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Everything posted by scoop

  1. And what, take Gifford Shock off the ballot?
  2. davos is pissin their collective pants right now
  3. git rekt the joke is I told beaglesfan preseason doesn't matter and he shouldn't talk shit about it
  4. Matt and I are recording another podcast together tomorrow morning.
  5. pre-season though that's a low blow
  6. Are the players supposedly updated as of the most recent updates?
  7. I definitely prefer the old one, even though I think it's probably one of the worse logos in the league.
  8. If the season does indeed start after today, then Week 1 will be a long week instead of a short week.
  9. Is pre-season happening or are we gonna start the season without it?
  10. The deadline is either Wednesday's sim or the 1st sim of the season, whichever comes later (so if the season starts on Tuesday, you have until the second sim... if it starts Wednesday or later, you have until the first sim).
  11. Only when a players salary changes will their cost change. That means that there shouldn't be any changes following Week 2. Some of the Week 1 salaries will be off because of salary increases between the time I made the list and the beginning of the season when salaries become locked. And this will affect several teams as a result of the New York bonsuses being handed out. I will make sure to PM everyone whose team is affected by a change in salary of a player on their team. The updated player list will be made once the season starts.
  12. What he's eluding to had nothing to do with anything you've written, but rather it's about the strength of the draft class.
  13. I ran the thing last season and I didn't give a shit about it. There's really no reason to pay attention to it. You just make your roster at the beginning, forget about it, and collect your TPE at the end of the season. This makes it a fuckton more interactive.
  14. Final verdict: I will be doing it my way, as described with weekly roster adjustments allowed. That is, unless the commissioners decide to fire me from the position.
  15. I see things the opposite way. Static rosters take the skill out of it and make it more about luck. And that last line... that's exactly the point. The people who are paying attention to the league and what's going on, the schedules, etc are the ones who are going to do better.
  16. Okay, so you don't have to. It'll put you at a disadvantage to those who put in the effort though.
  17. Aight so here's a list of people who don't get to change their rosters each week: Munk eaglesfan036 CoachReilly Victor sterling Advantage Draper boubabi Everyone else still can.
  18. To be completely honest, I'm very surprised at the negative attention this is getting. What is the argument in favor of no changes? The only thing I can think of is that it requires less work for the person in charge, but I'm entirely fine with doing it.
  19. Yeah, totally lame to actually have control over your roster. I'm fine with it. Maybe it'll be more work than I expect but at least for one season I am certainly willing to put in the effort. Besides, I like doing this kind of stuff. This is a joke, right? To make the winner someone who is more deserving of the win, rather than someone who randomly picked the best squad at the beginning of the season. It's certainly not pointless; it's a pretty big change. It allows people who want to put in more effort for their team to do so.
  20. hey it's that guy who's on my team.. Good luck
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