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Everything posted by Triller

  1. Glad to have you in the league! Simon always requires fresh blood so all first gens are a wonderful sight! Don't worry about your re-roll yet. I'd maybe wait till you make the VHL and talk to your GM about it then. Redefine your player for the big leagues but whatever feels best to you!
  2. Simon be praised! Couldn't have asked for a better experience! UNITED!
  3. I could probably help out here and there if needed.
  4. Damn, so much hate on taters. They can be so much and do so much! You can power a light with one or make it into fries. Enjoy the potatoes, there are only so many pancakes you can eat before you start to feel the lack of variety.
  5. Great first media spot! Glad to see you checking out the TPE tasks and giving them a go! REMEMBER TO CLAIM THIS NEXT WEEK! lol I will try to remind you.
  6. We should be able to review every 500 words of your work lol
  7. Congrats to the Philadelphia Reapers, the S92 Founds Cup Champions!
  8. New week, new presser! No one word answers. 3 questions for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE! 1. In the Off-Season, where does your player call home? 2. Do you clean as you cook or clean after you eat? 3. Do you cook? What is your signature dish? 4. What is your favourite smell? 5. Does your player like to spend their cash or are they a saver? 6. Should only a player in the finals win playoff MVP?
  9. Congratulations to the Bratislava Watchmen on being the Season 92 VHLE Champions!
  10. We are just getting started!
  11. Please do! Message me on Discord if that's easier lol
  12. You definitely can! Lol You want one for Houston or you want to wait for the draft and see where you end up?
  13. New week, new presser! No one word answers. 3 questions for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE! 1. If you were going to put all your TPE into one hybrid attribute which would it be? 2. What is your least favourite way to earn TPE? 3. Would you prefer longer playoffs? Only 1 simmed game a day to keep the hype going? 4. What are your favourite colour combinations? 5. If you could live in any other decade which one would you pick and why? 6. What is your favourite flavor of Slurpee?
  14. We definitely need to get a room and when we do, it will just be another hard fought battle with one team leaving. Always love playing Prague!
  15. End of Regular Season Standings for Feb 11, 2024.
  16. Great article and read! Always appreciate the shout out and I am glad you are now able to instill another AGM with the tools to navigate the league more comfortably!
  17. I think the main issue is that there just isn't anything interesting enough to draw in new members. The old heads are the only ones that even remotely use it and they mainly use it to entertain each other. Most are also not as entertaining or engaging as they think they are. Folding other non VHL chats in might work briefly but eventually the chat will contain disjointed conversations that most don't want to participate in. Good write up though! Appreciate what you do in the E especially!
  18. Standings as of Feb 11, 2024.
  19. New week, new presser! No one word answers. 3 questions for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE! 1. We are making the playoffs! Who's our toughest competition? 2. Who is going to be our playoff MVP? 3. What VHLM team do you feel the strongest connection to and why? 4. Do you follow any other players career in the league? 5. Do you eat cookie dough? Why or why not? Tell me what kind! 6. Did you watch the Superbowl?
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