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Triller last won the day on October 1 2024

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About Triller

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  • Player
    Leonard Triller
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  • Gender
  • Location
    BC, Canada
  • NHL Team
    Edmonton Oilers

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  1. Not a bad idea if a consensus could be met. My favorite part is creating the template though so it would be a lot more grindy to create these if it was just jersey swap after jersey swap lol I like the idea Spartan has about adding a specific season just for posterity but I would avoid adding any stats, mostly because it is just boring typing and formatting stats and trying to fit them on a card while also making sure they are readable. It also restricts the overall design when having to consider stats placement. @Rin you on discord?
  2. We can chat too if you're in lol
  3. We should chat...
  4. I don't really have favorite teams yet in the VHL. I played a whole career with London and won a cup but so much of that was because of Jacob at the helm and people like @Aimee , @JCarson and @VattghernCZ being in the LR. There are teams I'd like to play for for sure. Malmo for one because you and Lucy would be a ton of fun to hang around with and because the EU teams I think are more exotic to me. Prague because @TetricideI think would bring good vibes. I live in NA and there aren't any teams in places I like so I don't have any major destinations there other than Vancouver because @Frank seems chill and @Subject056 played there!
  5. Damn, gettin a job immediately! Good on yah!
  6. Highlight all your text and set the text color to automatic, also, wow, you will fit in nicely here lol
  7. You've been doing great with the logo swaps and the sweet shades, no real notes on any of that but if you've got the extra time to put in I would love to see you start incorporating text and some fancy backgrounds! If your hard pressed for time though it is understandable and I enjoy your work none the less.
  8. For the longest time after I joined I had no idea who most of the GMs were as they didn't interact much on the forums and didn't post a whole lot. Found out later it was mostly because they got their TPE from job pay and stuck to the discord. There were exceptions to this but not many. The members who simply reacted to my posts were definitely noticed and those who commented, especially the ones who had been around for a long time, mattered a lot because you are trying to basically get into this "club" that is the VHL. Acceptance is the name of the game. Go that extra little bit and make a point to try and make new people feel like they got into the "club". You nailed this point.
  9. Sounds like you just aren't a fan of the pageantry, plus they tell you your hits and misses in the predictions post eventually anyways.
  10. If you are only concerned about a single reward the HoF awards page has just the winner no?
  11. Congrats to all the winners! Solid picks and a special congrats to Doug for getting his flowers for his contributions to the league! Loved the presentation Lucy, very nicely done!
  12. I managed to win cups with teams that had never won before! Founders in San Diego and Continental in London. That felt extra nice.
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