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Everything posted by vincentlg2007

  1. Simon is apart of the Russian satanic teletubbies
  2. F-PerryLaperriere on the clock @DMaximus
  3. Here’s my objective for the S86: 100 pts 40 goals in the VHLM


    300 TPE hopefully 

    1. vincentlg2007


      Oh nice there’s an edit button if I end up failing my objective 

    2. vincentlg2007


      Yeah about that bud… 

  4. Definitely more than 102% accurate . I love the fact that you stayed neutral and were not bias on everybody including yourself
  5. Damn really nice articleGreat work put Into it congratulations I must say that I really enjoyed the part about me and the Cologne Draft
  6. Today, i'm hear to gain TPE answer the question on everyone's lips : which team has the best logo according to the mascot man himself vincentlg2007? Get ready for this text everyone get something to drink and a pillow to hit cause that's gonna be contreversial ( actually I don't know). Oh and I'm also here to announce that I'm officially the mascot man ( self proclaimed title). !THIS IS MY OPINION AND MY OPINION ONLY YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO DISAGREE! !THIS POST IS NOTHING PERSONAL AND ISN'T MEANT TO HARM ANYONE! !Every single one of these logos is still very good looking and i'd like to applaud the one who designed them, even if I'm ranking them I know i'll never be able to do a better job than them! 34-London United Ok... I must say that I think this logo represents the city of London very well with the swords and form of the logo that reminfs me of a few Premier League"s team crest. I don't really like how the UK flag is integrated into the logo and the outline doesn't really appeal me. 33-Roma Gladiators Again I see the Roma in this logo with the colors but I don't really like how these colors are put together and I feel like there's an absence of colors. Putting the skin of the gladiator Beige or white would've been a very small modification to the logo yet I think It would make the logo prettier. 32- New-York Americans I think this logo is very simple and even tho it's very american it doesn't have that magic touch that would make me put it higher. 31-Vasteras Iron Eagles Looking at the list of every logo the next one i'd put would be Bratislava and well the logo itself is very nice but I feel like the colors are too light, I feel like the same logo but with darker colors would be EXTRA good looking 30-Halifax 21st There's no define reason just doesn't hit the same for me as the logos higher on this list 29-Constantinople Istanbul Red Wolves I think the red circle adds a lot to the logo and it's a fine addition everything in this logo is good and well justified but the design of the wolf itself is the only thing that justifies this 29th place 28-Oslo Storm Well this doesn't look like a storm to me XD. The logo is actually very nice. 27-Las Vegas Aces Nice looking logo, I don't really have anything to say about this logo sorry everyone. Vegas is casino that's honestly all I have to say. 26-Philadelphia Reapers this logo I honestly love it a lot but there is a severe lack of outline other than that well I don't know what to say except Lemorse top 5 gm in the VHL forum. 25-San Diego Marlins Man... it's hard to do very hard it pains me to put my precious marlins there. But it's a logo ranking not a team ranking and while I like this logo a lot for me it belongs at 25th. Jacob also top 5 gm. 24-Los Angeles Stars A simple logo not too much but it's effective and yeah I love it! But it's a very simple logo so I don't really think I can see myself put them higher than 24th. 23-Québec Meutes Vancouver Wolves I would have really liked if the istanbul wolf had that type of design and I think it's very pretty but #GiveQCaTeam #GiveMTLaTeam 22-Chicago Phoenix The font, the outline oh mama that logo is *chief kiss* but the face of the phoenix makes it a 22nd for me 21-Houston Bulls That crest is good but it's too intense for me lmao. The flames everywhere the agressive bull wow it's a lot. 20-Calgary Wranglers Good logo, good team, definitely looks better than the AHL Calgary Wranglers. Don't really have anything else to say about it. 19-Mississauga Hounds Good logo deserved 19th but there's definitely a magic touch but there's something missing to that magic touch 18-Warsaw Predators Looking at the remaining logos the Predators come at 18th the colors don't appeal me a lot but they look really fun to edit. 17-Seattle Bears Well all I have to say about this logo is I don't like the shield behind it otherwise it's a quality logo and I appreciate it a lot. 16-Moscow Menace How did a grumpy grandpa with a crown make it so high in my list ? That's what i'm thinking. I mean the logo isn't bad the the logos before that aren't bad either this logo is actually pure class even if it's a grumpy grandpa with a crown. Weird that it made it there but it's deserved and I love it. 15-Riga Reign So the grumpy grandpa with a crown died and he's now reincarnated as a grumpy Lion with a crown and lions are cool so 15th. I really don't have anything to say about the logo other than that 14-Helsinki Titans That logo but with Roma colors would've been a perfect Roma Gladiators team but it's Helsinki and the Titans that got it this doesn't really change anything but i didn't have anything to say other than that about the logo, it's cool crest. 13-Toronto Legion Go Habs Go. Seriously, this logo would be better if it was darker tons of blue like the Iron Eagles. Still looking fresh tho. 12-Mexico City Kings Oh nice red outline cool. Original design and idea. It's the grumpy grandpa with a crown dead before he got reincarnated as a lion. Yesterday I was watching a video about why Mexico city geographic placement was trash and that the city was level above sea was going down every year well I explained it badly but you guys should definitely go check it out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAL1kYjsVHE 11-Geneva Rush This logo is very simple but I adore it too much it's very hockey very nice. Wow. Also congrats Mexicancow for your gm position. 10-Cologne Express Ok the train on that logo is powerful and the trees are perfectly placed it's the first entry of the top 10 everyone. The graphic @leandrofg made with it yesterday really made me appreciate this wonderful logo even more and i'm applauding him for that ( and also for being top 5 gm). Also heard they had a pretty competent AGM but that he's a big keyboard warrior. 9-Ottawa Lynx This logo is really cute but it doesn't feel like an hockey logo to me but in terms of logo itself it's very very good looking and it's better than the sens one. 8-Malmo Nighthawks The colors of that logo are powerful and the bird is majestic so is the font and the outline. One thing bugs me tho it's face If it was bigger or on a different angle this logo could easily be 1st. 7-Saskatoon Wild Nice logo all I have to say. This logo is better than Minnesota logo cheers Saskatoon! Saskatoon Wild logo is also MUCH better than the blades one. If the blades we're in the VHL their logo would be last. 6-Miami Marauders YOO A PIRATE SKELETON THAT IS ALSO A ANCHOR. Ok this logo looks funny to me yet epic and badass at the same time. Well deserved spot. Did the grumpy grandpa with a crown die, became a grumpy skeleton with a crown, became grumpy pirate skeleton with a hat THEN became grumpy lion with a crown? 5-Prague Phantom Again, this logo is very badass and nice but it doesn't feel hockey to me it feels video game team logo. But it's very cool. I don't know if I look stupid and that it's the same in english but phantom is close to fantome which means ghost in french. Ghost is fantome right? 4-Stockholm Marlins Vikings Damn, Stockholm drafted a lot of marlins legend right ? I realized that while researching for my next article. The logo itself is good looking with a beautiful blue outline. The server only has the red one that's why I put it. 3-HC Davos Dynamo While making the list this logo bugged me a lot it was really simple and I didn't like the fact that a logo so simple was going so high but it's beautiful that logo is powerful and so perfect to every degree I love this logo. 2-Bratislava Watchmen I wanna fall asleep on a mountain in the night watching this light house alone seeing the waves around it and the light turn while dreaming and listening to music. That's what I feel looking at this logo and this reminds me of the night I spent doing the same thing but with Brooklyn Heights/Dumbo and that feeling is so strong and nostalgic to me that the Watchmen get a 2nd place a silver medal but a gold medal for my sentimental feelings towards this crest. 1-D.C. Dragons Dragons go Burrrrrrrr. Did I make a powerful citation that came from my heart for Bratislava only to finish it with "Dragons go Burrr" at 1st? Yes I did Thanks to everyone that will read this article even if there's only 2 people and that they hate it and disagree with me it's 2 am and well I love my article even if it's far from perfect and a bit of a joke I love it and i'm proud of it and all it's imperfection and weird parts cause they remind me of me, this article is me. ( wasn't gonna end this on a Dragons go Burrrrr)
  7. MIKE in caps is a goated player name if you ask me
  8. Cologne Press conference week of Sunday October 9th 1-If you guys follow the nhl or any hockey league what is your favorite irl hockey player ? 2-if you guys had set an objective for yourself this VHL season what was it and did you guys complete it or are you on route to complete it ? 3-What objective will you set for yourself for the NEXT VHL season ? 4-If you guys follow the VHLM playoff who do guys think will win the cup ? 5-What is your favorite memory so far in the VHL forum ? 6-If y’all have a Halloween costume planned what is it ?
  9. Just a normal week on the VHL forum. Just a simple week after the trade deadline  ( and we’re only Wednesday). There’s definitely nothing happening right now on the forum 

    1. JardyB10


      Well, three people got banned today, so I wouldn't say that's "nothing."

  10. Accidentally put the wrong username this week again… I mean at least there won’t be any confusion while applying TPE since I got 0
  11. So following the previous article we are now at 31 games played for 30 points 14 goals 16 assist which still puts him n.1 in in terms of point in the team meanwhile he also got a job as Assistant General Manger for the Cologne Express which means it's his second Management job after his previous Assistant General Manager job with Team Europe in the World juniors where his team finished with a Bronze Medal. For the marlins the sun has seen brighter days since they are 7th in the league and 4th in the West with a 14-13-4 record. But on the fun note they are in a 5 wins streak right now which also means they have won every game since the opponents switch ( the 28 first games were all agains't Mexico,LA and Miami) so we can say the marlins are in a good period right now. For the Cologne Express they're sitting at 4th in the VHLE, no moves has been made since I arrived but me and the General manager are working to hopefully make something happen soon ( Idk if i'm allowed to say it tho so let's ask as if I didn't say anything ). Of course I still hope that one day I will be the General Manager of my own team in VHL/E/M or in tournaments like JST but until this day happens i'm putting my % into the Cologne Express AGM position.On a side note, I realized i've used both the 1st and the 3rd person to talk about my player which is kinda funny and weird but it's only a minor detail. Excited to see what the rest of the season has to offer for my player but also for the marlins and the express
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