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Posts posted by kirbithan

  1. 7 minutes ago, MubbleFubbles said:

    That's really cool that you've created a character and carried them over with a few changes to multiple forms of media! Actually just looked into the name Lachlan to see where it originated (I thought it would be Scotland given I know of a few people called Lachlan from there), and apparently it came from Vikings in Ireland, which is pretty fitting given your current team haha! 

    I think I read somewhere that the name has Scottish origins as well, but I could be wrong! I wasn’t aware that it came from Irish Vikings, though, that is awesome and very fitting as you said! I believe it’s super common in Australia due to the Lachlan River which was named after a governor of NSW. Names are so interesting. 😄

  2. am0I6_shUglLi8xZjrYg52OTiwcAowzxGvimOtsbQrR-AdSI_E_88rjtb3oJz7-0Bi_ETulOvK5bih3ytZ5TVyGVj-7ahUoKBB1TMf4bxMthxbT16ofVjQPBvru0sC4RW6cSlk8jxbXE16nR4MtX3F6x0MUQtY6OjVten8HHHsVvO-rfhJiLRrdOezb-Fw


    The question that nobody asked is, “Kirby, how did you come up with your player Lachlan Summers?” I’ll tell you anyway! Last year, I started a new Be a Pro career in NHL 22 and I wanted to make an Australian winger because I was inspired by Nathan Walker’s story as the first Aussie to play in the NHL. 


    I chose the name Lachlan because I liked the way it sounded, and it was also the name of an Australian YouTuber I enjoyed watching, so I thought it was apt (very creative, I know). With some additional research, I found out that Lachlan was one of the most common boys’ names in Australia, which was super interesting considering you didn’t really see it often anywhere else. As for the last name, I just scrolled through the list of play-by-play surnames in Chel to find one that fit Lachlan, and thus, Lachlan Summers was born.


    “Wait, Kirby, Lachlan is a goaltender but you created a winger!” I know. It wasn’t until I wanted to make a new character for the fictional beer league team my friend and I had created that Lachlan switched from RW to goalie, purely because I thought Jordan Binnington’s face/vibe fit the character. Hence why I also use him as my render in GFX! His early life and personality are still relatively the same as VHL Lachlan, but this original rendition moved to the States to play collegiate hockey, only to be deemed not good enough for the NHL and was forced to stop pursuing that aspiration. Now he’s a graphic designer and peewee hockey coach for the LA Kings and of course, plays on the Sea Dragons beer league team. He’s still married to the lovely Frankie Ducharme— who’s also his teammate on the Sea Dragons— because of course he is.


    When it came to the VHL, I was already so enamored with this character that it was a no-brainer who I wanted to bring to the league despite the large volume of goaltenders. In this universe, Lachlan’s living out his dreams of playing professional hockey and I love that for him.



    Word count: 357


  3. 28 minutes ago, MubbleFubbles said:



    For the week ending November 20th (can use it for 13th though if you submit answers today)

    Answer 3 Questions for 1 TPE

    Answer 6 Questions for 2 TPE


    1. The start of the VHLE season is fast approaching, what schedule would you prefer to start the season; going up against the strongest teams for a tough challenge out the gate or a run against the less competitive teams to ease your way into the season?

    I would rather start the season against the less-competitive teams, because as the season goes on, we will be able to amass more TPE and hopefully be able to keep up with or surpass the stronger teams, as well.


    2. There have been quite a few GM replacements over the course of this off-season. Is GMing something you could potentially see yourself doing in the future?

    The idea of GMing has been something I've been considering, but with balancing being a university student and my personal life, I can't see myself GMing a team anytime soon. I wouldn't have the time to devote myself to a team.


    3. What's one suggestion you would give to the league that would potentially make the league easier to follow for a new player?

    In my opinion, after a new member makes their player on the Portal, there should be a step-by-step guide on what all of the buttons do on the page, like the tutorial level in a video game. Essentially holding their hand. Some new members don't even make it to the Forum, so we must ensure that they get off to the best start possible without overwhelming and confusing them.


    4. What sandwich filling do you think would be the most fitting for a team named "The Vikings"?

    For some reason, my mind is telling me eggs, ham, and mayonnaise would fit the Vikings best.


    5.  What did you make of the VHL Draft that took place on Monday? If you were in it, how do you feel about the team that selected you? 

    I feel fantastic about being selected by HC Davos Dynamo! Alex is a great GM and I know I have the best chance to secure the starting goaltender spot in a couple seasons.


    6. Which NHL team would you consider to be the most entertaining to watch from a neutral perspective? 

    Right now, I consider the Devils the most entertaining team to watch from a neutral perspective. They have exceeded all expectations this season and are super electric whenever they're on the ice.


  4. A9846ECE-5B41-44A5-AFD2-ACB86B66573E.thumb.JPEG.cc6c3b268255e77352c42b92a59ab2f1.JPEG


    As a first-gen who joined back at the tailend of S84, I wasn’t sure what to expect when it came to be drafted in the VHL and E. Originally, I wasn’t planning to pump out so much content like I do now, but it’s become second nature and something I genuinely enjoy. Plus, I experimented with making graphics for the first time.


    One reason for my enthusiasm to earn TPE is because of how large the goaltender class was for S86. I had a reason to take as many opportunities as I could to further grow and improve my player knowing the friendly competition I was against, and it paid off. My content and activity caught the eye of many VHL members and GMs, which was my goal. Plus, I used some of my work to promote the legendary trio— which consists of myself, Sadie St-Louis, and John Richards. Almost everyone was aware that the three of us wanted to play together and that brings me to the actual review of what happened in the VHL and VHLE drafts.


    My player, Lachlan Summers, is the first S86 first-gen player to surpass 200 TPE, and I am confident he would’ve gone much higher in both drafts if he wasn’t a goalie. There’s no going back and changing things, though, but I don’t have regrets. I love Lachlan and I knew what I was signing up for when I chose to play the goalie position.


    First came the VHLE draft, and I wasn’t as nervous for this one as it was just a one season commitment. Of course, deep down, I wanted to stick together with my friends and that’s exactly what happened. Sadie was taken 5th overall by Stockholm, and we were weary that the Vikings weren’t in the right position to draft all three of us. When Lachlan was drafted by the Istanbul Red Wolves at 9th, I was happy with where he landed despite the fact that the trio would be separated, as he was the first goaltender off the board. However, Stockholm GM MubbleFubbles had some tricks up his sleeve and pulled off a few trades, moving up to the 10th pick to select John. Then, Mubbles traded Geoff Bezos to Istanbul in exchange for Lachlan, at the delight of myself and Sadie, who were watching the draft go down live. Thus, the trio were reunited like it was always meant to be.


    Unfortunately, that wasn't the case during the VHL draft, but our expectations of staying together were low going into it, given there were twice the amount of teams than there were in the E. Sadie was selected 4th overall by the Riga Reign this time around, which shattered our hopes of playing together in the big leagues— at least for now. It wasn’t until the 12th pick that Lachlan was drafted by HC Davos Dynamo, which was the perfect team for him to go to, in my opinion. With the legendary Xavier Booberry set to retire in a few seasons, it would put Lachlan in the perfect position to take over in net for Davos, despite my previous concerns of even finding a starting job in the VHL once he got there. There will be some big shoes to fill, but Lachlan is the perfect goaltender to do it. Davos’ GM Alex also made a trade to secure John at the 16th pick, as well, meaning all three members of the trio were drafted in the first round. 


    It was a wild few months leading up to both of these drafts. I accomplished what I wanted to and I’m ultimately happy with where Lachlan landed in the VHL and E. I want him to have an illustrious career and with the talent Davos has brought in, it looks likely. Hopefully one day, he’ll be in the Hall of Fame and possibly appear in some trivia questions as an answer option.



    Word count: 655


  5. 7 hours ago, MubbleFubbles said:



    For the week ending November 13th (can use it for 6th though if you submit answers today)

    Answer 3 Questions for 1 TPE

    Answer 6 Questions for 2 TPE


    1. The VHLE Draft took place yesterday, what did you think of the Stockholm Vikings in this draft?

    Personally, I believe Stockholm had the strongest draft of all the E teams. The Vikings were able to secure many high-ceiling players this season that will be bound to help the team!


    2. We managed to bring in the fantastic trio of John Richards, Lachlan Summers and Sadie St-Louis over the course of the off-season and all three will move straight up to the VHLE, how well do you see them doing this season?

    The trio will have a great season in the E. Sadie and John have proven to be fantastic goalscorers for the Lynx and it'll hopefully translate to the VHLE level. As for Lachlan, I'm optimistic he'll be able to hold his own in net.


    3. With the off-season drawing close to an end, what do you think of the Vikings chances this upcoming season?

    I believe the Vikings have a chance for a deep playoff run once we can acquire a few defensemen to round out our team.


    4. So here in the UK, we celebrate November 5th as Bonfire Night, which is basically a day where we set off a load of fireworks and sit/stand round a fire. What do you think of fireworks, lots of fun or a bit too much loud banging? 

    I enjoy watching fireworks, but from afar. They're beautiful when executed correctly and a lot of fun.


    5. Is there any particular game in the NHL this week that you are looking forward to?

    There aren't any particular games I'm looking forward to besides any and all LA Kings games!


    6. When you think the term "Viking", who is the first person (real or fictional) that comes to mind?

    The first person that comes to mind when I hear the term "viking" is Jarl Barlgruuf from the game "Skyrim." While Nords aren't necessarily vikings, they are based off of them!


  6. IwyPDqC1sKn-ttYhejB_rpHMfbKWVnsVjBjG5trb8XmaG0vEW_1-D4dco1oPE-kfYZtwgUDd6yvts86Hm3b09Vwhk0IhTXTopPF-u3MaB3ZSICE-MggDgwhUtQ-v99hz31kZyOsbRzEUJGWD7RyczROimGdhjVudov8pQiyz40AU3PcYgTsv9nM5AGIB

    — (From L to R) Max Holzer, Lachlan Summers, Dawson Zimmerman


    SAN DIEGO, CA — VHL/E draftee Lachlan Summers was spotted at a local Pacific Beach bar chatting to none other than star quarterback Dawson Zimmerman and center Max Holzer.


    With the VHLM draft concluded and the VHLE and VHL drafts quickly approaching, it’s clear Summers needed a way to let loose beforehand. However, nobody could’ve expected he’d find the company of two other athletes who seemingly had no connection to each other prior to the meetup.


    Summers expects to hear his name announced soon at the VHLE draft and the VHL draft the day following. He is regarded as one of the best goaltender prospects this year after a stellar season with the San Diego Marlins. Meanwhile, Zimmerman is entering his third season with the Savage City Wraiths, who have vastly improved over the course of last season. To round out this group of rising stars, Holzer was just selected 6th overall in the SBDL draft by the young and hungry Louisville Lions. 


    The three young athletes were settled at a booth outside of the bar— enjoying the crisp, cool November weather as they sipped on their drinks. It is a well-known fact that Zimmerman hails from San Diego and Summers just finished up his second season with the Marlins, but what brought Holzer to the city just before the start of the SBDL season?


  7. 3 minutes ago, jacobcarson877 said:


    Answer all 6 for 2 TPE, 3 for 1!

    1. Happy Halloween! What is your favourite horror movie villain?

    HAPPY HALLOWEEN! My favorite horror movie villain is Jason Voorhees.

    2. The drafts should be starting this coming weekend into next week! What is one thing you can bring to a new team? (P.S we are JUST starting with our draft interviews so if you haven't heard from us yet don't worry we'll get to you in the coming days)

    One thing I can bring to a new team is a strong locker room presence.

    3. Vampires or Werewolves?

    This is the easiest question because I love werewolves and other shifters. They’ve always been my favorite supernatural creature, so werewolves over vampires!


    4. What is the best thing you've watched recently?

    The best thing I’ve watched recently is “The Boys.”

    5. What is your way too early S86 prediction?

    The Marlins are winning it all in S86!

    6. Tell us about one exciting thing you have going on in November!

    One exciting thing I have going on next month is Thanksgiving break. I am exhausted from school. 


  8. 1296253840_ScreenShot2022-10-30at3_03_33PM.png.0a69ac154fa2cd73c5e7668ee8620325.png


    Peanut butter cookies with mini Reese’s cups decorated like spiders on top, complete with little frosted eyes— that’s Lachlan Summers' plan for dessert this Halloween season. He enjoys the holiday and plans to use it as a time to unwind with his husband Frankie and their beloved dog Addy. He’ll soon become bombarded by offseason activities like the two drafts he’s going to participate in, so he’s going to relish this time off.


    He decided he’s going to be Anakin Skywalker this year after some urging from Frankie, who planned to dress up as Obi-Wan Kenobi. Nobody told Lachlan that buying a replica lightsaber and Jedi robes would be so expensive, though. At least Frankie was stoked about it.


    Their house is decorated fairly well (good enough for two people who are extremely busy this time of year, at least), adorned in fake cobwebs and other little knickknacks they managed to pick up at various places. What horrified Lachlan the most, however, was that most stores had Christmas decor displayed already when he was Halloween shopping. He stopped mid-aisle to comprehend the sheer amount of sparkly tinsel and fake snow, with a bemused expression on his face. To him, putting the holiday decorations out so early was a bit of a questionable decision since it’s October. . . but who was he to judge?


    — Happy Halloween, everyone!

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