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Posts posted by kirbithan

  1. 10 minutes ago, jacobcarson877 said:


    Answer all 6 for 2 TPE, 3 for 1!

    1. Although there is still lots of time in the season, we seem to have a good shot at the playoffs, how excited are you?

    I am so unbelievably excited, I can’t even begin to explain. I hope we can surprise people and make a deep run with the core we have.

    2. The NHL season is coming quickly. Do you keep up with the NHL? What is your team?

    Yes, of course I keep up with the NHL! Contrary to popular belief, my favorite team is NOT the St. Louis Blues despite my love for their players (especially Binnington, of course). My team is the LA Kings!  #GKG

    3. It has been a rather crazy week for me. What is one thing you do that makes you feel at peace?

    One thing that keeps me sane is drawing. I also discovered I love making graphics as well, very therapeutic.


    4. Welcome to October! What is your favourite spooky season tradition?

    Halloween and pumpkin spice lattes!

    5. Who would you say is our biggest rival?

     I would say Mexico City is our biggest rival since we’re so close in terms of points. It’s a tight race here in the west.

    6. If you could have one food right now what would it be?

    I would love tiramisu cheesecake right now.

    @Markusbg  @GoalPlays  @vincentlg2007  @Mint  @MrMom  @QcjetsQc  @okochastar  @Beau  @kirbithan  @CoolLuigiBro14


  2. SAN DIEGO — The San Diego Marlins have officially named their leadership core at the midseason mark! Due to their small roster that consisted of four players, the team chose to go without any letters to start out. However, with an expanded group of players, the time has now come to reveal the captains of the S85 Marlins squad!



    CAPTAIN - SJIN  @Mint

    Sjin has proven to be an absolute force in the locker room, aptly earning him the captain’s “C” with 83% of the votes from his teammates. Originally one of the waiver Marlins from S84, the center was drafted by the Miami Marauders 51st overall before making his return to San Diego in exchange for Tristen Gorlim, where he has since put up spectacular numbers with increased ice time. He was the center that the Marlins desperately needed. Sjin currently has 14 goals and 27 assists to his name this season. 





    Another S84 Marlin who returned to San Diego at pick 22, LW Vincent Laroche-Gagnier— also known as VLG— has made a notable impact on the Marlins’ morale and the score sheet. Vincent has also shown off great prowess this season for the Marlins, leading them in points with 28 goals and 26 assists. He’s shown clear growth in his play on the ice and locker room activity this season, earning him the “A”. 




    A fresh new face in the Marlins locker room this season, RW Adam Rage has demonstrated his high potential after being selected 32nd overall. A standout in the Junior Showcase Tournament for the Brigade last offseason, Rage has helped generate a majority of the Marlins’ offense along with fellow linemates Sjin and VLG, earning him the assistant’s “A” for his efforts. He currently has 22 goals and 25 assists under his belt. 




    G Lachlan Summers rounds out our leadership group, drafted at 6th overall. Another familiar face for the Marlins, Summers has backstopped them to multiple wins this season with a 0.918 save percentage and 2.36 GAA, as well as an impressive 4 shutouts. He is a vocal member of the locker room and aims to lead his team to a deep playoff run. Summers was also named an assistant captain in the previous season.


    Word count: 380


  3. With this season’s theme week focusing on general managers, this is the perfect time for me to express my appreciation and talk about my first and only GM so far, @jacobcarson877 of the fabulous San Diego Marlins!


    I joined the VHL on a whim. During the wild recruitment drive from the two YouTube ads that dropped, I was extremely intrigued at the idea of a simulation hockey league that allowed you to create your own player and watch them grow from draft to retirement. Admittedly, I was hesitant to even join in the first place because I have quite a bit of social anxiety and was afraid I wouldn’t belong.


    Boy, was I wrong in the best way possible.


    Jacob was the first GM to pitch to me under my waiver post only minutes after I created my player Lachlan Summers. When I saw that the team he GM’d was based out of San Diego (my hometown), I jumped at the chance to play in a tandem for the Marlins. I, like many others when first joining, was completely overwhelmed at first and wasn’t sure if I’d even be able to meet the task requirements to earn TPE but now, as I am two months in, it has become second nature and Lachlan has just reached the 200 TPE cap this week. 


    This is mostly due to Jacob’s willingness to answer any questions we had and giving us great advice on builds, how to earn TPE, and how to stay engaged with the league. His traits are what every VHLM GM needs to strive for, as he is the main reason why many members of his waiver Marlins have been staying so active to a point where other GMs took notice and wanted to draft them prior to S85. That special Marlins group included two of my close friends— John and Sadie— who now play together for the Lynx. 


    Jacob is a wonderful general manager and is always quick to take new members under his wing. It’s hard to believe that last season was his first as a full-time GM, I believe he’s done an amazing job already. Needless to say, I was ecstatic to see I was going to be returning to the Marlins during the S85 VHLM draft. I loved the locker room atmosphere that the Marlins had curated and we hoped to recreate that this season, as well. I’m a lot more outspoken now than I was when I first joined the VHL, and a lot of that has to do with how welcoming and open the locker room was. I always love talking to Jacob about Simon’s antics and how the sim engine cursed our players, to sending Star Wars gifs, and creating a cookie channel in the Marlins locker room where all we do is send pictures and gifs of cookies in order to convince players to join.


    The Marlins system is an excellent place for players to grow and our S85 group has really surprised people this season. I trust Jacob and newly appointed AGM Aimkin (who is also amazing) to make the proper decisions that will propel our team to a playoff run. The western conference is extremely competitive at the moment, but with the fantastic leadership in the front office, I know we can rally and make a push this season. I can’t wait to see how the rest of the campaign goes now that we’ve hit the midseason mark. 


    Once again, a huge thank you to Jacob for being your awesome self! You’ve made such an impact on all your current and past players and I sincerely appreciate all the work you do for the VHL and the Marlins organization.



    Word Count: 619




    This was a very physical contest between the Ottawa Lynx and Mexico City Kings, boasting 12 penalties, as well as an impressive victory for the Kings over 2nd place Ottawa. The Lynx were outshot by the Kings 37-22 and were kept in the game by a solid performance from goaltender Fuukka Rask, who ended the night with a .944 save percentage. Opposing goaltender Jeremy Swayman also put up impressive numbers with a .955. The Lynx’s only goal came in the third period from winger John Richards to make it a 2-1 deficit after the Kings got out to an early lead, but an empty net goal buried by Mexico City’s Alexander Stroheim secured his team the victory. The three stars were Nikolas Kauppi (MEX), Womp Womp Womp Womp Womp Jr. (MEX), and Jeremy Swayman (MEX). 

  5. 19 minutes ago, jacobcarson877 said:


    Answer all 6 for 2 TPE, 3 for 1!

    1. We've been on a bit of a surge this week, finally playing some new teams! Where do you think we'll end up in the standings?

    I think since we aren’t playing Las Vegas and Miami every single day anymore, we’ll end up as a mid table team. I sincerely hope we’ll be able to surprise everyone and make it past the first round of the playoffs too.

    2. We have just recently passed the halfway point of the season. How are you feeling about your player's performance at the halfway mark?

    The season is going by so quickly! I feel super good about Lachlan’s performance as of late. He’s currently putting up some of the best numbers in the league and has four shutouts. Couldn’t ask for anything more besides a couple more wins.

    3. What is your favourite fish?

    My favorite fish is the clown triggerfish! It’s both adorable and cool-looking. The best of both worlds. Fun fact: they also have teeth that never stop growing so they grind them down by eating prey like sea urchins and clams. 


    4. Which VHLM team has the coolest colour scheme?

    The VHLM team with the coolest color scheme has got to be the Miami Marauders as much as I don’t want to admit it.

    5. Would you rather score a goal or 2 assists?

    I would rather score a goal. Since I’m a goaltender that’d make it much more impressive! 

    6. You are all eligible for the upcoming VHLM draft, what are your initial thoughts on where you might end up?

    I am one of four members not eligible for the M draft, but I predict I’ll go to Cologne in the E draft and Calgary in the VHL draft. I want to play with the legendary Landon Wolanin!


  6. X0SGhNffqYaYZF5DfabuXWomuhmwvlx86JYRk4wlGtdCZkQkCyPwmkLZv2eaNwSE6LDCZaVAZYSo4x-0QwNIIYvPExd1rsYdR841FMqHXWJINxUa9hZWG9uUTKyRPC0gg1G9xuAiqq8lhfJFUvS5wmP4b9nZDnmTqTd1W-hrbFdboDsdNBwufXO-dQ


    Welcome to another episode of Marlin Meetup— where we sit down with members of our beloved San Diego Marlins and get to know them on a level deeper than hockey. I’m your host Marina Martin. Today’s guest is starting goaltender Lachlan Summers, hailing from Brisbane, Australia! How are you today, Lachlan?


    “Feelin’ good, doin’ good. What more can you ask for, really?”


    Glad to hear it! Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to join us. Ready to answer some questions?


    “Defo. Let’s see what you’ve got.”


    First, we wanted to congratulate you on back-to-back shutouts a few nights ago! That’s such an amazing feat to pull off and all of Marlins country is proud of you. How’ve you adjusted to life in North America?


    “Thanks. Well, I lived in Ontario for a couple months for a hockey camp when I was 17, but this is my first experience living in the States. There were a couple culture shocks when I first got here, like how massive food portions are for the price. Which is bloody great, don’t get me wrong—but I gotta keep fit and this makes it a lot harder for me. My husband Frankie usually cooks the meals for us, so I don’t have to worry about it much, though, luckily. He’s a personal trainer so he knows his stuff. He helps out a lot. Keeps me from gettin’ too outta shape.”


    Sounds like that works out well for you both! How’d you and Frankie meet? Your wedding photos were spectacular.


    “Funny you mention that ‘cause we actually met at that hockey camp I mentioned earlier. I was the only Aussie. Felt like the odd one out. I’m already a quiet person as it is and that made it worse I reckon, ‘cause everybody had their respective ‘cliques’ and people they already knew, but Frankie was the first one to talk to me. His smile could light up an entire room. He had braces back then, though, and his Quebecois accent was a lot thicker than it is now. I like to tease him about the braces once in a while. I could talk about him for hours but I don’t wanna bore everyone watchin’ at home, but I do have some pics on my phone of us from that camp if you wanna see ‘em. I like lookin’ back on how far we’ve come.”


    Of course! This would make for a great treat for the fans.


    “Yeah, just. . . don’t pay too much attention to my awful haircut in these photos.”


    It’s not that bad. Now, onto the next question, we’ve noticed that friends and fans alike have been calling you the “kangaroo man.” Any thoughts about that?


    “Honestly, I think that John Richards and Sadie St-Louis might’ve started that trend, but I can’t say I haven’t contributed to the “kangaroo man” thing either. I have a boxing kangaroo tattoo on my thigh and it’s wicked. Got it done not too long ago before movin’ here. Just wanted to bring a piece of home with me and now the fans have taken it to a whole new level, which is both great and hilarious. I’m runnin’ outta room on my shelf for all the roo stuffies that they’re tossin’ onto the ice after every win. San Diego is definitely a hockey city, I don’t care what anybody else says. That’s a fact.”


    Speaking of nicknames, do you have any more?


    “My close friends and family call me Lachy. Some of the other Marlins have given me grief for it, but I don’t really care. But even they know that they should stay far away from that nickname for me if they know what’s good for ‘em. . . just kidding, I wouldn’t go that far, but I might swing my stick at someone once or twice if I catch ‘em callin’ me Lachy. It was a nickname that’s followed me from childhood ‘till now. Reckon I can’t really escape it at this point.”


    Well, you heard it here, folks! Let’s stick to some other nicknames for you, then, Lachlan. Have you also gotten a chance to explore San Diego at all?


    “Yeah, whenever I have off days, Frankie and I have tried to mark a new thing off our San Diego bucket list. We went to the Safari Park up north in Escondido and got to hang out with some wallabies— basically mini kangaroos— they’re both in the same family of marsupials. We also have gone to some hidden gems like the Cave Store. Gotten plenty of time in the sun with our dog Addy, too. Luckily the climate isn’t too different from back home so it hasn’t been too drastic of a change.”


    Little Addy has become quite the social media star, hasn’t she?


    “I’m fully convinced most people like Addy more than me, but honestly, I’m not surprised. She’s a sweetheart, always followin’ us around. One of my friends back home owns a dalmatian who had puppies and was given’ ‘em away so of course I took one. Who can resist an adorable pup? Named her after the city of Adelaide, but sometimes it’s a mouthful, so it’s Addy most of the time. Unless she gets into some kinda trouble.”


    Oh, but you let her off the hook most of the time, don’t you?


    “I was pretty pissed when she unrolled an entire toilet paper roll in the bathroom, but. . . yeah. Can’t stay mad at that sweet face for long.”


    I didn’t realize we’re nearly out of time! Thank you again for joining us today, Lachlan, and for giving us a chance to get to know you more! 


    “No problem. Having little to no hockey questions to worry about was refreshin’. If you ever wanna see my mug on this show again, feel free to let me know.”


    Of course! And thank you to our viewers for watching another excellent edition of Marlin Meetup. We will ‘sea’ all of you next time! This has been your host Marina Martin, signing off.



    Word count: 1008

    Claim for 10/2


  7. 20 minutes ago, DarkSpyro said:


    You are too kind bro!! I’m glad you enjoyed the run down on the Heavenly 7 saga, it’s been super fun to follow and report!!


    No worries dude- I’m only teasing everyone hahaha 😂 Also congratz on the W tonight!🤘🏻 

    The friendly banter and jokes just make everything better honestly. Got a laugh out of me every time. 🤣 And thank you!! Looking forward to playing against you again soon man. 🙌🏻

  8. This was such a great listen! Always looking forward to hearing you go over the stats of the Heavenly 7 every week. 

    I admit… one of my shutouts was against the poor Hounds, but another was against Mexico and the last two were against the first place in the west Aces, so I hope that counts for something! 😂 

  9. 1 hour ago, aimkin said:

    Card image cap


    Press Conference 2 of the S85 VHLM Season! Answer all 6 for 2 TPE or 3 for 1.


    1. We had some tough losses this week. How are you feeling?

    I honestly feel disappointed because we’ve now lost four games in a row and three of them were one-goal games. I definitely feel like we could’ve taken some points off those.


    2. When do you grab up your TPE? First thing Monday morning, last minute Sunday night, or somewhere in the middle?

    I always upload my point tasks as soon as the new week starts on Sunday morning so I get my TPE first thing Monday morning if the updaters work quickly. I like to have TPE to apply to my player as soon as possible so I can help out the team more.


    3. Next week is theme week! Any thoughts on what the theme might be???

    I have no idea what the theme might be, but I think a cool one would be a jersey/logo theme week.


    4. If you could pick any entrance theme, what would it be?

    If I could pick an entrance theme, it’d be “Duel of the Fates” from the Star Wars: The Phantom Menace soundtrack.


    5. If the Marlins could get a sponsor, what company would you want it to be and why?

    If the Marlins could get a sponsor, I’d want it to be In-N-Out. It’s such a staple restaurant chain here in California so it’s only fitting!


    6. Is a hot dog a sandwich?

    A hot dog is not a sandwich because it doesn’t follow the rules of a sandwich.


  10. 7 minutes ago, StackThePads said:

    I love this graphic whole-heartedly…. This graphic is simple, yet complex in its own right. The voice of render is amazing (not biased as a Canadian myself lol). I love how you greyed everything out so that those colours could pop in full effect. The paint splash and colour paring create a very fun and exciting look. The playfulness of the font also add a beautiful touch. Overall, I have no complaints, this graphic is extremely well done! 


    Thank you! 😄

  11. 1 minute ago, aimkin said:

    Card image cap


    Press Conference 1 of the S85 VHLM Season! Answer all 6 for 2 TPE or 3 for 1.


    1. "Week" 1 of the season is down. How are you feeling about your performance so far?

    I feel good about my performance so far. Last night’s sims were a bit rough but the shutout against the Aces the other day was a highlight for sure! Lachlan’s just been solid all-around so far.

    2. What's one thing you think you need to work on going into this week of games?

    Since I’ve maxed out the four main goalie attributes, I just have to work on SK, SZ, and AG.

    3. If we were to give a Starfish for the week, who do you think would deserve it and why?

    Vincent deserves Starfish of the week because I believe he’s our points leader as of today.  He’s always solid in every game we’ve played.

    4. Are you ready for summer to be over yet?

    Absolutely not. Classes are officially starting up again and I do not like it.

    5. Will you be running out to Starbucks for a pumpkin spice flavored whatever?

    Maybe one (1) pumpkin spice Frappuccino. 

    6. How many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?

    Peter Piper picked 32 pickled peppers.


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