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Posts posted by kirbithan

  1. MW3DCrYmStAxSfCNXAHQX_iHcK-EdN_rbJvfP5im4OOiff96RBfjKJLmyVD9zawEgUBjiKP8WI27X4UrJIkT990bQdA40ROORn4aQa4qaRW6KY3yA9tehlK0fEsqQiiYccPapgSKnK8thv0d7BGAC4zgSwZDxo8Qpi2FdVuwZJXsfXCHN_VAXBGbr7PxTw


    On a cloudy July morning in Brisbane, Australia, Lachlan Derek Summers was born to a proud mother: Marcie Summers. His father was never in the picture, as his parents were in the process of a divorce when his mother was pregnant with him. She would raise Lachlan and his older sister Taryn on her own, working tirelessly to support them. Lachlan and Taryn are spitting images of their mother, and while Lachlan didn’t necessarily loathe their father, he had no interest in reconnecting with him either.


    As a child and even now to an extent, Lachlan could be described as a ticking time bomb. He would appear stoic and expressionless to a fault like an android, as few dubbed him, until his emotions would boil up inside him and explode— an exact opposite of his extraverted, bubbly older sister. He had difficulties verbally expressing himself and barely spoke for the first few years of his life. A lack of an outlet was the culprit. His mother encouraged him to try out various sports and hobbies, but nothing seemed to stick until he stumbled across VHL Continental Cup highlights on the internet. Immediately, he was captivated by the sport of ice hockey, and pleaded with his mother to sign him up for a local youth team— the Brisbane Kings— even though it was one of the least popular sports in the country.



    — 11-year-old Lachlan during his time with the Brisbane Kings


    When people think of Australia, they don’t regard it as a country that produces hockey phenomena, but Lachlan was hellbent on changing that from a young age and his mom and sister knew they couldn’t sway him from his goals. At the time, he didn’t realize how much his family sacrificed for him— costly hockey equipment, long drives to the rink and back, and more— but as he grew up in a country with only twenty-one hockey rinks in its entirety, it was miraculous that he was able to stick with the sport. With the inspiration of a few Aussies who were able to make it to the VHL before him, Lachlan knew it was possible for him to emulate their success.


    Initially, he started out as a forward, but was mediocre at the position at best and wasn’t the strongest skater. When his team was short of a goalie, his coach asked for volunteers and Lachlan’s hand rose up into the air without hesitation. After taking a few shots, one hit him directly in the mask and he didn’t even flinch— hence, his coach knew that they had their goaltender. 



    — The Summers Family


    What he enjoyed more than being on the ice was, of course, spending time with his mom and sister. Marcie and Taryn meant the world to him. They were the only ones who knew the inner workings of his mind, and were able to draw out more of his personality when Marcie insisted on baking desserts together as a form of family bonding. It eventually became a family tradition, and Lachlan found he had a knack for it, taking the reins during each baking session. They’d spend their Saturdays researching and creating delicious sweets to enjoy as a family, which the Summers siblings always looked forward to. After hockey, Lachlan could definitely have a baking career on his hands.


    At the age of 15, he received the opportunity to travel abroad to live in Québec for a summer in order to attend a hockey camp for aspiring young players. This would be the first time he’d leave home for an extended period. His host family was that of his eventual future husband, François “Frankie” Ducharme, a winger who was also attending that same camp. 



    — Frankie Ducharme


    Even as a teenager, Lachlan couldn’t escape the “android” moniker. As most of the camp attendees had their own respective cliques already, it was more difficult for him to come out of his shell than usual. He felt like an outcast— a kid who didn’t deserve to be regarded at the same level as other “future prodigies” who grew up in conventional hockey countries. Then came a point where dealing with his own feelings and negative thoughts became unbearable, and the sport he fell in love with was starting to feel like a chore as a result. However, Frankie wasn’t deterred by this challenge. He had “a smile that could light up an entire room,” and wouldn’t hesitate to share his sunshine with Lachlan when he needed it most, relaying words of advice and reassurance.


    They’d spend nearly every day on the ice together practicing drills. Off the ice, they were inseparable, and Lachlan would open up to Frankie more than anyone else. At the conclusion of that summer, it was clear that wouldn’t be the last time they’d see each other, and they’d maintain a healthy long-distance relationship for many years to come.


    With a renewed sense of purpose and drive, Lachlan spent four years in the Australian Ice Hockey League (AIHL). Although international scouting was virtually nonexistent, he put on a stellar show during his tenure with the Sydney Bears, carrying the team to a championship in his last season after overcoming a devastating knee injury the year prior. His herculean efforts caught the attention of teams in the VHLM who were in need of a promising young goaltender, earning him a contract with the San Diego Marlins.


    The kid from Brisbane would make the most of this opportunity.



    “With the 12th pick in the VHL draft, HC Davos Dynamo are proud to select. . . goaltender Lachlan Summers!”



    word count: 928


  2. 8 hours ago, MubbleFubbles said:



    For the Week Ending Dec 4th (Can use for W/E November 27th though if you submit answers today) 
    Answer 3 Questions for 1 TPE

    Answer 6 Questions for 2 TPE


    1. Getting close to half of the way through the regular season, what do you think of your player's performance to this point of the season?

    I'm slightly disappointed that Lachlan hasn't recorded a shutout yet, but hopefully that comes soon! Otherwise, I'm pleased with how he's played.


    2. What is your favourite hockey game/simulation engine of all-time?

    I hate the NHL/EA sim engine so STHS is definitely my favorite, even though Simon has cursed some of us at times. 


    3. A lot of people don't add to the fighting attribute because it takes away from their ability to improve their players ability, but if you could upgrade your fighting without having to add TPE (e.g. pick the level you want your fighting attribute to be at), would you improve it to seek out more fights or leave it as it is because you don't want to be a fighter?

    As a goalie, I don't think this applies to me, but it'd be hilarious to imagine Lachlan skating up to center ice and squaring up with someone every other game. It seems like something he'd do occasionally.


    4. Which VHL logo (can be VHL/VHLE/VHLM) do you like the look of the most?

    I love the Prague Phantoms logo, because the purple and blue combo is chef's kiss.


    5. Same theme of logos, but which VHL/VHLE/VHLM logo do you think is the least impressive?

    The New York Americans logo gets the job done, but it's painfully boring, in my opinion— at least in comparison to all the other logos in all three leagues.


    6. The trade deadline for the VHL is approaching in two weeks, in your history of following hockey, what was the NHL trade that you were most surprised by when you read about it?

    I think recently, the most shocking trade to me was when Tyler Toffoli was traded to the Flames by the Canadiens. It was no secret that Montreal was in a rebuild, but Toffoli was a bright spot in their roster for the last two seasons and it was a surprise to see them let him go.



  3. We are officially 29 games into the season and Lachlan Summers has started 28 of them for the Stockholm Vikings. He sports a 12-12-4 record with a .927SV% and 2.61 GAA. Unfortunately, he has yet to record a shutout which is slightly disappointing, but otherwise, his performance has been solid. He’s also been 1st star of the game three times and 2nd star seven times. Honestly, this Vikings team is better than our record lets on, and as our squad continues to grow and we learn what line combinations produce the best results, I think we’ll be in prime position for a playoff spot once the end of the season approaches. Right now, my goal is to get all of Lachlan’s main goalie attributes— HS (hand speed), RT (reaction time), SC (style control), and RB (rebound control)— up to 85 in that order. Currently, SC is at 83, so once those are all up to speed, I hope his numbers continue to improve and he can backstop the team to some more wins.


  4. 2 hours ago, MubbleFubbles said:



    For the week ending November 27th (can use it for 20th though if you submit answers today)

    Answer 3 Questions for 1 TPE

    Answer 6 Questions for 2 TPE


    1. We've started our season off with 8 wins after 14 games and currently sit in third place in the VHLE. What do you make of our teams start to the season? 

     The team has looked solid so far and I'm happy with where we are in the standings. Despite Cologne being in first, they've played so many games against Geneva that we can certainly catch up once they start playing other teams.


    2. Interestingly despite having six game winning goals, all six have been scored by different skaters, how much of a boost is it for the team to have several players who can contribute when the team needs it most?

     It's important to have players spread out across all of our lines so we have enough depth to compete and have multiple people to depend on, so we don't have to put too much pressure on one or two players to carry us through the whole season!


    3. Larry Abass Jr. has been surging up the point rankings and currently sits in fourth place in points with 20 through 14 games. How important have their performances been to the team's success?

     Abass Jr. has had an awesome start playing on the top line. Having an amazing scorer on the team helps leaps and bounds, especially when they have a great group around them to support them. 


    4. The league leading Cologne Express have had a very lucky start to the season, playing 12 of their first 16 games against a Geneva Rush team that doesn't have a single defenseman. What is the luckiest thing that has ever happened to you? (Can be you personally or your player). 

    The luckiest thing that's happened to me personally is when my family and I adopted our dog. Turns out, the adoption organization called not only us but also another person to pick him up, and whoever got there first would be able to take him home. I still don't know why they did that, but I'm extremely grateful we got there first or else I wouldn't have my sweet boy! 


    5.  Black Friday/Cyber Monday is coming up this week, anything in particular you would like to see discounted that you'd be interested in buying?

     I might buy a game or two on Steam or go online shopping and see if there's any deals on hockey jerseys.


    6. Say the VHL had a Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale in their player store, what item would you be most interested in buying at a discounted price?

    I would buy the 4x5 uncapped TPE package!


  5. m_8JrigmxOYw1aWcbjYdSlJ6VEaL7u4kweXW0j0jAaqjIpbq-X3cXQ1fYymyuwwUbILyOuKSMYOlu-fx-Px2VLOlSGtHiAWIDKI4divjBZavmd6Hu10nw2RSUgXAadUZTPOKOptNEqyN2ndrn1o7fYQzpnPaN5wdmAb-b3I6WgbDsJzv2uqacdh_MjlE-Q

    — (From L to R) Lachlan Summers, Sadie St-Louis, John Richards

    STOCKHOLM, SE — The three newest members to the Stockholm Vikings squad— John Richards, Sadie St-Louis, and Lachlan Summers— have found their footing with their new team and city. The trio have started the season off strong and hope to keep this momentum going as the Vikings face off against the other teams in a fiercely competitive VHLE. 


    However, the spotlight hasn’t stopped them from enjoying their time off the ice, as well, as they were spotted at a high-end Stockholm restaurant. They were also dressed for the occasion, sporting sleek suits while they enjoyed their meals together.


    As they were leaving the restaurant, our reporters were able to get a few words on what the trio’s thoughts were about the VHLE and the city of Stockholm.


    “We definitely feel like celebrities. Right as we got here, the fans were waiting for us at the airport. Can’t say I’ve had that happen before!” Exclaimed Summers as he strolled through the heart of Stockholm with St-Louis and Richards by his side.


    It’s clear that this season is bound to be an amazing one for the three young stars. We hope to catch up with them soon.

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