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Everything posted by scoop

  1. Hmmm, I JUST noticed this: Will, Willow; Jada, Jaden. Lol me.
  2. He would've played for New New York though.
  3. this threat on Munk's life will not be taken lightly
  4. maunk would like to have u be his vice commy.
  5. Also he recruited me to the league, which is probably his greatest accomplishment.
  6. as munk's representative, munk says ty
  7. i will vote 4 you in the upcoming commissioner games
  8. Joined the league (originally back as a S2 draftee) under the name helberg19. My last name, plus 19, my birthday. When I rejoined and was actually active, I made Fayt Leingod, a character from a video game I had been playing around that time. I went with the username Fayt. From there, I had brief stints as lebronrocks and Catholic__Jew, because for some reason I decided to imitate Hickey. I matched his avatar and sig, and apparently I confused some people. Crazy Eights has referred to it as his favorite thing that has ever happened in the VHL. Then I became Streetlight, which is pretty much just derived from the band Streetlight Manifesto. But if people don't know that part, it could seem like it's just a random 'wtf' username. Like, Streetlight? What's next, alarm clock? No. Next was Hustles, which comes from one day when I was younger playing basketball with my brother. Being how super cool we were, we pretended like we were superstars and made up superstar names. My superstar name was Legend 'Hustles' McGowan. Don't remember how I came up with that. And then I went back to Streetlight.
  9. Yeah, definitely will be rooting for them over the Cardinals/Giants.
  10. Going back to their 1985 World Series win, the Royals have won 11 consecutive playoff games (8-0 in the current playoffs). The record is 12 (set by two different Yankee teams). Discuss.
  11. I might be wrong, but maybe something like this would be an example.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofuXJV2R30c
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