playing against some serious veterans on the other side of the ice so I just have to keep pushing.” “Through the first 12 games of the season, it looks like you take an average of about 34 shots a night. Does it ever feel like that?” “Always feels like more, to be honest [laughs]. I know that first game against Malmo we were on a serious shooting spree and kept them down, but it seems to have evened out a bit for the most part. I know the team is always working hard to get those shots on goal. But we also know the other teams are working just as hard. So if I see 40 plus on any night it doesn’t shock me.” “You’re currently sitting in 7th among goalies for both total wins and total losses. Not a bad place to be in the VHL at the moment.” “No, I suppose not. I know I’m still figuring out my way among these giants of players but I’m happy to just know that I’m managing a half-decent record.” “You’re also sitting at no shutouts. Hoping to get one soon?” “Always! Getting a shutout is always such an incredible feeling, especially at this level of play. The pace is just so much faster and the players have some serious heat behind their shots. I’m not too shocked to not have accomplished it yet.” “What do you think you need to work on going forward in order to keep your record above .500?” “I really need to work on stopping those pucks, I think is what the fans would say. But for now, I’m not too disappointed in my personal play. Are there some areas that need fine tuning? Yes. I think my glove is definitely a weak spot so I need to work on improving that for sure. I’ve been spending time on my speed within the crease but maybe I need to shift gears for a little bit and see where that takes me.” “One last questions before I let you go about your day; you finally saw your friend Lachlan Summers on the ice. How did that feel?” “Oh it felt great! To see him come up into the VHL right behind me just makes me a really proud friend. We still haven’t had our chance to play against each other but getting to catch up with him during warm ups and seeing him on the bench just made me really happy. It’s always nice to see a familiar face on the other side.” 505 words for week ending 2/5/2023
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